Useful properties, contraindications and ways to use sage for women

Salvia officinalis is considered one of the most popular herbs both in folk and official medicine. Still Hippocrates called for using the medicinal qualities of the plant to treat a wide range of diseases. Sage contributes to getting rid of various pathologies and even the prevention of certain diseases, especially in women.

  • Chemical Composition
    • Composition
      • Chemical Composition
        • Chemical Composition
        • Preparations
        • Decoction
        • Infusion
        • Oil Tea
        • Application Recipes
        • Infertility
        • Frigidity
        • When lactating
        • With climacterium
        • For problemsGynecology
        • In case of skin diseases
        • With resorption of cones on hands and feet
        • In case of inflammation of the digestive tract, liver
        • Harm and contraindications
        • Preparation and storage of

        Chemical composition of

        Salvia is considered to be one of the most saturatedbubbled medicinal plant substances. In total, there are more than 900 species of this plant, but for medicinal purposes it is mainly sage pharmacy. Its rich composition includes:

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        • vitamins: A, E, K, R, PP, C, B1, lutein;
        • minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc;
        • a rather large volume of essential oil( 0.5-2.5%) containing terpenic compounds: cineole( antiseptic and expectorant) - up to 15%, salven( a plant-derived antibiotic), thujone( has a hallucinogenic effect) - 30-50%, borneol, pinene, camphor and the like;

        • flavonoids( genkvanin, salvitin, gispidulin and others), alkaloids, phytoncides, condensed tannins( 4%) and resinous substances( up to 6%);
        • organic acids: chlorogenic( the strongest antioxidant), ursolic( possesses anti-cancer properties in melanoma and anti-inflammatory properties in general), oleanolic and others;
        • in the root system there are quinones - rhoyleanones, in seeds - proteins( 20%), fatty oil( 30%), which has linic acid glyceride in the composition.

        The highest concentration of oil in sage is observed during the ripening of seeds, tannins in the middle and late autumn. The medicinal raw materials of the plant are its flowers and leaves.

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        Useful properties

        The name of this medicinal plant speaks for itself, "sage" in Latin means "healthy", "grass of life".Its relevance is due to the variety of useful qualities for human health.

        • Has an anesthetic, stops blood, has an antiseptic property, removes inflammation. Sage can effectively cope with fungi and bacteria. It is often used for diseases of the mouth, throat, skin, bleeding gums. When hemorrhoids for the removal of inflammation and stop bleeding baths are made.
        • Therapeutic effect on the digestive system and kidneys. Sage increases the secretion of the stomach, has astringent, choleretic, carminative effect, relieves inflammation. Suitable for the treatment of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, urological diseases( cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis).
        • Has antipyretic effect, promotes better sputum discharge, which is used in the treatment of colds, respiratory diseases.
        • With cystitis in women, sage has a diuretic, antiseptic effect. Disinfecting properties allow it to be used to treat purulent wounds. This plant will also help the thrush, thanks to its activity against fungal microorganisms. In this case it is used in the form of douching.
        • Salvia well fights and with urinary incontinence in women. With this pathology, it is used in the form of infusion.
        • Helps reduce the percentage of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In this case, sage for women after 40 years is especially useful. This plant participates in the process of hematopoiesis, purifies blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
        • The positive effect of sage on the woman's body is due to the presence in its composition of phytohormones identical to estrogens. The plant is used in case of failure of the latter. The use of sage in women with hormonal failure reduces the severity of symptoms in conditions such as menopause and premenstrual syndrome. This plant helps to get rid of infertility. Hemostatic effect is used in case of profuse and long menstruation. Also the use of sage for women is the ability to increase libido, being a natural aphrodisiac.
        • Effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Mainly it provides tea for women with sage. It quickly enough eliminates profuse sweating, including night sweats, while the effect persists throughout the day. Also, tea is used to stop and reduce lactation, prevent mastitis.
        • Strengthening the body's immune forces, raising its tone, improving mental performance, memory.
        • The wound healing effect of sage is comparable to that of Vishnevsky ointment. Promotes the regeneration of ulcers, burns, wounds, boils. Used for the treatment of dermatological diseases( neurodermatitis, psoriasis), effectively eliminating symptoms( itching, burning).
        • It will help with pathologies of the nervous system, with osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuritis, sciatica. It is necessary to use the concentrate obtained during the processing of medicinal raw materials.
        • Useful sage for women for beauty. Its broth and infusion relieve hair loss, strengthening their bulbs, eliminating fat and dandruff, so it is part of shampoos, balms and masks. In men, sage is often used to prevent baldness. This plant cures acne. It is useful to use sage for women for youth. Its extract is a component of many cosmetics, lotions with decoction on the eyelid region eliminate dark circles, give freshness to the skin.
        • Essential oil of the plant is used in perfumery, it can prevent the destruction of other oils, ensuring the stamina of perfume, toilet water.
        • Application of sage contributes to weight loss. In this case tea is the most beneficial. It effectively eliminates the feeling of hunger, creating a feeling of fullness of the stomach.
        • Soothing action helps to cope with stress, eliminates tension headache. In this case, a good effect is aromatherapy based on sage oil.
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        There is a wide variety of techniques for taking sage medicinal. Based on the purpose of application, the plant is used externally or taken internally. Various forms of the drug are used. Sage can be used as a decoction, infusion, oil, tea. Often used baths, compresses with this plant, douching is performed.

