Useful properties, methods of application and contra-indications of calendula

Calendula, or medicinal nails, unpretentious and ubiquitous plant. All parts of this flower are endowed with colossal healing power. Their useful properties have long been used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, but in the age of new medical technologies, calendula treatment has not lost its relevance.

  • chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Formulations
  • Broth
  • Infusion
  • alcoholate
  • oil
  • Ointment
  • Tablets
  • Recipes
  • applications for improving
  • immunity In diseases upper
  • airway infectious diseases
  • throat When rhinitis( common cold)
  • Whendiseases of the oral cavity
  • For gynecological problems
  • With erosions, colpitis, thrush
  • With ectopic uterine neck
  • With trichomoniasis
  • For samplescardiovascular system
  • In case of cardiac dysfunction
  • With myocardial dystrophy and reduction of contractile function
  • With hypertension
  • In case of heart failure( tachycardia, arrhythmia)
  • With digestive system diseases
  • instagram viewer
  • With gastritis and ulcer
  • With cholelithiasis
  • With dyskinesia bile excretorypathways( hypertensive)
  • For dermatological problems
  • For oncology
  • To reduce intoxication, dyspepsia
  • With melanoma
  • Harvest and store
  • Harm and Contraindications

Chemical Composition

The wide application of this flower in medicine as an adjunct to the treatment of various diseases is explained by its rich chemical composition, represented by the following elements.

  • Carotenoids. This pigment is not able to be produced in animal organisms, but is actively used by them for the synthesis of vitamin A. Moreover, the quantitative content of this substance depends on the method of drying the plant. When heat treated in a plant, there are almost 2 times more carotenoids than in a natural plant.

  • Sterols - steroidal alcohols, are found in all parts of marigold, but mostly in leaves. Getting into the animal body, can be processed instead of cholesterol, thereby lowering its level. This is due to their similar structure.
  • Triterpenoids are the basic substances providing anti-inflammatory activity of a plant. Preferably are glycosides of oleanolic acid, as well as alcohols. Are present in all organs of the plant.
  • Flavonoids are phenolic compounds that play a significant role in plant life, protecting it from excess ultraviolet and participating in reproductive function. To animal organisms these substances have a whole complex of medicinal properties( choleretic, spasmolytic, healing, antineoplastic and others).
  • Essential oils - have pronounced antibacterial, antifungal( phytoncide) properties.
  • Coumarins - in the inflorescences of the plant there are scopoletin, umbelliferone, esculetin.
  • Acids of organic origin ( malic, ascorbic).
  • Polyphenols, resins .
  • Polysaccharides .
  • Antitumour substance - lololide .
  • Microelements ( milligram content per gram): potassium( 28.80), calcium( 11.40), magnesium( 2.50), iron( 0.15) are mostly found in plant flowers.
  • Microelements : manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, molybdenum.
  • Alkaloids , fatty oil( glycerides of lauric and palmitic acids) are present in the seeds of the plant.
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Useful properties

After analyzing the chemical composition of this plant, it is possible to formulate its medicinal qualities.

  • Calendula acts as an effective antiseptic. Its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial qualities are used for the repair of wounds, abrasions, cracks, cuts. Rinsing of the calendula of the oral cavity and nasopharynx for infectious diseases is widely used. This plant actively fights against such pathogens as staphylococci and streptococci, therefore it is applicable in the treatment of purulent wounds and formations.
  • The healing properties of calendula for the eyes are also an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases such as barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
  • The antifungal properties of the plant allow it to be used in the treatment of diseases caused by this pathogen.
  • The use of calendula in the treatment and prevention of influenza and herpes is effective, 70% alcoholic tincture is better.
  • The medicinal plant acts soothingly on the central nervous system of a person, eliminates insomnia, can reduce excitability, blood pressure, excessive cardiac activity.
  • The healing properties of calendula seeds, caused by the content of alkaloids and fatty oils, contribute to improving blood circulation, keeping the body in tone.
  • Healing and decongestion effects regenerate the epithelium more quickly after mechanical traumatization, burns, frostbite, with cracks, calluses, scarring of ulcers of the digestive tract.
  • In gynecology this plant is involved in the treatment of erosion of the cervix, colpitis, menopausal syndrome.
  • In urological diseases, decoction of inflorescences is used as a diuretic and antispasmodic agent.
  • The use of plants in cosmetology is due to the healing properties of calendula for skin and hair. The bactericidal action of the drug has a purifying effect on the pores of the epithelium, eliminating acne and acne, is used to lighten the pigment spots and eliminate freckles. Calendula strengthens the hair, affecting their roots and scalp.
  • The healing properties of calendula flowers are used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by spasms, especially in the digestive tract. Its use in gastritis, peptic ulcer, liver diseases, bile ducts, intestines is shown.
  • Calendula is able to increase appetite. For this reason, it is prescribed for exhaustion of the body, impaired absorption of nutrients, beriberi, dystrophy.
  • The healing properties of the roots of calendula due to the content of inulin increase the body's defenses, help to eliminate harmful substances.
  • Calendula is used in oncology as a symptomatic and supportive agent. With an inoperable tumor of the stomach, it is able to reduce the manifestations of intoxication, dyspepsia. With melanoma, there was a decrease in lung metastases. Powder from the plant is used for radiation treatment of oncology of different localization.
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Medicines manufactured on the basis of calendula are presented in various forms and forms. They can be manufactured independently or purchased in the pharmacy chain.

