Useful properties, contraindications and ways to use bergamot

The origin of bergamot - an evergreen plant with fruits representing a hybrid of bitter orange and lemon, is mysterious. Most likely, that it was taken out by ancient Chinese breeders. The Italians gave him the name and produced from the fruit a healing oil, then the French perfumers brought him fame. The English, however, having studied the useful properties of citrus, created a new popular sort of tea.

  • Overweight
  • For cold and sore throat
  • For inflammation on the skin
  • For insomnia
  • For pain, swelling and spasms
  • From the heat of
  • With cystitis
  • For gynecological problems
  • For cosmetic purposes
  • For hair
  • For body
  • For face
  • For hands and nails
  • For culinary purposes
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Green
  • Jam
  • Marmalade
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Procurement and storage
  • Chemical composition

    The value of bergamot fruits is determined by the significant content of the medicinal essential oil in the composition of which:

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    • Complex of vitamins of group B, A, C, PP, E.
    • Minerals -calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, copper, zinc.
    • Limonene, linalool, citral, citropent, giving the product antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Linalyl acetate - thanks to it, bergamot has such a tart, refreshing, bitterish and very persistent smell.

    • Caprylic acid, suppresses fungal infections and has sedative and antiviral properties.
    • Furokumariny, which has a photosensitizing effect, giving the skin a uniform tan.
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    Useful properties

    Essential oil of bergamot, contained not only in fruits( 1-3%).It is also extracted from leaves, flowers and young shoots of bergamot( up to 0.35%).Due to its inimitable composition, it has properties that are important for human health.

    • Strengthens the immune system, helps fight viral and fungal infections.
    • Provides a diaphoretic effect, relieves fever, improves mucus liquefaction.
    • Narrows the pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, increases the elasticity of the skin.
    • Removes skin rash, useful for insect bites.
    • Strengthens the hair.
    • The aroma of bergamot helps to overcome stress, fatigue, anxiety, and cheers.
    • Improves lactation.
    • Normalizes the functioning of the vegetative system, cleanses the vessels.
    • Heals wounds, cuts.
    • Relieves pain and spasms of the intestines and other organs.
    • Is an antiseptic and treats inflammation, in particular, the nasopharynx and the genitourinary sphere.
    • Reduces blood pressure, helps with headache.
    • Normalizes digestion, and awakens the appetite.
    Therapeutic properties, contraindications and prescriptions of artichoke application
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    Application of

    Bergamot is considered an ancient natural antibiotic and antiseptic. The cut fruits were applied to the wounds, they were used to make healing anti-inflammatory and skin balms.

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    For therapeutic purposes

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    With bronchitis

    It is useful to massage the feet with a shake prepared from a mixture of petrolatum or glycerin with a few drops of oils of bergamot, sandalwood and thyme.

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    From fatigue and nervous overstrain

    It is necessary to drink a medicinal drink 2 times a day, adding a few drops of bergamot oil and a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water. It is also helped by the SPA procedure with gel, in which there is a wonderful oil. Beneficial effect on the body and the inhalation of oil vapors.

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    From excess weight

    Drip a glass of juice or tea with essential oil and stir with a spoonful of honey. Taking this drink 2-3 times a day, you can satisfy your hunger, and thus reduce the number of meals.

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    For cold and sore throat

    Bring relief to the inhalation with the following composition: drop 5 drops of oils of bergamot, anise, eucalyptus, geranium and rosemary into a glass of hot water.

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    From inflammation on the skin

    To clean the skin of the face, you need to prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of grape seed oil and a few drops of bergamot and thyme oils and rub it daily.

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    From insomnia

    It is useful to take 15 minutes of warm baths, in which there are 30-35 drops of healing oil.

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    From pain, swelling and spasms

    Cold and hot compresses are good. For this, a couple of drops of bergamot should be added to 400 milliliters of cold or hot water. This means moisten the gauze napkin and attach to the problem site. The procedure lasts depending on the intensity of pain from 5 to 40 minutes.

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    From heat

    Compresses of 1/4 cup of warm water and a couple drops of bergamot will help. This composition is moistened with napkins, which are applied to the calves of the legs.

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    For cystitis

    Apply a warm sessile bath for 20 minutes. To prepare the bath, honey or salt( 10 grams per liter) and 10 drops of bergamot ether are dissolved in water.

