Examples of images and ideas for a photo shoot in the style of a boho

His first world popularity style boho received in the beginning of the XVIII century. Bohemia, from the French Bohémiens, literally translates as "non-standard" or "eccentric".The first representatives of this style were wandering actors, singers, musicians and other cultural figures. A highly motley audience, distinguished by the non-acceptance of generally accepted rules, challenging the foundations.

  • Features of the
  • style Where to navigate the
  • Ideas for ideas
  • Wedding themes

Features of the

style In photography, the boho is a real mix of styles and directions of art. Boho can include such styles as: country, vintage, hippy, folklore, gypsy and others. Boho is always in a trend, as it easily absorbs all the fashionable and popular directions of photography, leaving plenty of options for individual creativity and self-expression. Correctly matched heterogeneous elements form the whole style. Photos are designed to harmoniously combine the incongruous, challenge, rebel against rules and principles. Style carries a vivid expression of personality, sometimes hidden in the smallest details, but at the same time he is very calm and romantic.

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The main feature of the style is that it's simply impossible to put it in certain frames and rules, but you can highlight some of its inherent features:

  • combination of vintage and modernity,
  • naturalness,
  • variety,
  • unique personality,
  • infinite brightness of paints,
  • high cost incombined with simplicity, the
  • is deliberately disordered.
Also find out ideas for a photo shoot in the vintage style http://woman-l.ru/fotosessiya-v-stile-vintazh/
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Where to hold

The success of the whole photo shoot depends largely on the venue. The environment should harmonize and complement the chosen images, emphasizing the advantages of the style. For a photo shoot in the style of a boho, almost any natural scenery is ideal: park, lawn, garden, beach, wasteland, pond and so on. For taking photographs, you can also use old or dilapidated buildings. In the city for this purpose brick walls of old buildings, wrought-iron fences and benches, pavements are suitable. When conducting a photo session indoors, you should create the right atmosphere with the help of the correct selection and placement of furniture on the floor, accompanying the decor and lighting. The main thing is to highlight the main features inherent in the style.

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Ideas for ideas

In the infinity of ideas for photography, several vivid examples can be highlighted. The forefathers of the style are Gypsy peoples, whose clothes and household items are easy to buy. Create the right image is not difficult, adding it with modern accessories. Yarka linen shirt of rough tailoring and a stylish jacket, a wooden amulet on a rough chain and a branded watch on his arm, an elegant blouse and a long flying skirt. Boho does not tolerate stiffness, discomfort, understatement, rigor and harshness. Everything should be natural, from a little flying hair down to ease in the pose. The maximum of honesty and sincerity, courage and freedom, beauty and naturalness, a symbiosis of vintage and modernity - this is a boho.

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Ideas of ethnic styles, but mostly Slavic or peoples of the South and North Americas, using folk costumes and recognizable attributes of this or that ethnic style are also suitable.

Hippy ideas are also popular, especially if you try to decorate and break a whole camp for shooting.

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Wedding Themes

There is nothing more romantic than a wedding photo shoot in the style of Boho. Here the bride gets a gentle image of the princess descended from the pages of the book. For sewing a dress it is necessary to use only natural materials, gentle natural colors and shades. Layering, windiness, volume, fringe, light transparency, maxi length, lace - all this is welcomed. You can supplement the image with such accessories( beads, brooches, bracelets, buckles, pendants, straps, fresh flowers, ribbons and wreaths).It is necessary to exclude high-heeled shoes, preferring comfortable shoes or leave your feet barefoot. Completion of the image will be deliberately sloppy, slightly disheveled hairstyle, with naughty falling tresses.

Make-up should be as natural as possible.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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