How to eat right in fasting, what you can eat and what not

Any post is designed to clear both the thoughts of the person and his body. During the year there are 2 large posts lasting more than a month and four one-and two-week ones. To eat according to all the rules, you need to know a number of nuances, be aware of all prohibitions and follow them faithfully. Is it really so strict church rules and what is still allowed to eat during fasting?

  • Post power regulations
    • Permitted products
    • Vegetables and fruits
    • Nuts
    • Groats
    • Pulses and soy
    • Flour products
    • Fish and seafood
    • Vegetable oil
    • Honey and other sweets
    • Prohibited products
    • How to get out of the fast

    Food rulesin the post

    During the year there are many different posts, each of which has its own rules of nutrition. For example, the Great is strict and compels to exclude all animal products, whereas in Christmas 5 days a week you can eat fish. Weekly Petrov Post only 1 day is strict, and at other times only meat, eggs and dairy products are banned.

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    In order not to get confused in all the prescriptions, it is useful to refer to a special church calendar.

    But there are rules that are uniform for all posts.

    1. You need to know the measure. Often, people who hold fast for the first time, trying to compensate for the usual food large volumes of lean dishes. Since fasting involves first and foremost a complete cleansing of both souls and bodies, it is necessary to eat the usual portions and within the limits of the allowed products. Various delicacies and overseas delicacies can not be eaten.
    2. You can not eat only what you like. For example, someone eats strawberries and mangoes with pleasure, and therefore decides to eat them every day. Despite the fact that these products can be attributed to lean food, if a person gets a special pleasure from them, then this contradicts the basic idea of ​​fasting. Food should be as simple as possible, modest, no frills.
    3. There are restrictions on the time of day you can eat this or that product. According to the basic canons of the church, there are days when a person eats only in the evening, and all day he goes hungry. The modern Orthodox church does not force parishioners to adhere to such a schedule. Previously, Lent was at a time when people were not busy with hard work at this time of year, they spent a lot of time at home for easy things. Now a person leads an active lifestyle, moves around the city and works all year round, and therefore fasting during the day can badly affect his health.
    4. As for the consumption of vegetable oil, it can not be on every day of strict fasting. Preferred ways of cooking at this time are quenching without oil, cooking in water and steam, baking in a sleeve or foil.
    5. There is a lot of controversy surrounding drinks, since during the restriction period it is recommended to drink plain water. Is it possible to post coffee? There are no direct prohibitions, but since this is an overseas product that many addicts, it is better to give it up for a while. But whether it is possible to post in a post wine - the answer will be positive. Not every day and not with big glasses, but red dry wine is not forbidden.
    6. Special restrictions can be and within one post. For example, a major holiday in the spring is Palm Sunday, what can you eat in a post on such a day? Despite the severity of Lent, on these days it is allowed to eat a little fish, while other animal products are still banned. Strong restrictions impose a post in the Holy Week. At this time, eat as modestly as possible, the food is prepared without vegetable oil and without water, so you can bake vegetables in the oven or eat them raw.

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    Authorized products of

    All products of plant origin are allowed in any post. Separate restrictions are imposed only on vegetable oil. Fish and seafood are also controversial products in some cases, their use in the post requires special explanations.

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    Vegetables and fruit

    During the fast, you should eat only those vegetables and fruits that are familiar to the local climate. For example, pineapple, although it is a frequent visitor on the shelves of stores, refers more to delicacies than to ordinary food.

    Fruits can be eaten fresh and canned, cook with them compotes, eat as a jam. They are suitable for filling in pies. You can add dried berries in porridge on the water for breakfast.

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    Vegetables are also allowed to eat in a variety of forms. You can eat them in fresh salads, cook pies with them. Many housewives prepare cabbage, carrot and potato cutlets without meat and eggs. There are a lot of pretty tasty lenten recipes for vegetables, which are simple to perform.

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    Nuts can be eaten any, but it is best to use the usual hazelnut or hazel. It can be used as a snack, add to porridge and pies.

    Milk in the post can only be used vegetable, which, in fact, is a cocktail of water and nuts, for which you need to soak 100 grams of hazelnut, almonds or cashew water for several hours, and then beat them with a blender in a liter of water. If you strain the "milk" through gauze, then you can drink it just like that, cook porridge on it, make pancakes. Cake is often used in cookies.