The medicinal raw materials are predominantly calendula baskets, orange-red, and grass, except for the lower parts of the stem, are considered more useful.
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Medications include already processed parts of the plant while maintaining all the healing properties. All these drugs are biological stimulants of the body, have significant anti-inflammatory, firming, soothing effects, treat digestive organs, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.

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Recipe 1.

2 tablespoons of flowers pour one liter of hot water. Dishes should preferably be enamelled or heat-resistant glass. Then put the broth on a water bath, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for about 20 minutes. After this, the solution is filtered and insisted under the lid for about an hour. You can store it for no more than 2 days.

Recipe 2.

If the broth needs to be obtained in a shorter time, then this simple recipe is applied. In the dishes put 1 tablespoon of medicinal raw materials, poured a glass of steep boiling water and left under the lid for 10 minutes. This decoction is widely used for rinsing, douching. With washing and inhalation, the raw material is used in the amount of 2 table spoons.

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Due to its curative properties and cooking technology, the infusion is similar to decoction, but it usually requires more medicinal raw material for it.

15 calendula flowers should be filled with 250 milliliters of steep boiling water. After this, the infusion is closed with a lid and tightly wrapped. He must insist in a warm place for at least an hour. This infusion can be used for furunculosis, barley and other purulent-inflammatory diseases.

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Alcohol tincture

The most common form of calendula. On sale is presented in a vial in the form of an alcoholic solution of yellow color. It is applied either inside( 10-20 drops), and as an external agent( 5 milliliters of tincture diluted in a glass of water).

  • A solution for inhalations is prepared by diluting a tablespoon of tincture in a glass of water.
  • Used for the same purposes as infusion and decoction, but local treatment of affected areas is more effective at the expense of alcohol content.
  • Used in otolaryngology and dentistry in the form of rinses.
  • In case of ear inflammation, it is placed in the ear canal with the help of tampons.


Alcohol tincture can be made by yourself, for this 1 part of the plant flowers are poured with 5 parts of vodka and insist for a week.

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oil This drug is obtained by maceration when flowers are infused with vegetable oil or carbon dioxide extraction.

  • Has a mild antiseptic, wound-healing effect, is a priority in the treatment of skin diseases, burns, frostbite, cracks.
  • It is used in gynecology in the form of tampons.
  • Used for varicose veins.
  • In cosmetology is prescribed for skin care, nails and hair.


Dry or fresh raw material is poured with oil until full coating of colors, then insisting 2 weeks. To speed up the process, it is possible to replace the infusion by heating the oil in a water bath for half an hour.

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Used for external use. Ointment "Calendula" is applied 1-2 times a day with abrasions, cuts, cracks, intertrigo, bruises, for the treatment of boils, carbuncles, hemorrhoids.


At home, the ointment can be made by mixing the crushed plant flowers with a similar amount of petroleum jelly. With calendula, you can use any other fat, for example, butter.

Useful properties, contraindications and prescriptions for the application of ordinary anise
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They are used for oral administration as anti-inflammatory and stimulating healing processes. Tablets "Kaleflon" contain 0.1 grams of the flower extract of this plant. Assign 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 3 to 6 weeks. Sometimes there are side effects in the form of bitterness, burning and pain in the abdomen.

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Recipes for application

Treatment of diseases with calendula has its own characteristics, depending on the area and purpose of use. This plant can be used both independently and as part of medicinal fees.

