How correctly to sunbathe?10 rules of a beautiful and even tan

How to plan the reception of a tan so that you do not get burns, but get an even beautiful tan with a bronze tint.


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  • How does a fair skin tan? Photo of
  • How does tanned skin burn? Photo of
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  • How correctly to sunbathe?10 basic rules
  • How to get a good sunburn in the sun?
  • What time does it take to sunbathe, so as not to harm your health?
  • What should I do if my skin is sunburned? Urgent measures
  • How to strengthen any tan?
  • Video: Sour cream from sunburns
  • Video: Correct tan

Smooth and beautiful tan makes the body more attractive. However, you should be able to sunbathe. Incorrect sunbathing can lead to burns. In this case, there will be no beauty, only a long and painful struggle with the consequences of an incorrect sunburn will appear. General rules are equally effective both in the solarium and in the open sun.

How does the skin tan different types?

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  • In total, four types of skin are distinguished, each of which reacts in its own way to tanning. The first type refers to the skin of white or pink-white color. This type of skin is called Celtic, is difficult to susceptible to sunburn. Burns occur frequently, the result is not noticeable even after repeated exposure to the sun or in the solarium
  • The second type of skin is European, characterized by a stable white color. People with this type of skin get the first tanning results fast enough, but it can not develop even after long sessions of
  • . Swarthy skin belongs to the third type, also called European, but differs from the second type in a darker color. With such skin, burns almost never appear, and the result of sunburn with each time only increases

How does a light skin tan? Photo by

How does tanned skin burn? Photo of

How does white skin tan? Photo

How correctly to sunbathe?10 basic rules of

1. Avoid the big activity of the sun. Sunbathing is better in the morning until 10-11 hours and in the evening after 16-17 hours. In the afternoon, the sun is ruthless, especially to those who first came out under its rays

2. Correctly make a schedule of staying in the sun. The first visit should not exceed five minutes. Even if you do not feel any effect from exposure to the sun, still go into the shadows, with what for a long time. Believe me, a little more time, and a burn is provided, especially with the first two types of skin. Next time, add a little bit more time and increase it gradually

3. Before leaving under the sun's rays, avoid using mineral-based creams, they significantly increase the chance of a burn. Also, do not abuse essential oils and perfumes

4. Try to always use sunscreen before sunburn. It improves the quality of sunburn and protects against burns

5. Under the sunlight it is better not to go out with a feeling of hunger or after a plentiful meal. For a good perception of sunburn, the body should not feel the internal discomfort of

6. Be sure to wear a panamka or kerchief on your head, and protect your eyes with glasses. This will prevent overheating in the sun and eliminate the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

7. Tanning, it is better to completely relax your body. Avoid reading or watching videos. The eyes in the sun are so tense, they should not be tired again. On the beach it is better to show more motor activity

8. Tanning in a static position on the back or on the abdomen, be sure to put something under your head, it should be raised. This will improve the blood flow of

9. If heated in the sun, do not immediately run into the water. Stand for a few minutes in the shade and allow the body to cool. Sharp and significant contrasts are stressful for the body

10. Always monitor your time in the sun, if you feel that you are about to fall asleep, get up and walk along the beach

How to get a good sunburn in the sun?

To get a good sunburn in the sun, you must clearly follow all the above 10 rules. This is the minimum set that will avoid problems with burns. Carefully refer to the choice of sunscreen, it should have a high content of SPF( sunscreen factor).The cream is selected according to the type of skin.

It's impossible to get a smooth tan at a time. This is the result of a long work. A small glitch in terms of sunbathing will cause burns, even minor ones will need to be treated. After this, an even tan will be very difficult to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to show patience, to sunbathe with minimal gaps, in order to obtain the expected effect as a result.

What time should I sunbathe, so as not to damage my health?

  • If sunburn is planned to be received in the solarium, then the tanning time is not important, the main parameter is the duration. If sunburn is obtained naturally from sunlight, we must exclude daylight exposure to the sun.
  • Scorching heat is extremely dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health. During this period, most often people get sunshine or heat stroke. Tanning in the sun, you need to eat less salty foods, because the salt delays the water in the body. Internal processes should be as active as possible, so you have to drink plenty of fluids and move more, giving water through perspiration
  • The best time for tanning is the morning. Since the morning and somewhere up to 10 or 11 hours. You can also sunbathe in the evening, when the main pressure of the sun's rays will go down

What if the skin is sunburned? Urgent measures

First you need to assess the degree of burn. If it is insignificant, it is necessary to go to a cool place, it can be a shadow of the tree or even go home. If the condition allows, at home you can take a cold shower to relax the heat effect. Dipping into the water in the open sun is contraindicated.

Then the burn site should be treated with a special remedy for burns in the sun. The most popular and effective is Panthenol. It is a spray that does not need to be rubbed into the skin, which relieves pain. After this, it is recommended that you drink a lot of clean water for a while, avoiding exposure to the sun.

If you feel nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and other negative reactions during burns, you should immediately seek medical help. You can call for emergency help or come to the nearest taxi assistance point.

Do not use alkaline substances, soap, alcohol, petroleum jelly, etc. when burning. All this can only exacerbate the condition. If there are blisters after sunburn, they can not be pierced - this will lead to infection of the skin inside. The entire recovery period should avoid sunburn.

How to strengthen any tan?

To enhance any tanning use special cream, which have two functions: protective and amplifying. The result from such tanning usually appears quickly enough, but keeps a short time. The choice of cream should be agreed with the doctor. Ask for help from a dermatologist or beautician.

How to take sunbathing: tips and reviews
Solar baths can do harm, so that this does not happen, use the tips that are described in this article. Properly controlling your tanning regime, you can avoid negative consequences and get a beautiful and even tan.

Video: Sour cream from sunburns

Video: Correct tan

  • Mar 06, 2018
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