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    Cereals are traditionally the basis of any post. There are also buckwheat, and pearl barley, and rice. Porridge cook without milk, often add nuts and dried fruits. They can be cooked with vegetables or mushrooms in pots, for which both an oven and a microwave oven are suitable.

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    Pulses and soybean

    If the post is strict, then the person experiences protein deficiency. To compensate for this shortage, it is necessary to include a large proportion of legumes in the diet. From peas, beans and chickpeas prepare soups on vegetable broths. With them, you can make delicious cutlets in a frying pan with butter and without.

    As a meat substitute, soya is widely used, which can be purchased from large supermarkets in the department with dietary meals.

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    Flour products

    Many are interested in whether it is possible to eat bread in fasting. If it is made according to traditional recipes without milk, butter and eggs, then you can eat bread and any pastries. As a sweet tea, many people buy simple drying and eat them with jam.

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    Fish and seafood

    On the days when you are allowed to eat fish, you can eat seafood. At the same time, the church does not prohibit their use during the days of strict abstinence. That is, to the question of whether shrimp or squid is possible in Lent, the answer must be yes. But since seafood is a delicacy for most Russians, and delicacies are in the post is prohibited, it is better to abstain from seafood.

    When can you eat fish in fasting? She is allowed to many posts, even when it is forbidden to consume milk and eggs. For example, the Christmas fast almost entirely consists of "fish" days, but in Great this product is allowed only 2 days for all time: on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

    By the way, on the same days of fasting( on the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday), except fish, any products of vegetable origin are allowed, and meat, milk and eggs are still banned.

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    Vegetable oil

    Vegetable oil in the post is allowed, but you can not use it every day. When this product is banned, a day or week will be called "dryness", that is, all foods should be eaten either raw or baked without oil and water.

    As a rule, if at some time the fish is allowed, then oil is allowed, so dry eating is widely practiced on the days of major church holidays, as well as in Lent.

    Useful properties and contra-indications of dried dates
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    Honey and other sweets

    Honey and sweets in fasting are not forbidden, but from their use it is better to abstain or severely restricttheir number. Is it possible to have chocolate in a fast? If there is no milk in the tile, then a couple of pieces a day are not forbidden.

    Is it possible to marshmallow in fasting? Due to the fact that it is made using egg white, this sweetness is strictly forbidden. The same applies to pastilles, many kinds of jelly, baked pastries, chocolate pastes and so on.

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    Prohibited products of

    The most stringent fast is the Great, which precedes the Easter holiday. At this time, it is forbidden to eat any products of animal origin. This means that you will have to give up:

    • of dairy products( milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese and the like);
    • red meat;
    • of poultry meat;
    • gelatin( in desserts it can be replaced with agar-agar or pectin);
    • fish and seafood;
    • eggs.

    If this is not Lent, then you can eat fish and seafood. Often under the ban is vegetable oil. Now the producers of products add the inscription "lean product", but with strict observance of church regulations, you should carefully read the composition. As a rule, in such a product there will be no products of animal origin, but there may be vegetable oil, which is not allowed every day.

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    How to exit the post

    The way out of the post is directly related to how long the person was eating according to church prescriptions.

    • If this was a short restriction of 1-2 weeks, the output should last for up to 3 days. If it is a Great or Christmas post, then it will take at least a week. The essence of this process is to gradually return to the previous diet, but at the same time, without creating additional stress for the body.
    • When can you break fast in Lent? If a person went to church for night service, then he can eat at 4 o'clock in the morning. If he was sleeping peacefully, the first meal would be for breakfast.
    • The most important rule when leaving any post says that in everything you need to know the measure. Often, after several weeks of restrictions, a person jumps into forbidden foods. Often this leads to problems with digestion and even poisoning, despite the high quality of food. After a break in the use of animal products to enter them into the diet should be gradually, try to avoid fatty and fried. The easier food is, the less animal fat in it, the better. For example, if a person likes a burger very much, do not drink a whole liter on the first day of the release. This product contains a high content of fats, so start with milk or kefir, and after a few days enter into the ration and fermented baked milk.
    • When returning to the menu of meat in the early days, eat chicken or turkey breasts, then go to the gray poultry meat or lean veal. After a while you can start eating red meat again.
  • Jun 02, 2018
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