        This plant contains all kinds of nursing fees, such drugs as Doppelgerz, Carmolis, Parodontocid, Stomatophyte and so on.

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        In this form, sage is mainly used for external use, differing in higher concentration of medicinal raw materials. This is a rinse with dental pathologies and diseases of the throat, in gynecology and proctology baths are used, the treatment of the solution is carried out with skin diseases.

        Sage broth has the effect of disinfection, astringent effect, is able to quench the pain, and resinous substances create a protective antimicrobial film on the affected area.

        For its production, a classic recipe is used: 2 tablespoons of the plant to pour 200 milliliters of water, then put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then decoction filter and cool. During manufacture, a certain volume of liquid evaporates, so you can add boiled water. The most useful fresh broth, but it can be held in the refrigerator, but not more than 24 hours. Before you use the broth, it needs to be heated.

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        Basically it is used inside with diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs. Has cholagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects.

        To make a classic infusion of 1 tablespoon dried leaves pour 250 milliliters of hot water, cover and insist half an hour. In case of respiratory disease, replace the water with the same amount of milk.

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        oil You can buy it in pharmacy or cosmetics stores. Used oil externally, has a bitterish smell. It is used for aromatherapy, rinsing, when creating compresses, as well as for creating masks for hair and scalp.

        Sage oil relieves stress, has a pronounced relaxing effect.

        You can prepare the sage oil yourself and use it to nourish the skin. For this, the plant must be crushed and placed in a sealed container for 1/3 of the volume. Raw pour olive oil, completely filling the dishes. Remove the container into a warm room for a couple of weeks, shaking twice a day. Then the composition is filtered, and the same new oil is added to the same oil. The procedure is repeated three times, after which the preparation is ready for use.

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        Tea with sage has pronounced toning properties, improves efficiency, memory, restores strength. Regular use strengthens the body's immune forces.

        Tea can also help with excessive sweating, especially when it is delusional, which happens in cases of brain diseases. By the way, there is an opinion that tea with the addition of sage can even strengthen bones.

        It is necessary to pour 1 teaspoon of dry sage with a glass of boiling water. Use it is better hot, preferably not more than 120 ml in 24 hours.

        By the way, in the summer heat tea with the addition of sage is a great way to cheer up and easily transfer the heat outside the window.

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        Recipes for application of

        The use of sage in medicine is quite common. The greatest effect is achieved with complex therapy, including medicinal and non-medicinal products. There are many recipes for the therapy of a large number of diseases and for reducing their symptoms.

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        Infertility of

        In case of difficulties with conception, sage is recommended if the body lacks estrogen and, as a result, ovulation is impaired. For the treatment of infertility, the infusion of the plant is used according to the classical prescription.

        To determine how to take salvia to women for conception, you should find out the cycle day when the egg matures as much as possible. It is done by ultrasound examination or a special strip test.