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To enhance the immunity of

The use of calendula to strengthen the body's defenses is due to the phytoncidal properties of calendula. Regular use of decoction or infusion for preventive purposes significantly reduces the risk of infectious diseases.

Recipe 1.

It is recommended to rinse your mouth every day and rinse the nasopharynx with infusion( 10 grams of calendula 200 ml of boiling water).

Recipe 2.

At the initial stage of the disease, tincture on alcohol is considered to be more effective for increasing the immune forces. At the first symptoms it is recommended to dilute the solution from 2 drops of tincture to 1/3 cup of water. This liquid should be instilled in the nose and gargle with her throat with an interval of 2 hours.

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For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, tea from calendula can also be used to enhance general tone and strengthen the body. Several petals are put in brewed green or black tea. However, one must take into account that, in addition to the medicinal properties, tea from calendula has contraindications.

In cases of bronchial asthma and in persons prone to an allergic reaction, the use of all medications with this plant should be carried out with caution.
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For infectious diseases of the throat

Widely used rinse with a decoction, infusion or tincture on alcohol( 5 milliliters per glass of water).The number of procedures depends on the severity of the process, at the height of the disease treatment is performed at intervals of 2 hours and lasts 5 minutes, with chronic diseases - twice a day.

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In rhinitis( runny nose)

Prescription 1.

Nasal cavity is washed with a solution: 5 milliliters of marigold per 500 milliliters of slightly salty water. Treatment is done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Recipe 2.

It is possible to apply calendula together with chamomile, linden, nettle in case of a cold. All ingredients should be in equal proportions. Brew 2 tablespoons of this raw material with a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. With this solution, the nose is washed twice a day.

Recipe 3.

A positive effect is provided by inhalations with a decoction of marigold. The procedures are carried out on average 2-6 times a day for 3-7 days.

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For diseases of the oral cavity

Prescription 1.

When the disease is localized in this area, rinses are used from the tincture to alcohol( 5 milliliters per glass of water).It is often used for angina.

Recipe 2.

The standard broth is also effective, which can be further strengthened by adding leaves of Artemisia and Psyllium in similar proportions to calendula. A tablespoon of raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and heated on a water bath for a quarter of an hour, must be filtered. The procedure should be performed 2-3 times daily, carefully the oral cavity, the tonsils, tonsils.

Recipe 3.

For gum disease, particularly gingivitis, stomatitis, rinsing is performed with a concentrated alcohol tincture( 5 milliliters per half a glass of water).

Recipe 4 .

You can use infusion( 2 tablespoons of raw material per glass of water), but before the procedure it is diluted with 2 or 3 parts of water, for periodontal diseases - 1 part of water. Rinse is done several times a day, it is desirable to hold the solution in the mouth for a while.

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For gynecological problems

For diseases of the genital area in women, medicines with calendula have a local application.

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With erosions, colpitis, thrush

An alcoholic tincture in the form of a daily syringing or baths is used. When using oil, it is poured into the vagina with a tampon.

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When ectopic of the uterine neck of

Recipe 1.

Efficiently douche with a solution of 5 milliliters of 2% tincture and a glass of water.

Recipe 2.

It is recommended to add the extract of propolis( 10%) in similar proportions to the calendula tincture. In this syringe you need a solution of 5 milliliters of a mixture of herbs on a glass of water.

Recipe 3.

If you want to do without alcohol, you can apply infusion of 1 tablespoon of flowers in half a glass of boiling water( wait for cooling).Duration of syringing is a week.

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With Trichomoniasis

It is desirable to treat vagina with a complex infusion of lavender, wormwood, cherry blossoms( all in 1 tablespoon), calendula, birch leaves, sage, cucumber, oak bark( all 2 tablespoons), chamomile flowers( 3 tablespoons).A tablespoon of raw material is infused in half a liter of boiling water. Douching is performed daily in the evening, duration - 2 weeks.

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With problems of the cardiovascular system

Selenium in the chemical composition of calendula favorably affects the work of the heart and vessels.

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In case of violations of the functioning of the vessels

Take a decoction or infusion of marigold in a glass three times a day.

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For myocardial dystrophy and reduction of contractile function

To use tincture of calendula for 30-50 drops 3-4 times a day.

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With hypertension

Prescription 1.

Apply 35-40 drops of calendula tincture 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 2.

To reduce the pressure, you can use a complex herbal collection of calendula, icteric, Leonurus, adonis, cyanosis grass, hawthorn( all in 1 tablespoon), strawberry leaves( 2 tablespoons).A tablespoon of this raw material is brewed with a glass of boiling water and filtered. Reception takes place one hour before meals three times a day for 1/3 of a glass.