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    For gynecological problems

    Practice douching with this composition: a couple of drops of oil are dissolved in half a teaspoon of honey or a small amount of soda and diluted with a glass of warm water.

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    For cosmetic purposes

    Cosmetic procedures in which the miraculous aroma oil of the prince's pear participates can be conditionally divided into 4 categories.

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    For hair

    Recipe 1.

    For revitalizing the hair, giving it shine and getting rid of fatty seborrhea and dandruff, and enough, applying a couple of drops on the comb, walk it through the hair in different directions. You can add this product to the shampoo.

    Recipe 2.

    For dry hair, bergamot oil is combined with sandalwood, rose, chamomile, jasmine and ylang-ylang oils in equal proportions. They are added to masks or massaged with this compound scalp.

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    For the body

    Recipe 1.

    To get a tan uniform, an hour before the procedure, use a mixture of 100 milliliters of suntan oil and a couple drops of bergamot ether.

    Recipe 2.

    Tonic: 50 milliliters of almond oil plus a few drops of lemon, bergamot, neroli and a drop of rosemary.

    Recipe 3.

    Massage as a session of aromatherapy, normalizing blood circulation, getting rid of toxins and toxins, reducing subcutaneous fat is done with 10 grams of massage oil and 5-7 drops of essential oil.

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    For face

    Recipe 1.

    Mask for oily skin: 75 milliliters of clean water and 15 milliliters of glycerin mixed with a few drops of bergamot, geranium and sandalwood esters. Apply for 20 minutes and rinse.

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    Recipe 2.

    Nourishing mask: take a few drops of bergamot and jojoba ether, mix with 15 milliliters of grape seed oil and apply on face for 10 minutes.

    Recipe 3.

    To narrow the pores, you need to drop a little bergamot ether into the beaten egg white and leave it on your face for a few minutes.

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    For hands and nails

    To get rid of fragility and delamination of nails, and also to soften the skin of hands, massage hands with a drop of bergamot oil daily. To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to conduct at least 10 procedures.

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    For culinary purposes,

    Slices of dried bergamot flavor and vitaminize any drink and dish.

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    To flavor tea in a sealed container, 5 tablespoons of leaves of black tea are covered and a few drops of bergamot aroma are added. To make this drink, you can add dried flowers of bergamot.

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    To refine the wine in it, you can also drop a little fragrant oil and let it brew for a day.

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    To refresh and flavor salad greens will help such a recipe: in a liter of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 5 drops of bergamot oil.

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    To add vareni citrus flavor to a liter jar of cooled dessert, you need 15 drops of the product.

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    To make a marmalade with the aroma of bergamot you need to cut the skin with 6 fruits of the prince's pear. Fruit the finely chopped and pour for 3 days with water. The liquid must be changed twice during this time. After the due date, pour bergamot with fresh water and boil a little. Then drain the water, cover the crusts with sugar( 1.2 kg) and a small amount of liquid and cook until the syrup thickens. In the finished product add the juice of 1 lemon, stir and cool.

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    Contraindications and side effects of

    It is necessary to know that the oil of outland fruit is very active and has a number of contraindications:

    • Furokumariny contained in it, can cause severe skin pigmentation, and even burns. Therefore, do not use undiluted aromatic oil. Avoid contact with oil on mucous membranes. It is not recommended for people with sensitive skin.
    • You can not inhale the aroma of oil to allergic people.
    • Children under 12 years of age should better avoid inhalations or other procedures with bergamot.
    • Seeds of bergamot are inedible and very bitter. It is dangerous if they reach children.
    • Pregnant women should use preparations with bergamot with caution. Their overdose can trigger a miscarriage.

    In order to benefit from the use of bergamot, you should first seek the advice of a specialist and accurately observe the dosage of the drugs.

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    Procurement and storage of

    In folk medicine and cooking, use the peel and whole fruits of bergamot, its flowers, leaves and young twigs. Of these, a valuable essential oil is extracted by pressing. The output of it from a kilogram of fruit is as much as 9 milliliters. Therefore, the product received is highly valued.

    Store bergamot oil in a tightly closed bottle of dark glass. The fruits of bergamot are stored in a sealed non-plastic container in a dry, cool, dark place. Ideal on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

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