Application of ginseng root in folk medicine

Ginseng is a perennial plant-long-liver of the family of the Araliyevs, not more than 50 centimeters high. The roots of ginseng are yellow, the stems are straight, with long leaves. Flowers small with white corolla. Ginseng blossoms in the summer, fructifies in the beginning of autumn. This herb reproduces in a seed way. Seeds germinate only one and a half to two years after planting. Ginseng is very widely used in recipes of traditional medicine.

  • chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Application
  • infusions
  • Pharmacy tincture
  • the dried
  • root of the fresh root
  • Chinese prophylactic infusion
  • extract
  • Pharmacy extract
  • extract homemade
  • broth at a bronchitis
  • When anemia
  • Mixtures with ginseng
  • Osteochondrosis paste
  • Atherosclerosis from
  • Mixture from toothache
  • Honey for strengthening of immunity
  • Contraindications
  • ION and storage

chemical composition

Ginseng contains:

  • alkaloids;
  • instagram viewer
  • vitamins;
  • resins;
  • tanning agents;
  • macro and microelements;
  • saponins are triterpene;
  • phytosterols,
  • ginsenoids;
  • glucosides;
  • peptides;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acids.
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Useful properties

Ginseng plant is excellent:

  • tones up the body;
  • increases performance;
  • promotes the outflow of bile;

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • helps reduce blood sugar.

Ginseng is actively used:

  • for hypotension and depression;
  • with mental and physical exhaustion;
  • with neuroses and stresses( has a calming effect);
  • for impaired fertility in men and women;
  • with sexual impotence;
  • for cardiac and vascular disorders;
  • in the fight against reduced secretion of the stomach;
  • for problems with the lungs( hemoptysis, dyspnea, asthma, bronchitis).
It is believed that ginseng prolongs life, so it is recommended to use it in old age. Ginseng with regular application helps the body cope with the harmful effects of the environment, pathogens, toxins.

The medicinal properties of ginseng are given special attention in oriental medicine. Chinese healers recommend taking a ginseng root even for a healthy person for preventive purposes. And also, ginseng is actively used in medical cosmetology, it well helps in the fight against acne.

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Application of

From folk remedies the most popular are alcoholic tinctures on the root of the plant. There is a pharmacy form of ginseng root, also widely used in home treatment recipes.

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Tinctures of

Tinctures from ginseng root are prepared on alcohol, both from fresh and dry raw materials.

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Pharmacy tincture

There is a pharmacy form of tincture of ginseng root. Its application is the same as prepared at home. In the pharmacy tincture, there are recommendations for use specified in the instructions.

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On the dried root

The dried ginseng root( 30 grams), powdered, is poured with vodka( 1 liter).The mixture is insisted for 20-30 days, periodically shaking. The tincture is filtered according to the readiness. For prevention, this tincture is consumed within 45 days of 20 drops 2 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. When taking medicinal purposes, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor.

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Fresh root

Fresh crushed root is poured with vodka or alcohol 40-50%( 100 grams of ginseng per 1 liter of vodka or alcohol), insist for 20-30 days, periodically shaking. When ready, the tincture is filtered. For prophylaxis take for 30 days for 15 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course through time can be repeated if there is a need for it. Ginseng tinctures are used in anemia, atherosclerosis, arthritis( inside and as an alcoholic sponge), with hypotension, for the treatment and prevention of influenza, diabetes, sexual impotence, with depressions, nervous exhaustion, muscle pain and cramps.

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Chinese prophylactic tincture

Root weighing 40-50 grams put in vodka( 500 grams).On the second day, preheat the mixture to 50 degrees, shake well and place in a warm dark place for a week. You can drink one glass before meals, three times a day. When the capacity is about 1/20 of the previous amount of tincture, you can add 500 grams of vodka. And so 2 - 3 times. After this, tincture is done on the fresh ginseng root.

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Read also about the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of herbs lovage
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The ginseng root is very popular in the form of an extract that can be bought in a pharmacy orcook yourself.

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Pharmacy extract of

There is a pharmacy form of ginseng root extract, which can be used in home treatment.

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Home-made extract

The root of the plant is ground, mixed with warm honey in proportions of 1: 9 and insisted for about a month. Once in a few days the remedy is stirred with a wooden spoon. Ginseng extract is consumed 1/2 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals, without any drinking, for two to three months. Used to treat arrhythmias, chronic bronchitis, as well as hypotension, if the patient is contraindicated in alcohol.

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Decoctions of

From the root of ginseng it is possible to prepare medicinal broths at home:

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For bronchitis

Pour three tablespoons of ground root with two glasses of cold water, strain after five minutes of boiling and cool to warm. A warm broth of ginseng is treated with acute bronchitis, and it is also used for anemia. The broth helps prevent tooth decay if you regularly rinse your mouth with it.

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When anemia is

Powder from ginseng root pour boiling water( 1:10), infuse for 10 minutes and strain. Tea takes 30 days on a tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. It is used to treat anemia.

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Mixtures with ginseng

The ginseng root is very useful for preventive purposes, for this, there is a mixture with the root of the home-made plant.

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Pasta for osteochondrosis

The ground ginseng root is poured with hot water in 1: 1 proportions, left to stand for a couple of hours. Then heated on a steam bath to + 70C.Pasta is used in a warm form for the treatment of acne and other skin diseases, with acute bronchitis as compresses on the chest. A warm compress of paste helps to relieve pain in osteochondrosis.

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Prostock from atherosclerosis

This product is popular in oriental medicine. For its preparation in hot boiled milk, add a teaspoon of ginseng extract on honey, then cool and add the leaven. Take yogurt in a glass 2 times a day before meals. It is considered one of the best means for treating atherosclerosis.

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Mixture from toothache

One part of the ground root is mixed with two parts of grape juice. It is used for 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals when treating intestinal diseases. To stop strong toothache, the mixture is rubbed into the gum.

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Honey for strengthening immunity

Grind into powder 30 grams of dried ginseng root.1 kilogram of liquid fresh honey. Pour the ginseng powder into the heated honey, mix thoroughly and pour over the glass jars. Store in a dark place. To apply such honey is for the general strengthening of the immune system.

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The use of ginseng is contraindicated:

  • in pregnancy and lactation;
  • under the age of 16;
  • for hypertension;
  • with bleeding;
  • with fever;
  • in thyrotoxicosis;
  • for acute infections and inflammation;
  • with increased excitability;
  • for serious chronic diseases.

If there are significant health problems, you need to consult a doctor before taking ginseng. If severe headaches begin during the reception, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, you should immediately stop taking ginseng and consult a doctor.

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Harvesting and storage of

Harvesting occurs during the period of complete fading of grass. The plant is excavated, the root is cut off. The root must be cleaned of excess land and rinsed. After washing, the root must be given a strong stream of steam. Dry the root can be on the sheet in the oven. In the process of drying, the root decreases several times, and the useful properties remain. Keep dry roots can be up to 5 years in a warm dry place. The ground root should be stored in sealed jars.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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