How to make a butterfly from cloth

Recently, more and more popular is the decoration of clothing or interior elements of decor made by themselves. Butterfly is very beautiful and gently looks like a rivet for curtains or furniture. You can also use several fabric butterflies to create a beautiful composition for the interior of the room - butterflies in this case are hung on tight threads at different heights. Tissue butterfly can be used to decorate hairpins, bags and clothes. Today we will consider a simple and original way of making a butterfly from a fabric.

Butterfly from fabric in origami technique

To create this cute and original masterpiece you will need:

  • two pieces of cloth of different colors;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine or needle with thread;
  • glue;
  • sewing needles.

The type and color of the fabric can be chosen to your taste, the size of the flaps also depends on the desired dimensions of the finished product. It is advisable to take the flaps in the form of a rectangle.

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The pieces of fabric must be sewn together by stitching the trim edge. To do this, sew the flaps face down, leaving a free piece 0.5-1 cm long.

Through the free edge, turn the fabric from the inside out. With the finishing seam, slide the edge of the workpiece.

Now you can start creating a butterfly. If you have already done origami, the task is much simpler. Beginners can try to make a butterfly from paper to understand the technique of execution, and then start working with the cloth.

The finished flap must be folded in half and secured with a sewing needle, or ironed with an iron.

Now sew the resulting square to about the middle.

The workpiece must be secured after each step, so that the edges do not move, and the product is even. Now we add one quarter in the form of an envelope. You should get a triangle with even edges.

Turn over the workpiece, in the same way add the second quarter in a triangular pocket.

Sew the workpiece so that the triangles do not unfold.

The butterfly blank is made, it remains to properly make the wings of the insect. Hold the left side of the triangle, and turn the right side, taking the lower inner edge and pulling up.

Then, in the same way, form the left wing.

The shape of the wings can be made at your discretion, it all depends on your imagination - this is exactly what the original handmade crafts are. If the fabric does not fall down even after ironing, you can use a special adhesive for textiles or stitch in the right places with an imperceptible stitch.

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You can decorate the finished product with paillettes or rhinestones. Antennae are made of wire or a dense thin strand. You can glue or attach to the wire two beads - long and round - this will be the body and the head of the insect. A ready-made butterfly can be sewn to clothing or attached to a hair clip with glue. For a hair clip it is better not to weight the product with a lot of beads, just stick a few sequins or small rhinestones.

Butterfly - a symbol of tenderness and lightness. This hand-crafted article will look great in any composition, and make it easy.


A child in a kindergarten is constantly given the task to make an odd job. By the next holiday we will make a butterfly from the fabric. I hope it will be unusual and beautiful.

  • Jun 02, 2018
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