Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer

Summer is the best time for a thematic or extra-genre photo shoot. Yes, and the rich and colorful scenery of the summer and sunny season( rural, urban) will not only save in the production of some genres in financial terms, but without extra time, the forces will provide excellent results of the survey.

  • Ideas for ideas
  • In the city of
  • Fusion style
  • In nature
  • In the village
  • At the reservoir
  • Genre ideas

Ideas for ideas

It is possible to clear up both the choice of thematic and out-of-genres ideas.

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In the city of

Summer is associated, first of all, with bright colors that are especially pleasing to the eyes of the city. But among the concrete structures you can find a beautiful park with colorful flower beds, all kinds of plantations and even a pond. So, if the location of such beauties is known to you, we recommend the realization of the ideas of photo sessions in the summer there. Photoshoot in the park is more suitable for a non-summer summer photo.

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In case of a photo shoot of this kind, try to avoid situations where in the frame in the background there are people or parts that do not fit in the exposition, for example, like banners, billboards, beer tents, garbage cans, garbage on the ground, ugly buildings and so onFurther.

The following ideas can be used: roller skating, biking, walking on rooftops, walking around the night city, etc.

Read about the features of make-up and style for the summer color appearance of the exterior
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Fusion style

The best idea for the city can be called shooting in the genre of portrait photo shoot - an art portrait in the youth style"Fusion"( a harmonious union of different styles).This style in itself is a style of extraordinary and beautiful. He admits a non-standard approach in make-up and clothing. Your attention in preparing should be given make-up and hairstyle. To supplement the photo with thematic accents in the genre of summer, choose an accessory whose main tone will be suitable for the basic shade in your makeup. For example, orange flowers in their hands and an orange base shade in the shadows in front of their eyes. Gold souvenir apples in hands( any other gilded souvenirs), and golden rouge glitters on cheekbones. Blue balloons - blue eyeliner and the same shade of nail polish.

By and large, it does not matter what exactly you take with you as an accent, the main thing is to link it with the makeup palette, the style of your hair, your image in the photo session. But do not try to pass a one hundred percent communication in the photo session.

The main thing is to call an associative connection. For example, if you have a book in the brown cover and you can see the name of the person who wrote it, say, you have a volume of Akhmatova in your hand, then under it you can associate with the nostalgic romance that underlies many poemsthis poetess. The idea of ​​this summer image is this: just dismiss hair in the wind, take a timid pose( you can stoop, squeeze your collarbone a little, tilt your head) and press the volume to your chest - that's the whole image for you. And it is not necessary to draw eyelids with brown shadows in the tone of the cover.

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In the nature of

In this case, photos should be with a predominant emphasis on the scenery of nature and only in portrait photos this accent goes to the model.

There are a lot of worthwhile ideas: photography in a flowering rosarium, near chic flowering bushes and trees, photos with wreaths, spikelets, summer flowers, a walk through fields, forests.

Forest is generally a separate topic. In almost any forest, you can find many locations, mysterious and beautiful places in which you can beat dozens of genre ideas: Dryad, Little Red Riding Hood, night on Ivan-Kupala, etc.

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In the village

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Rural locations are well suited for romantic and some thematic ideas. You can shoot in a rustic style( rustic style), you can also work out the idea of ​​a folk village style with some attributes of Russian folk culture, moreover, the image can be sustained as 100%, from folk costumes to accessories and attributes, and onlysupplemented with some accessories, for example: a handkerchief, red beads, embroidered shirt, ribbon in the hair, etc.

The village is suitable for horse riding or walking. You can also shoot in a village house, a garden, in a stable, in a hayloft.

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At the reservoir

Earlier we already touched on the idea of ​​a marine photo session, here we will describe ideas for river and other water bodies.

Shooting can be genre or folklore. For example, the same night on Ivan-Kupala, mermaids, naiads.

Read about the features of the photo shoot in the style of hippies

Depending on the locations, you can ride a boat, swim, hold a photo session on the beach, for example, in beautiful reedsor on a wooden bridge, dock.

If the reservoir has a tarpaulin, then you should try and make dynamic photos.

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Genre ideas for

In terms of genre photo shoot it's better to give preference to summer locations where there are few outsiders or those at all, so that you can completely relax and not feel embarrassed. Summer is an opportunity to experiment with genres, try on different roles in photo sessions, enjoy the process of realizing your ideas in the frame. Since the weather contributes, and the summer gives excellent coverage, as ideas you can consider the options of cosplay - the embodiment of the image of the hero of the movie, the game and so on in the photo session. For example, the image of a warlike Amazon, the image of a beautiful gypsy girl - Esmeralda, the idea of ​​a pirate image and so on.

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Of course, for the preparation of such a photo shoot will require a lot of enthusiasm, and sometimes financial costs, but the result is worth it.

In the summer it will be perfect for photo shoots in the city's ruins. In this case, against the background of such scenery, you can shoot any genre, but it will be especially advantageous to look "fashion", "military", "dark" and "romance".

When choosing clothes for such a photo shoot, if it is in the genre of fashion, give preference to bright colors, which will create an interesting contrast with the palettes of this kind of architecture.

In the summer city, as well as outside it, you can always find a lot of interesting places, which themselves will prompt ideas for a photo shoot. So, in almost every big city there are zoos, aviation museums in the open air, examples of refined and beautiful facade decoration in different styles - Renaissance, Gothic, Classics.

  • Jun 03, 2018
  • 48
  • 272