What to do if the child does not want to study

Every mother will agree that cases with the unwillingness of her child to go to school and to study have been many times. The reasons for this problem can be hidden in various situations. In this case, the methods of solving them in each family are their own. If you do not know what to do when the child does not want to learn, then this material will help you to properly understand the situation.

  • Reasons for
  • How to help

Reasons for

The reasons for not wanting to learn from children can be a large number:

  1. A complex learning process. Such a problem often arises when parents either give the child too early to school, or lead him to study in a lyceum or a gymnasium. This can lead to the fact that the level of development of the child will not keep up with the loads in the school curriculum and, as a result, studies will repel and cause only negative emotions.
  2. Child's lack of independence. Often parents are forced to work from early morning until late at night and there is no way to control home assignments at home. In such a situation, the child is left to himself and does everything, but not lessons.
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  3. Unfavorable atmosphere in the family. Conflicts between parents, as well as hyperopics or hypoopeas, can cause the child's unwillingness to attend school classes.
  4. Complexes. They can develop in a child from early childhood and pursue it throughout life. Correct the complexes in the child can only a specialist, using psychological methods. Parents need to watch their child and his behavior.
  5. Bad relationships with peers. Identify something is not easy. A child comes back from school oppressed, talks little about school life, often cries for no reason or mentions his classmates.
  6. Bad company. Get your child out of a bad company perhaps the main thing is not to lose the moment when it's still feasible.
  7. Disorders of didactic properties. A similar condition is often manifested in schoolchildren in the form of headaches, intense excitement, abdominal pain and complete forgetting of the educational material. The child forgets all previously learned material.

Therefore, the reasons why a child does not want to learn at all can be a lot and it is important to understand which one is your child. When the cause is determined, it is necessary immediately to take up the solution of this problem.

Read also the list of works http://woman-l.ru/spisok-proizvedenij-kuprina-dlya-detej/ Kuprina for children
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How to help

To help your child, parents should follow simple rules:

  • Soberly assess the child's abilities. Before giving a child to the first class or transferring it from a regular public school to a new type of educational institution, use the advice of psychologists. Also, find a qualified specialist who will conduct pre-school testing and evaluate your child's basic knowledge.
  • Pay attention. Each of us is forced to spend most of his life at work. Psychologists recommend allocating at least 15-20 minutes of time to communicate with the child. The sooner a strong thread of communication with the baby starts, the easier it will be for you to know about his life and school.
  • A house is not a school. Any pediatrician will say that children need to rest and restore strength among the day. Do not load the child's time so that he does not have time left. A rested child will have much more desire to do homework than someone who after school has visited a bunch of tutors and, having come home, immediately sat down for lessons.
  • Make friends with your child. We must not forget that we are not only parents for our children, but also our very first friends. It is impossible to learn about what the child lives in and out of school, without having close communication with him. Become a friend and mentor for the child in one person, so that he can tell about everything that worries and worries him. Only in this way can you learn about the conflicts in school. You need to regularly come to the parents' meetings, talk with the class teacher, know all the teachers in person. It also does not hurt to know anything about friends and enemies of the child.
  • The interests of the child are above all. All school subjects can not be equally interesting. Someone since childhood is prone to the humanities, while others solve problems with numbers without problems. Usually, school psychologists constantly work with students and conduct testing, which helps to determine the child's psychotype and the propensity for this or that science. Help your child decide and find themselves, so that learning is not for him hard labor.
  • Explain to the child why he needs school. To demand today from your child crazy results in study is not necessary. It is necessary to inform him beforehand what he is teaching this or that subject, and how he can be useful to him in the future. For example, parents can tell their child about their own achievements in school, which led them to success.
  • Play with knowledge. If the child does not want to learn at all, then turn the study into a game, come up with incentives for good grades. So the items will be better absorbed by the child.
  • Teach a child to overcome difficulties. Do not scold the child for bad grades in the diary. On the contrary, talk and calm your child. Explain that the next time he has it all and failures should also be present in life, they temper the character.
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The most important thing for parents is to accept that their child is not a genius, but an ordinary boy or girl. This is the most difficult. I know myself. I always want to realize my unrealizable hopes already in children. If you manage to cope with this, then you can proceed to the next stage.
If you have money, find good tutors for basic subjects. Such teachers who live their work and have different methods. They can interest the child.
If the finances are hard. Then all this will have to be done by the parents. And it's harder.


In this situation, patience and calmness are needed. I think that in the first class there is a need to perform school assignments together with the child, so that 15-20 minutes spent together is not enough, we need at least 1 hour. Stimulation can also play a positive role. The child will strive to receive the desired and promised reward.


Very often children in preschool age and first-graders, if they do not understand something, simply refuse to learn. They can not explain WHAT they are not clear and they say simply: "I DO NOT WANT".It seems to us, so simply read the word "mom".And for the first-graders - the most complicated process! And about the stimulus. It is very important that the child likes not only to receive gifts, but also knowledge. Praise your child more often. I learned a new letter - well done, wrote a beautiful wand - clever.

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