Walnut: properties, benefits and harm

The walnut kernels have a unique delicate taste and are often used as the main ingredient in many national cuisines. Walnut is also saturated with nutrients and vitamins, so it is indispensable for health. Walnut refers to durable plants with high fructification rates. The age of some varieties of walnut reaches 300-600 years. One walnut tree can give about 300 kg of fruit.

  • Contents
    • Contents
      • History
      • grades Composition
      • Caloric value
      • Nutritional information
      • Useful compounds
      • Cooking
      • Useful properties and applications
      • Treatment and prevention of oral diseases
      • Treatment of joint diseases
      • Treatment of dermatological diseases
      • Elimination of digestive problems
      • Restoration of the body andimprovement of metabolism
      • Wound healing
      • Useful properties of walnuts for men
      • Cosmetic applicationологи
      • How to choose and store
      • Contraindications and harm
      • Interesting facts

      History of discovery

      Archaeologists discovered excavations of walnut shells on the shores of the turbulent Ob river and in Greenland. These valuable findings belonged to the Tertiary period and indicate that the walnut already existed in the era of dinosaurs.

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      The first information about the walnut was recorded in the 6th century BC.and point to the territory of modern Iran. In the exquisite gardens of King Cyrus, exotic walnut trees grew, the fruits of which were transported to Greece and further distributed throughout the countries with mild climates. Walnut kernels for a long period of time were considered the food of wealthy people and had the name "royal acorn".Young people before joining the marriage union should have a good supply of walnuts.

      In England, the properties of walnut were recognized only in the 17th century, and in the United States - in the 19th century.

      At the moment the main producers of walnut are: France, Turkey, Iran, Ukraine, USA, China and Moldova.

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      Today, breeders offer consumers a variety of walnut varieties that are characterized by:

      • resistance to sudden changes in temperature conditions;
      • high yield;
      • high-quality kernels of nuts;
      • is resistant to diseases and pests.

      Quality walnut fruit has an average size, as well as a thin, but strong shell. Kernels are easily extracted from the shell, their appearance does not change.

      Consider the most popular varieties of walnut:

      1. "Ideal".This variety is distinguished by the yield and high quality of the fruit. The adult tree reaches a height of not more than 2 meters.
      2. "The Gift is Clean."A feature of this variety is the large size of the fruit and high resistance to pests. Adult tree has a large density of fruits.
      3. «Dawn of the East».This kind of walnut is considered the best for home gardening, because it is early and frost-resistant. Adult tree is characterized by regular fruit bearing.
      4. "Krasnodar".The kernels of this type of walnut have high taste characteristics."Krasnodar" is a drought-resistant and frost-resistant variety.
      5. "Dessert".This variety is fast-growing and resistant to various diseases. Walnuts have an excellent appearance and high taste qualities.
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      The fruits of the walnut contain many nutritional and biological active compounds that positively influence the functioning of the body and are used to treat many diseases.

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      Caloric value

      Walnut refers to high-calorie foods. In 100 grams of nuts - 656 kcal.

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      Nutritional information

      In walnut kernels, a high percentage of fat that participates in fat metabolism, and also enters the structure of cell membranes. Walnuts are also rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and other healthy compounds.

      Substances Weight( g)
      Proteins 16,2
      Fats 60,8
      Carbohydrates 11,1
      Dietary Fibers 6.1
      Water 3.8
      Saturated Fatty Acids 6.2
      Mono anddisaccharides 3,9
      Starch 7,2
      Ash 2
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      Useful compounds

      The walnut contains many vitamins that can restore and preserve human health.

      Vitamins Weight( mg / μg)
      PP 1,2
      Beta-carotene 0,05
      A( RE) 8
      B1( thiamine) 0.39
      B2( riboflavin) 0.12
      B5( pantothenic) 0.8
      B6( pyridoxine) 0.8
      B9( folic acid) 77
      C 5.8
      E( TE) 2.6
      K( phylloquinone) 2.7
      PP( Niacin equivalent) 4,8
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      Walnuts are also rich in macro and microelements. Substances

      Weight( mg / g)
      Calcium Magnesium 120
      Sodium Phosphorus Potassium 474
      Chloro 25
      Iron Sulfur Zinc 2
      Iodine 3,1
      Copper Manganese Selenium 1,9
      Fluoride 685
      Cobalt 7.3
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      Culinary processing

      Nut fruits do not need special heat treatment, and they can be eaten raw. It is important that this product is better absorbed by the digestive tract in crushed or crushed form. The daily norm of walnuts is about 50 for an adult.

      For the preparation of various dishes, walnuts are also used in fried or dried form. All the healing properties of the walnut are preserved if you fry it for 15 minutes at a temperature of not more than 75 ° C.

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      Useful features and applications

      Virtually all parts of the nut( fruit, shell, leaves) are widely used in folk medicine, because they have general strengthening, fixing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, vasodilating, as well as sugar reducing, wound healing properties. The use of walnuts is due to its rich composition.

