Examples of images for a photo session in the style of Provence

Among all the styles and directions of art that have come down to us through the depth of centuries, one of the most romantic, beautiful, preserved in itself naturalness and craving for nature, rightfully considered to be Provence. In Provence, what is sometimes so lacking in the modern world is hidden. It is simplicity, frankness, naturalness, purity of feelings and sincerity of images.

  • A bit about the
  • style Where to navigate
  • Image options
  • Family photosession

A bit about the style of

Provence is a small area in the southeast of France, famous for the whole world with its lavender fields drowning beyond the horizon, endless vineyards and azure sandy shore of the Mediterraneanseas. In photography, the style of Provence is distinguished by its elegant tranquility and serenity. No bright, screaming colors and colors, large and magnificent accessories or overly evocative images. Everything should be simple and harmonious, maximally natural and romantic.

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Main attributes of style:

  • lavender, lavender fields, dried lavender, things and flowers of a lilac shade;
  • pastel muted fabric tones;
  • an abundance of lace fabrics in tandem with coarse fabrics, for example, burlap;
  • simple wooden furniture;
  • retro things;
  • large abundance of colors of soft colors.
Find out also all about holding a photo shoot in the style of a boho http://woman-l.ru/idej-dlya-fotosessii-v-stile-boxo/
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Where to navigate

First of all Provence is associated with the vast expanses, becausephoto shoot in nature will be just the perfect option. Ideal would be a lavender field, but flower meadows, steppes, forest glades, a bank of a river or a pond, a garden, especially blossoming lilac bushes, will also suit. Much depends on the correctness of the chosen location and the angle of photography.

Provence does not tolerate tightness, tightness and discomfort. The landscape should be full of life and flowering colors of nature. For indoor photography, choose a spacious bright room. From the interior fit vintage furniture, preferably white or light color, it is also desirable to exclude all business and modern style, giving preference to the classics. As accessories, you can use antique watches, paintings, vases. The room can also be decorated with white, blue or soft purple flowers, grapevine, as essential attributes of France.

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Variants of images

The image in the style of Provence should convey the beauty and romance of France, be gentle and serene, easy and natural.

Creating an image in a Provence style does not usually require excessive effort or cost. For this purpose, light windy dresses are used just below the knee of gentle pastel tones: white, blue, pink, purple, olive, mint, light lilac. Make-up should be as natural and invisible as possible, preserving natural beauty and attractiveness. An exception can only be lipstick bright red flowers and pink palettes.

For a photo shoot in the style of Provence, do not make high hairstyles and use excessive amounts of lacquer. Hair can be left loose or make a styling with braids and lush curls. All excessively massive and large accessories should be excluded, preferring small hairpins, bows, brooches, bracelets and fresh flowers.

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Family photosession

The tranquility and romanticism inherent in the Provence are ideal for a family photo shoot. Whether it's a loving couple, newlyweds or parents with children. To do this you will have to follow all the same simple rules in clothes, colors, accessories and selection of places for a photo shoot. Family photos made in the style of Provence, will keep you warm and cozy, giving you the joy of memories.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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