Eye drops Vitafakol

Cataract leads to a significant deterioration in the patient's vision. Because of the disease, the lens becomes clouded.

Vitafakol is used to eliminate this phenomenon. It is considered an ophthalmic medicine of local action for the treatment and prevention of cataracts.

Due to the stimulation of metabolic reactions, additional energy is released, which contributes to the recovery of the eye.

In this article in detail we will consider the instruction on the use of the medicine, its side effects, contraindications, price and analogues. At the end of the article you can find reviews about the drug.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects and contraindications
    • 3. Terms and storage terms
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video in the subject

Instructionfor use

Method of use, dosage

The method of use is maximally simple due to the spread in the form of drops. Usually Vitafakol is used as follows:

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  1. To observe the hygiene of the hands before the procedure;
  2. Inject 2 drops into each eye, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day;
  3. You can not touch the eyeball with the vial, because the drug can be infected. Then the effectiveness will decrease or the medicine will become useless at all.

Information is provided for inspection, medicine, dosage, the method of application should be determined by an ophthalmologist.

Pharmacological action of

Vitafakol is a combined preparation. In ophthalmic practice is only a local application. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved by combining the elements: cytochrome C, sodium succinate, adenosine, nicotinamide. The main thrust of the drug is to stimulate energy processes, especially in the lens. Improved metabolism significantly reduces the risk of cataracts.

Cataract is accompanied by a complete or partial change in the capsule of the lens. This greatly worsens, blunted vision. The main difficulty of treating cataracts is its chronic form, mainly removal is performed surgically.

The image shows the difference between a normal eye and an organ affected by cataract:

Due to the stimulation of metabolic processes and the release of new energy, the lens is able to regenerate. Then the turbidity is removed, which leads to better vision. The drug is used in a local form, by digesting into the orbit.

Indications for use

The main indication for use is cataract therapy. It is usually prescribed in a simple form of the disease or as a prophylaxis of the disease. Often, the drug acts as an auxiliary, as it interacts well with other drugs.

The use of Vitafacol reduces the risk of cataracts, and in mild forms even helps to eliminate the disease or to restrain it. Control over the course of the disease should be performed by the attending physician to adjust the treatment and the drug should be administered only with its recommendations. Self-use can damage your health.

Treat cataracts as soon as possible. Below are the different stages of this disease:

Form release, composition

The effectiveness of the drug is based on its components, so the medicine contains:

Cytochrome C The active ingredient, in the form of Cytochrome C, is 74%, the drug contains 0.50 mg. Cytochrome is contained in virtually all tissues of the human body and performs oxidation-reduction function. In this case acts as a catalyst for the restoration of the lens of the eye
Sodium succinate

This compound, which has a wide range of effects on the body, is contained in an amount of 0.6 mg. It helps to eliminate free radicals, stimulates antioxidant defense, metabolic processes on the eye socket and skin also improve.

Stimulates improved blood circulation at the level of microcirculation( especially useful for the lens).Improves metabolism and protein synthesis

Adenosin The component takes about 2 mg per milliliter of the drug. The main task of the element is an anti-inflammatory effect. A rapid and effective elimination of inflammatory reactions is observed and the healing of various wounds is accelerated.

This basic effective remedy, contained in the order of 10 mg, is an active stimulator of redox reactions of the lens. Improves metabolic processes when interacting with proteins, amino acids, purines, etc.

It is noted that the effect of irritation on the lens and skin is not affected, the vessels do not expand after application. In addition, it has an anti-pellagraffic effect, the synthesis of NADP

is also stimulated. Vitafakol is delivered in the form of drops, which should be applied to the eye. The drops are contained in a 10 ml vial.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is fully compatible with most other ophthalmic drugs and can be used almost simultaneously. The only condition is a small pause between use. So it is necessary to observe the interval at least in the 15-20 min .

Side effects and contraindications

Vitafakol is a safe drug, so contraindications are minimal. Side effects are manifested only when hypersensitivity or intolerance of components. As side effects may occur burning, irritation, redness of the conjunctiva, sometimes accompanied by itching.


There are no records of an overdose of Vitafakol, but the consequences can be in the form of burning, itching, redness. In general, the drug is safe and cause the effects of an overdose should not.


