Which air purifier to choose for an apartment

If you want the air in your apartment to be clean and safe for all members of your family, you need to choose an air purifier that will effectively cope with the tasks assigned. Purifiers, depending on their type, can clean the air in the room from unpleasant odors, dust and smoke, and also destroy bacteria and ionize the air. About how to choose the right air purifier, we will tell in this article.

The main difference of all present in the market of air purifiers for domestic use is the installed filter. Some models of cleaners are equipped with several filters, which makes their work more productive.

  • filter types in air purifier
  • Prefilter
  • charcoal( adsorption) filter
  • HEPA-filter
  • ULPA-filter
  • Water filter
  • photocatalytic filter
  • Electrostatic filter
  • Lladró air purifier
  • power
  • Service area
  • Control:mechanical or electronic?
  • Power source: mains or battery?
  • Noise
  • Dimensions
  • Useful features air purifiers
  • instagram viewer
  • Ionization
  • UV lamp
  • ozonation
  • Adjust speed
  • on lamp
  • sensor air pollution control
  • filter pollution indicator
  • Timer
  • display and remote control
  • housing Backlight
  • Flavoring
  • Car Adapter
  • Manufacturers of air purifiers

Filter types in air purifiers

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The pre-filter is a mechanical filter, which is a grid with small cells that purifies the air from large contaminant particles. It is also used as a protective element for the motor of the cleaner.


  • simplicity of design;
  • simplicity of operation( as a rule, the filters are reusable, to restore the normal performance of the filter, it is sufficient to wash it in warm water or vacuum it).


  • rapid clogging with contaminated air;
  • insufficiently effective cleaning of air in the room.
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Coal( adsorption) filter

The main purpose of the charcoal filter is the absorption of unpleasant odors, as well as the purification of air from a variety of chemical compounds. The basis of this filter is activated carbon, which adsorbs harmful substances.


  • high elimination efficiency of volatile and other organic compounds;
  • high efficiency in neutralizing unpleasant odors.


  • low efficiency when used in rooms with high humidity;
  • impossibility to restore the filter - it is subject to replacement only.
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HEPA filter

The HEPA filter is a fine filter, which is made of a special material based on fiberglass. Can be either removable or washable. The HEPA filter is also called a dust filter, as it effectively delays all particles larger than 0.3 μm.


  • the highest efficiency( initially these filters were developed for rooms with increased requirements for air purity);
  • ease of care( when using a washable filter).


  • high cost;
  • need frequent replacement( only applies to replaceable filters).

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ULPA filter

The ULPA filter is essentially an improved version of the HEPA filter, which is designed for the most effective air purification. ULPA filters are able to remove from the air all the particles whose diameter exceeds 0.1 μm - this applies to particles of different viruses.


  • maximum efficiency;
  • eliminates harmful bacteria from the air in the room.


  • high cost;
  • need frequent replacement.
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Water filter

The water filter is a cartridge with water, through which the incoming air passes. Particles of water effectively capture and retain dust particles. Water filters help not only to clean the air, but also to moisten it.


  • high efficiency;
  • multitasking( cleaning + humidification).


  • is usually included in a set of only expensive climate systems;
  • high cost.
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Photocatalytic filter

Photocatalytic filters are considered to be one of the most effective for cleaning air from various pollutants. The peculiarity of photocatalytic purification is not only the delay of pollutant particles, but also the decomposition of toxic pollutants using ultraviolet radiation.

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  • long service life;
  • high efficiency( air purification from all harmful viruses, as well as bacteria and viruses).


  • high cost;
  • inadequate prevalence in the current market.
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Electrostatic filter

An electrostatic filter is a filter consisting of several metal plates between which an electric field is created. Passing through the filter particles are retained by these plates and settle on them. Electrostatic filter is able to catch and detain all particles that can acquire a charge.


  • efficiency, air purification even from particles, the size of which does not exceed 0.01 μm;
  • durability and low cost.


  • inefficiency in air purification from toxic pollutants;
  • can only be used in conjunction with other filters.

In the market there are also combined models of cleaners that not only clean, but also humidify the air. If for you the humidification of the air is not less important than cleaning it, pay attention to the climatic complexes.