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      Treatment and prevention of oral diseases

      To prevent pathological processes in the mouth and throat, it is recommended to rinse with tincture from the leaves of the tree. To make it, chopped walnut leaves( about a tablespoon) should be placed in a container, pour a glass of boiling water and wrap the container with a dense cloth. The leaves are infused for an hour, then the infusion obtained is filtered, cooled and can be used for procedures.

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      Treatment of joint diseases

      The walnut leaves will also cope with negative manifestations of gout and rheumatism. Brew a half kilogram of walnut leaves in one liter of water, then pour the resulting infusion into a bath filled with slightly hot water. Take a bath regularly to reduce pain.

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      Treatment of dermatological diseases

      If you encounter a nettle fever, wet eczema, an itch of different etiology, baths with infusion of walnut leaves will help reduce itching and help to eliminate dermatological problems. To prepare the infusion, pour half a kilogram of leaves with boiling water and insist for half an hour, then strain and pour the tincture into a bathroom with warm water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed twenty minutes.

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      Elimination of digestive problems

      Walnut partitions will help to quickly get rid of diarrhea. They need to be poured 70% solution of alcohol and insist 7 days. Take this tincture is necessary for 6-10 drops twice a day.

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      Restoring the body and improving the metabolism of

      If your body needs support after suffering serious diseases, surgical interventions, oil from walnut will help to cope with this task. It helps to stabilize all processes in the body, and also to normalize the metabolism. Take oil one tablespoon on an empty stomach, after consulting with a doctor. Walnut oil improves immunity and helps the body resist the factors that can lead to the development of cancer.

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      Healing wounds

      Those who have unhealed wounds on the body, doctors recommend taking walnut oil one spoon per day inside, and also making compresses from it. The non-healing wound is rinsed with a hypertonic solution, after which a gauze cut is folded several times and moistened in oil. The procedures are carried out until the wound is completely healed.

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      Useful properties of walnuts for men

      Walnut kernels have long been included in the prescription of the drug, which was used to enhance male power. To make it, you need to grind and join together 12 kernels of nut, dry figs weighing 200 grams and a similar amount of prunes and raisins. The drug should be taken at 40 grams before going to bed, washing down with kefir.

      Useful properties of walnut oil are found in the treatment of diseases such as:

      • atherosclerosis;
      • diabetes;
      • hypertension;
      • nephritis;
      • hepatitis;
      • otitis media;
      • colitis.
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      Application in cosmetology

      Walnut oil is a part of many cosmetics due to its unique ability to soften, heal and restore the skin. Oil is added to anti-aging creams and sunscreens, facial and hand creams, and personal care products.

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      How to choose and store

      If you are buying an unpeeled nut, please note that there are no cracks, stains, holes, or other defects on the surface of the shell. Lightweight nuts empty inside or spoiled.

      Do not buy wet walnut fruit. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers add to the container with nuts water to increase the weight of the product. Moistened nuts are quickly spoiled.

      Quality nuts have a smooth shell, large sizes and an elongated shape. The most delicious kernels of the nut are covered with a film of golden hue on top. Nuts, covered with dark skin, have a bitter taste. Nuts of round shape usually have a thick shell, many partitions and small nuclei.

      If you buy already peeled nuts, choose the crisp cores of large sizes. Avoid shriveled and sluggish fruits. Stale walnuts can cause poisoning of the body.

      Uncleaned walnuts are advised to be stored in an airtight container. This container should be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. In the refrigerator walnuts are stored no more than 6 months, and in the freezer - about 1 year.

      Purified nuts should also be stored in a cool place in a sealed container for 6 months.

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      Contraindications and harm

      Dieticians and doctors recommend not all those who wish to eat delicious walnut kernels. It is forbidden to include walnuts in the diet with:

      • stomach ulcer;
      • obesity;
      • chronic colitis;
      • enterocolitis;
      • intestinal disorders;
      • increased blood clotting;
      • skin diseases;
      • hypertension;
      • atherosclerosis.

      Excessive consumption of the nut causes a strong irritation of the mouth and leads to the development of inflammation of the tonsils or stomatitis. Walnut is also a strong allergen. Doctors do not advise to exceed the daily nut consumption rate, so as not to cause diathesis or hives.

      The benefits and disadvantages of walnuts are due to its rich composition, what you get is up to you, do not abuse this product!

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      Interesting facts

      It is known that walnuts are ten times more nutritious than milk and bread. In one nut with a mass of 15 g is concentrated about 100 mg of vitamin C, which is a double daily rate for a person.


      Yes, walnut, is also called the tree of life, and this article shows that it helps on many points of health, although I did not know much. In our yard, a tree with walnuts has been growing for 12 years, it began to bear fruits for 4 years. This year the tree reached 6 meters in height, we collected about 15 kg of nuts. It seems not so much, but I will say it and not a little. I dried them in the oven for 3 hours, it turned out very tasty. I think we will have enough for the winter floor for sure. And the shell, too, can not be thrown out, you can do interesting things, for example, pasting flower pots.

  • Jun 03, 2018
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