        Infusion is used from 4 days of menstruation to the day of maturation of the egg, that is, in the first half of the cycle before ovulation. With its duration of 28 days, admission is carried out from 4 to 11-12 days, with 21 days - from 4 to 9-10 days, with 32 days - from 4 to 16-17 days.

        You need to drink an infusion of 1/3 cup 4 times a day. If conception has not occurred, the reception can be continued for 2 more cycles, not longer than 3 months per year.

        In the second half of the cycle, the use of infusion should be discarded, since it causes hypertension of the uterus, creating difficulties for conception. During menstruation, it is also not accepted because of its hemostatic effect.

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        From frigidity

        To solve this problem, sage and lime infusion are used in equal proportions. A tablespoon of two herbs should be poured a glass of boiling water and about half an hour to insist on a water bath. After this, cool and drain the solution. Drink a medicine for 2 glasses a day.

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        When lactating

        This recipe is effectively used for the gradual abandonment of breastfeeding, lowering the level of prolactin. Also, the plant is used to reduce lactation with excessive amounts of breast milk, when a child becomes unable to suck it out. Sage - excellent prevention of milk stagnation in the chest.

        Use tea three times a day for 1/3 cup. Duration of admission is 1 week.

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        With climacterium

        For the relief of symptoms of menopause, regular intake of a weak infusion of sage is recommended. To make it, pour half a tablespoon of dry leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. Allow the solution to stand for 20 minutes. Use it three times a day before meals.

        Useful properties, methods of application and contraindications of the grass of the turn
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        For problems of gynecology

        With the pathologies of the female sexual sphere, a decoction helps. It helps with treatment of thrush, inflammation of the vagina, erosion of the uterine neck caused by infection. With the use of decoction, douche or baths are performed twice a day. The liquid should be warm, 38 degrees.

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        For skin diseases

        To treat skin pathologies and to remove symptoms, the treatment of affected areas with sage broth is applied. It improves regeneration, relieves itching and swelling.

        For burns, frostbites, skin problems, rinsing and washing with a decoction are shown several times a day.

        In the presence of fungi, acne or wounds with pus on the affected area should apply lotions with decoction before they dry. After this procedure can be repeated.

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        With resorption of cones on hands and feet

        A sage can cope with this ailment. Grass should be brewed, then steamed the limbs from half an hour or more. Carry out the procedure once a day for about a couple of months. Immediately after the affected limb you need to wrap it in the heat, it is best to do this before going to bed.

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        For inflammation of the digestive tract, liver

        2 teaspoons sage leaves brew 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew. Drink 1 tablespoon, about once every 2-3 hours.

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        Harm and contraindications to

        If you decide to be treated with a sage, read the contraindications. Therefore, before treatment with this medicinal plant is recommended to consult with a specialist. Contraindications include:

        • Hypersensitivity reactions. Application of the plant, especially in children, it is advisable to start with a minimal dose. In the absence of allergy treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to use externally.
        • Hypothyroidism.
        • Severe hypotension.
        • Myoma of the uterus.
        • Epilepsy.
        • Endometriosis.
        • Acute nephritis.
        • Cough with significant sputum discharge.
        • Diseases and conditions associated with elevated estrogen hormone: performed surgical treatment of breast and uterine cancer, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia.
        • Do not exceed the dosage and duration of treatment( no longer than 3 months), because an overdose provokes poisoning of the body, irritation of mucous tissues. You can repeat the procedure after the break.
        • Categorically contraindicated plant during pregnancy, as it provokes hypertension of the uterus, which creates a threat of bearing a child. When lactation causes it to stop.
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        Procurement and storage of

        The medicinal raw materials are the stems and the upper parts of the sage. Their collection is carried out during the flowering period. The stems are cut at an altitude of 10 centimeters. Repeated collection can be made after the growth of sage. Raw materials are seen, removed leaves, thick stems.

        Dry the grass in dry, well-ventilated rooms( for example, in the attic), in drying chambers at a temperature of + 35-40 degrees, spreading the plant in a thin layer. With the loss of sage 50-60% water, the temperature increases to 50-60 degrees.

        After drying, the plant is crushed. Collection of seeds is carried out with untouched sage. If the sage is properly harvested, it has a pronounced aroma, a bitter taste. On average, stored sage in dried form - 1,5 years. Ready-made broth and infusion stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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