Choosing inexpensive antiviral drugs for children and adults

With the advent of cold weather, there is a significant increase in the number of people suffering from viral infectious diseases. No one is immune from such ailments. In search of antiviral drugs for children and adults, people go to the pharmacy. And since the price of drugs mainly depends on the manufacturer, it is worth choosing cheap medications.

  • Adult
  • Remantadin
  • Echinacea
  • Lavomax
  • For infants
  • Efferalgan
  • Panadol
  • Viferon
  • For children 1-3 years
  • Alguire
  • Tamiflu
  • Immunoflazidum
  • For children 3-6 years
  • Imupret
  • Lavomax
  • Kagocel
  • Children6-12 years
  • Remantadin
  • Kagocel

For adults

We will begin the review of antiviral drugs for orgi and influenza with funds for adults. Some think that only expensive, highly advertised medicines can help in the treatment. This is not true. There are inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs:

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Has a strong antiviral activity in the fight against influenza. Can be used as a prophylaxis. The drug is not recommended to take while driving an auto( causes drowsiness).

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Produced in the form of tablets and tinctures. It is used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Increases the body's resistance to viral infections. Promotes increased endurance in general. It is recommended to take in the off-season as a preventive measure.

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Inexpensive anti-viral drug that increases the reproduction of natural interferon. It helps in the first stages of the manifestation of the disease, especially in the first twelve hours after the appearance of the main symptoms( temperature and malaise).

On how to bring down the temperature of an adult read here
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For infants

Immunity of toddlers is much weaker than in adults, so theymore often get sick. The main task of parents is to choose the safest drugs for the treatment of viral diseases. You should choose the drugs that are shown for this age category. The most inexpensive are:

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In the form of a syrup or candles. Serve as an excellent antipyretic. Candles are a faster and more convenient option. Begin to act for thirty minutes( syrup - for an hour).Before use, carefully read the instructions.

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Will help to eliminate pain syndromes caused by viral diseases. But, it is worth remembering that when the symptoms alone are eliminated, the disease itself remains practically untouched. This drug is appropriate for a non-serious disease without exacerbations or in combination with other medicines.

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In the form of candles. It can be used in the treatment of newborns, it helps fight the manifestations of Orvi. It is a delicate preparation, it does not cause irritation and discomfort. Its effect manifests itself within an hour after application.

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For children 1-3 years old

When a child turns a year, his immunity becomes stronger. But in the fight against viral diseases without medications can not do.

It is best to carry out preventive measures during the epidemic. Choosing inexpensive drugs, pay attention to:

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As a syrup. Can be used as a treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Since the preparation contains sugar, it is contraindicated in diabetic patients. May cause drowsiness.

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Helps in the treatment of influenza and orgi. It is advisable to take with the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease. The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the child. Well established in the first twelve hours of illness.

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Can be taken as a syrup for babies and children under 12 years. The main thing is to take into account the dosage for each specific age. Soft, delicate remedy. Virtually no consequences. Rarely provokes nausea.

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For children 3-6 years old

Usually those drugs that are shown to kids from one year to three years are suitable for children under six years old. The main thing is to follow the correct dosage of the medicine. Among the possible drugs offered:

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Is a tool for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. As a preventive preparation it is suitable for reception in the off-season, with a sharp change in climatic zones, with a sharp change in the activity of the child( for example, before walking and at first walking in the pool).

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Increases immunity by helping to fight viral infections. Has a good effect on the overall strengthening of the body. But, as a preventive measure, this drug, like any other, must be used according to the instructions( strictly a certain time - no longer!).

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Gives good results when taken only in the first hours of the onset of a viral disease. If the symptoms are observed for more than a day, then this drug is better to refuse in favor of other antiviral drugs. The course of treatment - from five days or more.

List of antibiotics for children with angina and flu, see here
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For children 6-12 years old

For this agethe following drugs are suitable for the category:

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Has a strong antiviral activity in the fight against influenza. Good at all stages of the disease. Can be used as a prophylaxis, but only strictly according to the instructions. Excessive use of the drug leads to addiction.

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Possesses sufficiently high antiviral activity. Suitable for almost all ages, but has a number of limitations that are specified in the instructions. Take the drug you need almost from the first minute, when you notice the symptoms. If you get sick a day and start drinking this medicine, you will not have a noticeable effect.

For a list of Russian analogues of imported medicines, see here

When choosing medicines, pay attention to domestic drugs, which by their properties are not inferior to Western analogues. Take into account, any remedy has contraindications. Before using it, carefully read the instructions. Even better, if you consult a doctor before treating yourself and, especially, the child.


The flu is a very bad thing, and most importantly it can be picked up anywhere. Previously, I always tried to cure him for a long time, and after I found Lavomax, now the flu is treated quickly and easily. A wonderful remedy.


My attitude towards antiviral drugs is quite skeptical. It does not matter whether it's expensive or cheaper. I still can believe that there will be some effect if taken for prophylaxis. Perhaps you will not get sick. But it is not clear how this will affect the immune system in the future. The organism itself must cope. And if I'm sick, I do not see any sense in taking antiviral drugs. More liquid, moisten the air, if necessary, reduce the temperature of paracetamol.
But everyone has their own attitude to health, methods of treatment. Therefore, for whom can these drugs and are effective.

  • Jun 01, 2018
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