The use of glycerin for hair care at home

Glycerin has long been used as an effective tool for nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. This substance is present in the formulations of almost all cosmetic creams and does not allow the drying of the skin, keeps it velvety and tender. But not everyone knows that glycerin can be used for hair care.



  • Harm
  • Shampoo
  • Spray
  • Masks
  • For normal hair
  • For dry hair
  • For greasy hair
  • For growth
  • For shine
  • From falling
  • For tips
  • Use

    This substance is able to attract moisture, thus moistening the dryHair and scalp, suffering from the effects of various adverse factors. Glycerin exfoliates dead cells and activates dormant hair bulbs.

    It is present in almost every shampoo. It softens epithelial cells and does not allow them to dry out, and also eliminates the problem of brittle hair and split ends, at the cellular level, improving their structure.

    Glycerin is a colorless substance that does not have a characteristic odor. Outwardly it resembles ordinary water, but differs by a thicker consistency.
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    The main advantage of the substance is that it does not cause allergies. In addition, in significant doses, glycerol can brighten strands.

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    However, do not forget that glycerin collects moisture, so it can not be used in its pure form. The best variant of its application is in the composition of masks. But if glycerin is too much, curls can become fat and heavy, and the scalp will suffer greatly from loss of moisture.

    In addition, do not use it too often, it can cause hair addiction.

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    Recipe 1.
    Shampoo from chamomile and glycerin broth is especially popular with blonde women. After a few applications, the curls will gain a lively shine. It's very easy to do it at home on your own.

    It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 2 tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. After completely cooling the broth, it must be filtered and mixed with glycerin and baby soap - 1 tablespoon.

    Brunettes can also use this recipe, only chamomile must be replaced with St. John's wort or nettle.

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    Recipe 2.
    If you do not want to bother with the preparation of a natural remedy for a long time, you can simply mix any shampoo with purified glycerin in the ratio 1: 3.

    Either 1 tablespoon of the usual balm to combine with 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply the product to washed hair for no more than half an hour.

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    Use a hair spray with glycerin can be daily. It is quite easy to prepare: mix glycerin and ordinary water in a container, in a ratio of 1: 2.For use it is best to use a spray gun, but if this is not possible, you can apply the solution evenly to the hair and scalp with your hands.

    Regular application of the product will give extra shine and protection to the hair.

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    There are many varieties of masks based on glycerin, but the recipes with chamomile are very popular for lightening hair and with the addition of vinegar for shine.
    You should remember the general rules for the use of glycerin masks.

    • Any masks prepared at home should be used fresh.
    • Components should be well mixed, necessarily rubbing lumps.
    • Certain recipes are used for a particular type of hair.
    • It is recommended not to mix masks and to maintain them in time, according to the recipe.
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    For normal hair

    Recipe 1.

    • 5 ml of glycerol;
    • 30 ml castor oil;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 15 ml of apple cider vinegar.

    Blend dry ringlets with the prepared mixture and rinse after 40 minutes.

    Recipe 2.
    Heat 1 teaspoon of glycerin in a steam container and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. Add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and mix well. A ready-made mask should be rubbed into the skin of the head. The remainders of the product should be distributed among the strands, but beforehand add the burdock oil in the ratio 2: 1.After 25-35 minutes, wash off the mask with water.

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    For dry hair

    Recipe 1.
    Warm all ingredients separately in a water bath and mix:

    • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
    • 2 tablespoons of honey;
    • for 1 teaspoon of castor and olive oil.

    Treat the hair with a mask and rinse with water no earlier than in half an hour.

    Recipe 2.
    Make a fruit mixture of 2 tablespoons of banana puree and 1 tablespoon of avocado puree. In a water bath, heat 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, olive oil and glycerin in different containers. Add all ingredients to the fruit mixture and mix. Cover the hair with a mask and hold for 20-30 minutes.

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    For greasy hair

    Recipe 1.

    • 1 teaspoon of glycerin and vodka;
    • 1 egg yolk.

    The resulting mixture to massage the scalp, and then distribute the comb through the hair. Wash off no later than 20 minutes. Use this mask can be no more than 3 times a week.

    Recipe 2.
    Mix the beaten egg with 1 teaspoon of oily vitamin E and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Preheat 30 ml of glycerin and pour into the composition. Massaging to apply to strands and roots. After 20 minutes, rinse.

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    For growth

    Recipe 1.

    • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
    • for 2 tablespoons of honey and castor oil;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

    Egg whipped into foam. Honey, glycerine and castor oil separately heated in a water bath. Mix all components until uniform. Apply the mask on the hair and leave for 20-40 minutes.

    Recipe 2.

    • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
    • 300 grams of rye bread;
    • 100 ml decoction of the bark of oak.

    In a warm form, apply the composition on the hair, cover with a towel and leave for a few hours, and for best results - overnight. It is necessary to wash off the mask with shampoo, and then rinse your hair with a solution of lemon juice or vinegar.

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    For shine

    Recipe 1.
    Warm and combine 10 ml of glycerin with 30 ml of castor oil and half a teaspoon of vinegar. Keep the mask on your hair for 20-40 minutes. Wash your head with plain water.

    Recipe 2.
    In equal parts mix the burdock oil, glycerin and cognac, add a little lemon juice. Distribute the mask on wet hair and leave for half an hour.

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    From the dropout of

    Recipe 1.

    • 3 teaspoons of burdock oil and glycerin;
    • for 3-5 drops of essential oils of lemon and tea tree.

    For 15 minutes, massage the product into the roots of the hair and then rinse.

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    For tips

    Recipe 1.
    In a 1: 4 ratio, combine cosmetic glycerin with purified castor oil, add 1 whipped egg yolk to the mixture. Treat the mask with scalp and strands. After 40 minutes, wash the mask with cool water.

    Recipe 2.

    • 2 tablespoons of glycerin;
    • 1 teaspoon of any essential oil;
    • 1 tablespoon gelatin.

    Gelatin dissolved in warm water in a proportion of 1: 6, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. The mask should be spread over the hair and washed off after 35-40 minutes.

    • Jun 02, 2018
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