Inox: Instructions for Use

Dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye is the most common complaint with an ophthalmologist.

It is usually associated with dry eye syndrome.

This disease is provoked by many factors: unfavorable environmental conditions, work associated with increased eye strain, age-related changes.

The main symptom of this condition is the almost complete absence of natural tears.

Dry eye syndrome is very treatable. Inox is a time-tested drug that replaces the natural human tear. In this article, we will take a closer look at this medication and review its instructions for use.


1. Instructions for use

  • 2. Side effects and contraindications
  • 3. Storage terms and conditions
  • 4. Price
  • 5. Analogues
  • 6. Reviews
  • 7. Conclusion
  • 8. Useful video
  • Instruction forapplication

    Pharmacological action

    Drops of Inox almost instantly reduce the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye. They also eliminate symptoms of irritation:

    • sensation of sand in the eyes;
    • redness;
    • itching;
    • frequent blinking.
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    Inox creates a protective film that protects the eyes from dirt, dust and other harmful substances from the environment, and also has a sun-protective effect.

    Drops have a miorelaksiruyuschee effect, so quickly relieve fatigue after working at the computer, using other electronic devices or reading paper books. The agent helps to restore the mucous membranes of the eyes after a long time of wearing contact lenses.

    Medicinal plants, extracts of which are contained in Inox, have the strongest antiseptic, vasoconstrictive and soothing effect.

    The drug has a pleasant and cosmetic effect: after instillation sclera of the eyes acquire a noble bluish tint.

    Indications for use

    Inox is a popular drug among ophthalmologists and their patients. It is effective in various clinical situations. Here are the main indications for which these drops are prescribed:

    • dry eye syndrome;
    • permanent exposure to harmful external factors( severe weather conditions, hazardous chemical emissions, eye contact with water with high chlorine content, aggressive cosmetics, dirt, dust);
    • work associated with increased load on the organs of vision( on a computer, with drawings, with small details, in case of insufficient illumination);
    • prolonged use of contact lenses;
    • prolonged wearing of magnifying glasses;
    • long driving.

    How to use and dosage

    Inox should be instilled in the eye during the day as needed. Usually the need for drops occurs 3-4 times a day.

    In order to properly drip drops, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

    • before use, be sure to wash your hands;
    • slightly tilt your head back;
    • with one hand pull the lower eyelid;
    • remove the cap and, lightly pressing on the dispenser, drop 2-3 drops into the conjunctival sac;
    • several times blink for centuries so that the excess drug will leak out;
    • gently close the cap, without touching any foreign surfaces, to avoid contamination of the dispenser with harmful bacteria.

    The course of treatment can continue as long as necessary, but it is important to remember that the Inox is just a symptomatic therapy, that is, it can not eliminate the cause and cure the underlying disease.

    If the harassing symptoms persist for a long time, you need to find out why they arise and undergo treatment with a specialist.

    Form of issue, composition, manufacturer.

    The inox is available as a sterile, transparent solution of bluish tint, intended for instillation into the conjunctival sac. The product is sold in glass bottles with a volume of 10 milliliters, equipped with a special dispenser-pipette.

    It contains several active substances:

    • extract of sweet clover;
    • witch hazel extract;
    • extract of elderberry;
    • extract of shampoo;
    • extract of a blue cornflower.

    Also, Inox contains a number of auxiliary components:

    • distilled water;
    • sodium hydroxide;
    • sodium tetraborate;
    • is azulene;
    • benzalkonium chloride.

    Inox manufactures the well-known pharmaceutical plant Laboratories Omega Pharma France, which specializes in the production of natural cosmetics, mineral water and aromatic oils.

    Drug Interactions

    There is no conclusive evidence on the interaction of Inox with other drugs. But when using them, you should observe a rule common to all eye drops and ointments: the remedy should not be used until half an hour after using any other eye medication.

    Inox contains a number of preservatives that can cause mechanical damage to soft contact lenses and render them unusable.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Undesirable reactions with the use of the drug are rare and almost never require withdrawal of the drug, reducing dosage and contacting a doctor. The drug has no systemic effect and does not penetrate into the bloodstream. Sometimes patients encounter local reactions of an allergic nature:

    • irritation,
    • pruritus,
    • burning sensation,
    • redness,
    • lacrimation,
    • sensation of foreign body.


    No cases of drug overdose have been reported, since it is an imitation of natural lubrication of the human eye.


    Inox is a safe remedy that is well tolerated by most people. The only contraindication for its use is a pronounced hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Also, the drug is administered with caution to children under 14 years of age, because to date, there is not enough accumulated data on its use in children.

    In pregnancy,

    , Inox does not penetrate the placenta and is not found in the lactating woman's milk, so its use is possible during pregnancy and lactation.

    In the normal state, the eye wetting system that is disturbed with dry eye syndrome is as follows:

    Conditions and shelf life

    Shelf life Inox is 36 months from the date of manufacture. After the expiry date, the drug should be discarded. The product should be protected from children. Keep it at a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight.

    The medicine can be used within one month after opening the vial.


    Country Price
    Russia On average, in the Russian Federation, one bottle of Inox is worth about 500 rubles .The minimum cost is about 450 rubles , and the maximum - 600 rubles
    Ukraine In Ukraine, Inoks is much cheaper than in Russia. There one package of the drug can be purchased for 60 hryvnia , which equals approximately 150 Russian rubles


    There is a huge amount of tools that mimic the human tear. They differ from Inoksi in that the main active components that make up their composition are of chemical origin. This means that as a result of their use, the development of allergic and other unpleasant reactions is more likely.

    Here are the most common analogs:

    1. Natural tear.
    2. Vizin.
    3. Hilozar-Chest of drawers.
    4. Hilo-Kear.
    5. Ottagel.
    6. Systein-Ultra.
    7. Ophthalmic.

    Among them are both funds from the lower price segment, and premium products.


    Patients who have used Inoxu respond positively to it. They note that the drug almost immediately removes all unpleasant symptoms and is very well tolerated. The network does not meet a single response, which would describe any significant side effects or allergic reactions. The only drawback consumers consider high cost of the drug and its high consumption.

    According to the Internet users who left their comments on Inox, one bottle of the drug is enough for about 5 days of use. So, if you need to apply moisturizing drops all the time, a considerable amount of money will go to Innoks per month.

    If you have ever used Inox's drops, please describe the personal impression in the comments. This will help other readers of the resource to form their opinion about the tool.


    1. Inox is a good moisturizing drop that mimics the human tear.
    2. Can be used in many clinical situations.
    3. Have a good safety profile and rarely have any side effects.
    4. Inox is considered a remedy that almost never causes serious allergic reactions.
    5. It is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation and is absolutely safe for the fetus.
    6. Refers to the middle price segment.
    7. There is a large number of analogues of the Inox.

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