Yoga exercises for weight loss

In addition to diets, a huge role in creating a slim body is undoubtedly a sport. Not everyone likes active kinds of gymnastics, such as aerobics, although they help to burn calories quickly. And for fans of less intensive training, there are varieties of sports based on static exercises. Yoga is not only a way to relax the body and get rid of stress, but also an excellent set of exercises for losing weight. With the help of yoga, you can gradually lose weight, helping the body and skin to find a tight and slender appearance.

  • Yoga efficiency for weight loss
  • Yoga practice rules
  • Yoga exercises for weight loss in standing position
  • Tadasana, or pose
  • mountains Asana Warrior
  • Torque postures
  • Pose of King Pisces
  • Pose of twisted chair
  • Yoga slimming postures with slopes
  • Uttanasana
  • Pose of the dog looking down
  • Yoga postures for slimming in the prone position
  • Bhujangasana
  • Pose of the Locust
  • Yoga poses for relaxation
  • Balasana
  • Shavasana
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Yoga efficiency for thinness

Yoga classes solve several problems that contribute to weight gain. First, these exercises require a lot of energy, which allows burning calories. Of course, everything depends on the number of repetitions and complexity of the program itself. For beginners, it is better to choose light exercises, and after a while to move on to more complex ones. Secondly, yoga exercises stimulate metabolic processes in the body and improve metabolism. And thanks to regular training, the skin becomes more elastic, and you do not have to watch on your body disgusting stretch marks, which often appear after hard diets.

It's worth mentioning that many yoga lovers celebrate one interesting moment. After a while after the beginning of classes, habits of proper nutrition begin to be developed. That is, food that is harmful to our figure, just do not want to use it. Quite an intriguing fact, which is worth checking out for yourself. In addition, some exercises are aimed specifically at improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract - mainly it is associated with respiratory gymnastics.

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Yoga rules

Yoga classes are based on the performance of certain poses, they are called "asanas".Each asana is aimed at stimulating certain muscle groups and activating the processes of healing the body. The energy expended on performing asanas, allows burning fat deposits and forming a beautiful body.

Now you can find many sources with guides on yoga classes, both on the Internet and in bookstores. However, experts recommend to begin with still to visit 1-2 group sessions with the coach, in order to have an accurate idea of ​​the correct performance of exercises and breathing patterns. Do the exercises at home, consider the basic rules of yoga:

  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Perform exercises on a special mat for fitness.
  • Choose light, tight fitting but not embarrassing clothes.
  • Start the complex with a warm-up to warm up the body.
  • The first lessons should last no more than 20 minutes.
  • During gymnastics, breathing should only be through the nose.
  • Do not indulge in a full stomach.

It is also worth considering the state of health. If you have serious problems with the spine or other systems and organs, you first need to get the doctor's permission to do so. In addition, it is not recommended to practice yoga in the early days of the menstrual cycle, at the least - to do relaxation exercises.

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Yoga exercises for weight loss in standing position

Exercises in standing position help to train and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Such poses require a lot of energy and help to work out a balance.

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Tadasana, or Pose Mount

This asana is recommended to be performed before each subsequent exercise. She trains the muscles of the spine and helps to acquire a beautiful posture. The posture of the Mountain is carried out in a standing position. Straighten your knees, draw your belly, straighten your shoulders. Hands should be placed freely along the trunk, and the palms facing upwards. Try to maximally pull the coccyx into yourself, without bending your knees. Put the feet together and strain the muscles of the buttocks. In this position, try to reach the top of the head. After a few breaths, relax the muscles of the body.

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Asana Warrior

In the previous starting position, it is necessary to take the right leg back so that the distance to the left foot is about one meter. Expand the right foot 90 degrees and rest it on the outside in the floor. The pelvis should be directed forward, arms extended to the sides. The knee of the left leg is parallel to the heel. Close your palms and put your hands up. Look towards the palm of your hand. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes.

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twisting postures Asanas, which consist in twisting the body, are directed not only to the development of muscles, but mainly to the activation of the internal organs. Such poses help cleanse the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It is worth noting that the proper operation of the intestine plays an important role in the weight loss process.

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Pose of the King of Pisces

Take the position of sitting, with your legs crossed. Then get the right leg behind the thigh left, and put the foot on the floor. Try to place the right foot as close as possible to the pelvis. Now, with your right hand, rest on the floor behind you, and with your left elbow, touch the right knee. Turn your head and look far back. Such twisting should be repeated in the opposite direction.

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twisted chair posture In standing position, bend the legs in the knees. Hold the feet together. Try to lower your buttocks, as if sitting down on a chair. In this position, join the palms, inhale, and on exhalation maximally turn the body of the body to the left. Try to keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise, turning the other way.

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Yoga slimming postures with inclines

The slopes forward are performed in a sitting or standing position, depending on the posture. These asanas are aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscles of the hips, calves and hamstrings. In addition, postures with slopes improve the performance of the digestive system.

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It is aimed at stretching the femoral muscles. Performed in a standing position. The back is straightened, the legs are slightly apart. On exhalation, we tilt down, touching the floor with hands. Embrace your legs with your hands. Keep your back straight. Relax in this position for 30 seconds, then slowly lift the body.

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Pose of the dog looking down

The starting position is standing on all fours. Place your feet on the width of your shoulders, bend over and put your hands on the floor. Weight transfer to the forefoot. Hands are parallel to the shoulders. In this position, slowly straighten your legs and lift up the buttocks. Asana is performed for 1-3 minutes, then it is necessary to return to the starting position.

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Yoga postures for slimming in prone position

Asanas are aimed at strengthening the spine and training the muscles of the hips and the press. Perform exercises on the mat for fitness.

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Asana Cobra is lying on her stomach. Raise the upper body and press elbows on the floor. Then gradually lift the body, carrying the weight in the palm of your hand. Raise the upper part of the trunk as high as possible. Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.

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Locust Locus

Trains the muscles of the press and thighs, and also stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system. Lay down on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. Turn the palms upward. Inhale, and on exhalation slowly raise arms and legs up parallel to the floor. Together with the hands, pull the upper part of the trunk. Hold the position for 30-50 seconds.

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Yoga poses for relaxation

These poses are necessary for relaxing the physical and spiritual. After performing asanas designed to work the muscles, relaxation poses help relieve tension, equalize breathing and calm inner morale.

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Stand on all fours, connect the knees together and lower the buttocks on the heels. Then pull the spine upward, and on exhalation slowly place the body of the body on its legs. Hands stretch along the trunk, the forehead should touch the floor. Try to relax completely, close your eyes.

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of Chavasana

Take a comfortable lying position. Relax your legs, hands turn with your hands up. Close your eyes and try to relax. Try to breathe in and out more slowly and deeper. In this position, you must stay at least 15 minutes. This is the final relaxing yoga exercise for weight loss.


I love yoga very much, and this complex not only relaxes, but also helps to lose weight. The exercises themselves are very easy and understandable to perform and do not require very strong physical training.


I once practiced yoga, but I did not notice the effect of losing weight, to be honest. Yoga is a complex of exercises aimed at relaxation, and not at dropping excess weight. To lose weight, you need to adjust your diet, namely, reduce the number of calories consumed per day, as well as increase the load. For example, do strength training. This will be more effective in terms of dropping excess weight.


Yoga helps to get rid of stress, and as a rule, during stress, the body accumulates fats. Naturally, you will not wait for the transcendental results, doing only yoga( rather, it will help get rid of cellulite))))
Good luck)))

  • Mar 06, 2018
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