What headwear is fashionable to wear a woman in the summer

In everyday life, women wear headdresses mainly in the cold season, but with the help of a properly selected stylish summer dress, you can not only protect your head from the scorching sun, but also add an image of elegance and charm in the warm season. About what headwear will be fashionable to wear a woman this summer will go further.

  • Hat with wide margins
  • Straw
  • Canoe shape
  • Caps
  • Panama
  • Turban
  • Rims and wreaths

Hat with wide margins

At all times women in hats with large fields looked stylish, fashionable and a bit mysterious. In modern fashion, this headdress has not lost its relevance. Fashion designers advise choosing for the summer hats with large wide and flexible fields of light color.

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For a holiday, it is worth choosing a straw hat that not only protects the head from sunlight, but also protects the face from burning. Add a fashionable hat can be such elements of decor, as a ribbon, bow or beads. It is best to choose a model made from natural raw materials, which has a special shine and look.

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Boat shape

Another popular variety of straw hats is a canoty. The peculiarity of this headdress is in its shape - a round shape of small or medium forms with solid edges and small or medium fields around. This model gives the image of some playfulness and audacity. Previously, this type of headgear worn exclusively by representatives of the male sex. Today, the straw hat-boat is one of the most favorite models among young girls. Add an image of refinement and femininity with a beautifully selected ribbon, which is wrapped around the crown.

Learn also about the fashion styles of summer dresses http://woman-l.ru/fasony-letnix-platev-i-sarafanov/
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For lovers of sports style in clothes, stylists offer caps with a visor. It can be a stylish cap, baseball cap or classic cap. For women this season offer a wide range of caps with a visor of both closed and open type. Girls who prefer glamor and chic, like models decorated with stones, thorns, embroidery or rhinestones.

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For lovers of natural fabrics, summer hat is better to buy in the form of Panama. This season Panamas are especially popular with young people. Fashion designers advise wearing a denim panama, which has been the most popular for several years now. It is ideal for spring things and can safely be worn even from the middle of May. Such a stylish gizmo will be an excellent addition to a sporting or walking image. And for romantic and gentle natures, it is better to choose a hat or hat, crocheted or decorated with ribbon.

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For girls with a taste, the turban is one of the favorite models, because with the various methods of tying you can create new and unique images every day. For the summer season, a turban or shawl should choose light or bright shades of organza, flax, silk or staple. To create a unique headdress, the length of one side of the kerchief should be not less than 1.5-1.6 m.

Different types can be used for original tying. For beginners, you can advise the following method:

  • Fold the turban or shawl in half, defining its middle.
  • The middle of the cut is applied to the nape, and the tails are pulled forward.
  • The ends of the formed tails are crossed several times in front, and the tips are retracted and formed at will, leaving them hanging or tucked under the rims.
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Rims and wreaths

A simplified version of a turban or a scarf is a ready-made bezel on its head. Modern hair bands and bandages can be fashioned with satin ribbons and flowers in large numbers in the form of wreaths. These wardrobe elements serve more as decoration, rather than a multi-functional headgear.

  • Jun 03, 2018
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