Vitafakol practically does not have contraindications; it is also not necessary to observe special precautions. The only possible aspect may be hypersensitivity to one or more of the components of the drug.

It is possible to get out of the situation simply by using analogues that perform a similar function of purification, energy production and stimulation of metabolic processes.

Cataract affects the eyesight as follows:

In pregnancy

There are no specific indications that affect the development of the fetus in the preparation. Therefore, Vitafakol is considered safe enough even during pregnancy, but precautions should be taken. Preliminary it is necessary to address to the expert who will consult and, on the basis of development of illness, will draw a conclusion about necessity and a dosage of a medicine.

Conditions and storage times

The preparation should be stored in a place that is not accessible to direct sunlight. Storage in a dark place of the closed vial at room temperature can be made up to 2 years , without loss of medicinal properties. It is also necessary to protect the storage place from children.

Important! If the vial was opened, then it must be used within 1 month, otherwise the process of loss of therapeutic properties will begin and the drug will become harmful or at least useless.


The cost of the drug is small, so for one bottle in the realities of the Russian market will have to give the order of 250-300 rub .The price policy may vary depending on the importer, the pharmacy network and the exchange rate, but in general the range indicated is fair.

In the Ukrainian market, the price fluctuates within the same limits, the order of is 100 UAH per bottle, similar factors of cost dispersion are valid for Ukraine.


Similar to the effects of drugs are prescribed when Vitafakol does not bring the expected result or the person is hypersensitive / intolerant of the drug.

The effect on the body on the part of analogs is similar, but not identical, so it is not necessary to replace the drug yourself. To determine the most suitable analog, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

In general, drugs can become a worthy substitute:

  • Taufon is a medicine that can stimulate the reparative effect of the lens with dystrophic retinal disorders. It is especially effective in cases of lens power impairments and traumatic injuries;
  • Katachrom is a drop for treating cataracts. They are considered to be a group of stimulants that regenerate the restorative function of tissues. Also, metabolic processes are improved, an antioxidant effect is noted, and the surface of the eye is moistened. Additionally removes inflammatory effects and has antimicrobial effect;
  • Emoxipine is a synthetic antioxidant that is actively used in ophthalmic practice. Strengthens, protects the vessels of the eye, stimulates resorption of small hemorrhages. Also, blood circulation in the field of application improves, reduces the negative impact of free radicals and excessive illumination;
  • Vita-Yodourol is a medicine for treatment, including preventive, cataracts. Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • Quinax - helps clear the eyeball and eliminate third-party connections, mostly opaque protein. The effect is achieved through the use of proteolytic enzymes;
  • Crystalline is a drug for the prevention and treatment of degenerative effects in the lens. It is used for cataract and presbyopia. Improves tissue regeneration and energy release in cells. Also, the drug protects against inflammation, microbes, irritations. Hrustalin is able to prolong the life of cells and prevent blunting vision;
  • Catalin is a somewhat specific drug that aims at eliminating cataracts of two types: diabetic and senile. Prevents coagulation of proteins, formation of harmful deposits;
  • Ujjala is an eye tonic that is used to improve health in cataracts and allows you to clean the lens. Relieves fatigue, tension with intense, prolonged strain on the eyes. Cleanses the tear ducts and vessels.


Reviews of patients about this drug, used to treat cataracts in a conservative way diverse. In some patients, the improvement is first, there is an aggravation of vision, and people stop taking the drug. But this is not true, since the course must be passed to the end.

Some patients note that after the reception begins to show an itch and a slight burning sensation in the eyes. This is one of the consequences of Vitafakol. An allergic reaction does not appear immediately, which many misleads.

And many note that the result does not take long to wait and it is possible to achieve significant success in the fight against cataracts.


Let's sum up the article:

  1. Vitafakol is an eye drop that helps in cataract treatment.
  2. The drug has a wide range of active ingredients in its composition, which allows it to be used effectively.
  3. No data on the effects on the fetus during pregnancy, therefore, before use, consult an ophthalmologist.
  4. The list of side effects and contraindications is small, which makes it convenient to use for many patients.
  5. The cost of the drug is around 250-300 rubles.
  6. The medicine has analogues, if it is not available in pharmacies, it can easily be replaced with a similar drug.

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