The whole truth about Tibetan tea is chang schu for losing weight

Fast food, fatty and dry foods, irregular eating habits, heavy loads and persistent stresses have a detrimental effect on our body, particularly on the stomach and intestines. All this leads to disruption of metabolism and the development of excess weight, cellulite. We become depressed and inert, in us the charge of vigor and energy goes out. To get rid of all the above problems helps Tibetan tea.

  • Chemical Composition
  • Useful Properties
  • What the consumer receives
  • Promise from the manufacturers
  • The real opinions of the physicians
  • How to take
  • Dosage
  • Contraindications

Chemical Composition

The composition of the tea contains useful substances: tianine, catechin;naringin;tannins, L-carnitine, synephrine, dopamine, alkaloids, chromium compounds, bioflavonoids, lutein. It contains a large number of vitamins of various groups, caffeine, which increases the endurance of the body, giving tone.

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Useful properties

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Tibetan tea Chang Shu has many useful properties:

  • tianin, affects the cerebral cortex, activating mental activity and promoting the development of physical strength. It positively affects the human intestines and promotes rapid burning of excess fats;
  • catechin helps reduce cholesterol and glucose. This substance actively helps in getting rid of excess weight;
  • all other substances perform a similar mission and give the body a charge of vivacity and energy. The complex of these substances also contributes to a decrease in appetite, affects the growth of muscles and the nervous system;
  • using Tibetan tea, you will be less prone to depression;
  • alkaloids in their properties are similar to caffeine and improve the elasticity of the vessels, and also lead the muscles into tone;
  • dopamine improves memory, nervous system and improves mood;
  • bioflavonoids stimulate cells to renew, help in rejuvenating the body, they will help you to be toned, strengthen your hair and not see gray hair for a long time. Also bioflavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • lutein has a beneficial effect on vision, in particular on the retina of the eye. This is especially important for people working near a computer, whose eyes are exposed to radiation from monitors.

The drink has a beautiful and rich blue tint. Tea is distinguished by its special aroma and unique taste.

Tea not only helps you lose weight and keep fit, it prevents the development of cancer and diabetes. Tea can help people who have such diseases as gastritis, atherosclerosis, obesity, venous insufficiency.

Learn also all about the benefits and features of ginger tea
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What the consumer receives

This Tibetan tea is not found in a regular store or pharmacy. It can be purchased in Thailand, Nepal or Tibet. You can order a drink from the tea manufacturer, having previously checked all the necessary documents and certificates for the goods. Such tea can not cost cheap, so a high price is one of the signs of the authenticity of tea. Tea grows in the mountainous regions of Tibet and Nepal at an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level. It absorbs all the microelements necessary for our body. For more than a thousand years, the flowers of tea are collected by monks only twice a year. Hence its value and rarity.

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Promise of manufacturers

Manufacturer promises fast weight loss with the use of this tea, removing toxins from the body, general improvement, improvement of the skin, normalization of digestion, restoration of vision.

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Real doctor's reviews

After analyzing the opinions of specialists, it is concluded that the attitude of doctors to Tibetan tea Chang Shu has two sides.

Many experts, familiar with the chemical composition, useful properties, recommend the use of this drink.

Doctors-nutritionists positively assess the effect of the drink on the body, but warn that the result may not be as fast as many expect. It is desirable to combine tea with training and sports activities, as well as to make sure that your diet is in order.

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Doctors and endocrinologists note that despite the positive effect of taking tea, do not get carried away with this drink. It is enough to reduce the consumption of tea to one cup a day, or even completely limited to 2 cups a week.

Ophthalmologists note the positive dynamics in restoring vision and strengthening the retina in the process of drinking this drink.

But there are also ardent opponents of Tibetan tea, who claim that its use is useless. They do not recommend buying this drink, much less drinking it, referring to the fact that there is no data on clinical studies of useful properties. This is really so: no other trustworthy organization has studied the tea closely and has not borne out a verdict justified by science.

When buying this drink, you should remember two rules:

  • to avoid fakes, buying goods from trusted manufacturers;
  • does not apply to tea, as a panacea for all diseases.
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How to take

The peculiarity of tea is that it is not leaves, but flowers that are used for its brewing.

To make tea, it is necessary to heat water up to 90 degrees. Pour the tea into the brewer and pour water with the calculation of 1 to 3. Then the water will need to be drained. This procedure is necessary in order to wash the flowers from dirt. After this procedure, the tea is again filled with water, it is infused for 10 minutes.

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Dosage of

Tea should be drunk no more than 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, brewing from 5 to 7 flowers per 350 milliliters of water. The dose should be moderate. Tea is not advised to take constantly, but periodically - a week or two later. Do not brew too strong drink. You need to be careful when using tea with other medicinal drinks or medicines, because their effects can be completely different.

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Tea has a calming effect, so it is contraindicated for drivers. It can interfere with driving, as it reduces reaction and attention.

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Before important business meetings and negotiations, also do not use this drink.

Allergic reactions and human intolerance to specific substances contained in tea are taken into account.

Gently drink tea should be hypotensive, because the drink reduces pressure.

Tea is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.


I bought a purple tea through the site. From May 2 began to take two cups. But the pressure began to rise to 170 and the heart rate increased to 100. Could this be? I'm hypertensive, I have ischaemia. I'm 62 years old, I wanted to lose weight.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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