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In case of heart failure( tachycardia, arrhythmia)

Take 15-20 drops of tincture on alcohol on a sugar slice 1-2 hours after eating. With a heart rhythm of over 90 beats per minute, you can drink 3-4 times a day for half a cup of the following infusion: a tablespoon is infused into 0.5 liters of boiling water.

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With diseases of the digestive system

The effectiveness of calendula in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, pathologies of the liver and its ducts, pancreas is caused by anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Usually used decoction of 0,3-0,5 glasses between meals, with liver disease - after eating, with pancreatitis - half an hour before it. In addition to the therapeutic properties of calendula in pancreatitis, there are contraindications. Therapy is carried out during the remission period, with an exacerbation the use of this plant is undesirable.

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With gastritis and ulcer

Recipe 1.

You can apply an infusion held in a thermos for 3 hours. Prepares in the ratio of 3 tablespoons calendula to a glass of boiling water. It is consumed on half a glass three times a day, not later than 3 hours before a meal.

You can brew the same amount of calendula with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 6-8 hours, and after straining add 3 tablespoons of honey.

Recipe 2.

Prepare tincture of tansy( 3 tablespoons), calendula flowers( 4 tablespoons).Pour them half a liter of boiling water and let it sit in the thermos for about 20 minutes. After filtering, add 4 tablespoons of honey. Such infusions take half an hour before meals half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 3.

Calendula is combined with oatmeal to create an additional wrapping effect. In ½ liter of boiling broth, add 3 tablespoons of flakes and cook for about half an hour. Drink 1/2 cup for half an hour before meals.

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For cholelithiasis

It is recommended to use infusion of calendula, chamomile, corn stigmas, tansy, celandine, immortelle, dandelion roots, fennel fruits( all 1 tablespoon).A tablespoon of raw material and a glass of boiling water are infused in a thermos for a quarter of an hour. Eat half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

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For dyskinesia of bile ducts( hypertonic)

A tablespoon of calendula to insist on alcohol( 100 milliliters) 2 weeks in a darkened place. Take in the form of a solution( 10-20 drops in ½ cup of water) half an hour after a meal.

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For dermatological problems

Calendula is an excellent antiseptic, therefore it is widely used for the treatment of wounds.

  • For fungal and purulent skin lesions use gauze lotions with infusion of calendula.
  • In chronic conditions, calendula is applied in the form of ointments.
  • Infusions and decoctions are also used for eczema, dermatitis.
  • When fighting pimples and acne, effectively apply tincture to alcohol, treating affected areas.
  • For sensitive skin it is better to use a less concentrated solution, diluting it with water.
  • Efficiently wipe face with calendula, applying it on cotton wool. Doing this is preferable in the evening, as it gives the skin a yellowish shade.
  • For prophylactic measures of these cosmetic defects, it is recommended to make face treatment a standard infusion, also applying it on a cotton pad. Effectively add it to masks, tonics, lotions before use.
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For oncology

Calendula is used as an auxiliary symptomatic and supportive for oncology of different localization, especially in inoperable situations.

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To reduce intoxication, dyspepsia

It is recommended to use a decoction of calendula in half a cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. When taking an alcohol tincture, the dose is 30-40 drops three times a day.

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For melanoma

It is necessary to make lotions with a solution of alcohol tincture( 5 milliliters per glass of water) with simultaneous reception of drops inside.

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Procurement and storage of

When you collect and dry flowers yourself, you need to take into account some of the nuances so that the medicinal raw material is of high quality.

  • Inflorescences are collected during the opening of the first row of petals, during the opening of at least half of the ligulate flowers.
  • Collection is best done in the morning in sunny weather.
  • The interval between picking baskets is 2-5 days.
  • In air, the plant is dried for 5-7 days, in the dryer - no more than 4 hours, not exceeding 40-45 degrees.
  • Drying is complete when the baskets crumble when pressed lightly. During the summer period, an average of 10-20 fees are collected.
  • Store medicinal raw materials in paper, fabric or glass containers for no more than 2 years, avoiding direct sunlight.
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Harm and contraindications

All preparations based on calendula have good tolerability, but a number of contraindications still have. Do not use them when:

  • occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions. Caution should be observed by persons prone to allergies and diagnosed with asthma.
  • hypotension, bradycardia, heart failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of digestive tract diseases.
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