New Year cards - scrapbooking with your own hands: master class. New Year Scrapbooking: ideas, templates, inscriptions, text
Surprise your loved ones with postcards and handicrafts of incredible beauty, using modern technology "scrapbooking."For work you will need decorative materials, special paper and tips from this article.
New Year's cards - scrapbooking by one's own hands: master class
New Year's backgrounds for scrapbooking: templates
New year's labels for scrapbooking: templates
Texts for New Year's cards: ideas for creativity
Video: "Scrapbooking:class. New Year's card »
New Year's scrapbooking: ideas for creativity
Any holiday is surely accompanied by congratulations and gifts, which, in turn, can be large or small. In the New Year we strive to wish a happy life to all our relatives and relatives. Often people buy postcards, write letters and choose surprises for this.
But, what if we depart from the usual canons and try to "figure out" something beautiful with our own hands, able to congratulate a person on holidays and give him pleasant emotions? In this case, such an interesting technique as
IMPORTANT: Scrapbooking is handicraft, which assumes work with special scrap paper ( paper with patterns and patterns) and other materials for creativity: beads, ribbons, laces, beads, crystals, buttons, braids, brushwood, canvas fabric, threads, felt, cardboard, candied fruits, dried leaves and much more.
This technique helps create crafts of incredible beauty : postcards, Christmas and wall decorations, albums, chocolates, paintings. Each work can be used as a separate gift or part of a holiday package.
All materials for creativity, as a rule, can be purchased in the store or procured by yourself ( if it is a question of natural materials: twigs, leaves, acorns, dry berries and fruits).
Before work it is important:
To stock up with the necessary amount of materials for creativity.
Have a solid base from which your product will be made: cardboard, paper, felt, plywood and so on.
Have hot glue, rubber glue or instant glue-just so you can attach every detail to the base.
You should start work only when you have presented a future product in your head. Use the draft, sketch, fantasize and experiment on paper so as to get the most effective hand-made work.
Observe the accuracy during work, because it depends on it the final result.
New Year scrapbooking ideas:
The most popular product in scrapbooking technology is, of course, the Christmas card. It can be made not only in any size, but even in shape: rectangle, square, circle, herringbone, heart and so on. Typically, you should choose a paper with characteristic winter patterns and patterns of green, red, blue and white flowers.
Another beautiful and very useful thing, made in the technique of scapbooking, is the chocolate maker !Not everyone knows and understands this postcard, but it is something between gift and simple postcard .Visually, it resembles the package , which needs to be opened. Having opened, you find a chocolate bar and congratulatory inscriptions.
IMPORTANT: Chocolate girl is a useful postcard. Such a surprise can not only be congratulated, but also please. Delicious food( congratulation) can be prepared for parents, loved ones, teachers, doctors, colleagues, friends, neighbors, guests.
Ideas for creating a New Year's chocolate bar:
Another, no less popular product, is the Christmas tree decoration in the technique of scrapbooking .Here you can show your imagination and create a toy of any shape and complexity: Christmas trees, balls, asterisks, little houses, hearts, snowmen and much more. In fact, there are a lot of ideas for such creativity, and all of them depend only on how much material you have and what they are.
Christmas toys in the technique of scrapbooking:
Scrapbook in the scrapbooking technique is another "sweetheart" and usefulthing in the house. The basis for such a casket of plywood can be bought in the store for creativity or created independently using, for example, weaving from newspaper tubes. In the received product it is possible to store absolutely everything: photos, ornaments, cosmetics, sewing and many other things.