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Tips for choosing an air purifier

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One of the main parameters for selecting a cleaner. The larger the area of ​​the room, the greater the capacity of the cleaner installed in it. The power of modern cleaners is from 1 to 2000 watts. Take into account that the power of the device depends on its power consumption - powerful cleaners consume a large amount of electricity.

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Maintenance area

The maintenance area is an indicator directly proportional to the power of the device. This is the area of ​​the room, the air in which the selected device can be effectively cleaned. Modern cleaners are designed for premises ranging from 3 to 200 square meters.

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Control: mechanical or electronic?

Mechanical control has inexpensive models. With the help of several buttons and levers, the user can select the operating mode of the instrument and set the timer, for example.

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More expensive models have electronic control, which makes it possible not only to set the operating modes with great convenience, but also to program the work of the cleaner.

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Power source: mains or battery?

Most models of modern cleaners work exclusively on the network. If, in the room where the cleaner is to be installed, the supply of electricity is often turned off, it is possible to purchase a device operating both from the network and from the batteries.

The battery options are compact, so they can be used for cleaning air in temporary accommodation( for example, hotel rooms), as well as in cars.

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Noise level

The maximum noise level produced by the device during operation can be up to 65 dB, and this is a fairly high figure. Cleaners are devices that need to work continuously( during the entire time that the user is in the room), which is why the noise level indicator is extremely important. To ensure that the noise of the air purifier does not prevent you from working or sleeping, its level should not exceed 35 dB.

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Air purifiers are compact enough devices that can be installed anywhere in the selected room. But it should be borne in mind that high-power devices can be quite bulky - pay attention to this criterion when selecting a site for installing a cleaner.

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Useful functions of

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Devices with an integrated ionizer saturate the air in the room with negatively charged ions. Due to these ions, small dust particles stick together and settle on the floor, resulting in increased efficiency of air purification.

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UV lamp

A built-in short-wave radiation lamp helps to neutralize harmful fungi and bacteria that are abundant in the air. The resource of the ultraviolet lamp is limited, and can range from ten hours to one hundred thousand working hours.

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Ozonator is an appliance that saturates air in a room with ozone, which has a pronounced disinfecting effect. Due to the work of the ozonator, most harmful organic compounds in the air are destroyed.

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Adjusting the operating speed of the

Some devices allow the user to select the rotational speed of the cleaner fan. The more adjustments available, the greater the user's ability to configure the most appropriate mode of operation. For example, if one person is in the room for a cleaner, the minimum speed is sufficient for efficient operation, if people are more - the speed should be increased.

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Power on indicator

The on-off indicator is a light signal that indicates the connection of the device to the network and its proper operation.

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Air purity control sensor

The most functional models of air purifiers have special sensors that monitor the cleanliness of the air in the room, and transfer the received information to the display of the device. Some models of cleaners can be programmed to turn on when fixing excess air pollution indices in the room.

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Filter contamination indicator

Expensive air purifier models are equipped with a display to which information on the status of the device filters can be displayed. The indicator may indicate the need to clean or replace the filter component. If the device has several filters, the sensor is usually installed on fine filters.

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timer Most air purifier models have a timer. Its presence increases the comfort of using the device, since the user can independently program the on and off times of the cleaner.

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Display and remote control

Most models with electronic control are equipped with small displays that display information about the operating mode, the need for cleaning or changing filters, which simplifies the operation of the device. For greater user comfort, manufacturers include a remote control kit.

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Backlight of the case

Option with exceptionally decorative value. In the dark, the device with the backlight will look presentable.

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A removable aromatic cartridge can be installed in the cleaner body, due to which the air in the room not only clears, but also acquires a pleasant aroma.

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Car adapter

The car adapter included with the air purifier will allow you to use the device for cleaning the air in the car.

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Manufacturers of air purifiers

Among the popular manufacturers of quality air purifiers:

  • Panasonic;
  • Timberk;
  • Polaris;
  • Electrolux;
  • Boneco Air-O-Swiss.

Choosing the right air purifier for an apartment, you can save your health and the health of your loved ones, and make your stay comfortable for all family members.

  • Jun 03, 2018
  • 47
  • 221