How to make hair soft, docile and silky

Too hard hair is considered a disease that needs urgent treatment. Otherwise, over time, the structure of the hair is destroyed, the tips are split, and the curls themselves become weakened, break and fall out. Therefore, owners of hard hair should be wary of chemical wave, frequent staining, direct UV radiation, hot hair dryer, ironing and hard chlorinated water.

  • Professional remedies
  • Shampoos
  • Balsams
  • Masks
  • Oils
  • Popular recipes
  • Masks
  • Rinsings

Professional tools

In the beauty industry, there is a huge amount of products for the care, protection and treatment of hard from nature, dyed and discolored hair. Regular application of high-quality cosmetics will quickly return hair silky, soft and shiny.

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To make the hair soft, you need to start with the proper washing. Try to wash your head no more than twice a week, use boiled or purified water for this purpose, the temperature does not exceed 45 degrees.

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When choosing a shampoo, you should pay attention to moisturizers on a plant basis, which contain proteins, vitamins, nutrients and a minimum of aggressive substances. Such shampoos can foam badly, but thanks to their natural composition, they quickly help to smooth the hair scales and make the curls softer and more elastic.

Stylists recommend paying attention to moisturizing and nourishing shampoos:

  • L'oreal Professionnal Inoa color care,
  • L'oreal Professionnal Mythic oil souffle d'Or sparkling shampoo,
  • L'oreal Elseve,
  • Rene Furterer Absolue Keratine,
  • Rene Furterer Lissea
  • Wella Professional Enrich,
  • Wella Pro Series Moisture,
  • Brelil Professional Numero,
  • Herbal Essence,
  • Nivea "Moisturizing and Care",
  • Garnier Fructis,
  • Clean Line.
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After washing your head, do not forget about the use of balms, conditioners and rinse. Stop your choice on the natural remedies that have in the composition of oils, citrus extracts, lanolin, silicone, hyaluronic acid and vitamins A and E.

A similar balm is enough to apply on the hair for only a few minutes, while taking a bath, and then thoroughly wash off with warmwater. Under the influence of steam, the effect of using the drug will be much better.

For giving softness to hard hair, it's worth trying professional balms:

  • Rene Furterer Absolue Keratine,
  • Kapous Professional Balsam,
  • L'oreal Elseve,
  • Wella Professional Enrich,
  • Dove "Nourishing care",
  • Garnier Fructis,
  • Nivea "Moisturizing and caring»,
  • Brelil Professional Numero.
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Thanks to high-quality professional masks, hard hair becomes quickly cashmere, easy to comb and do not get tangled. The following hair masks deserve the best customer feedback:

  • L'oreal Professionnal Inoa color care,
  • L'oreal Professionnal Serie expert liss unlimited,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Smooth Shine Leave-in Treatment,
  • Kérastase Thérapiste,
  • Kérastase Elixir Ultime,
  • WellaProfessional Enrich,
  • Dove "Feeding Care",
  • Redken AllSoft.
Read on the benefits of coconut oil for hair

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oils In addition, the hair becomes tender after using oily fluids and serums containing amino acids, proteinssilk, wheat, as well as natural oils, plant extracts of lime, burdock, chamomile. These funds should be applied on semi-dry hair and do not rinse.

Stylists recommend the following oils, they will make the hair silky and shiny:

  • Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Oil Miracle,
  • L'oreal Professionnal Serie expert liss unlimited,
  • L'oreal Elseve "Extraordinary oil",
  • Kérastase Elixir Ultime,
  • Brelil Professional Liquid Crystal,
  • Brelil Professional BB Oil.
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Folk recipes

There are a lot of effective recipes among folk remedies. Home masks will not harm the hair and quickly give them softness, health and brilliance.

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Recipe 1.

All masks based on natural oils - olive, sea-buckthorn, linen - soften the hair well. Before use, they should be slightly heated, applied to the hair, wrapped in a towel and a minimum of half an hour, or better all night. Then wash your hair with a normal shampoo.

To make the effect of using this mask even better, it is worth trying to add honey to the oil, lemon juice or egg yolk.
For 2 tablespoons of any warm oil, you can choose 1 large spoonful of liquid honey or lemon juice or 1 egg yolk.

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Recipe 2.

Herbal mask. Composition:

  • dry chamomile,
  • dried linden flowers,
  • nettle leaves,
  • egg yolk,
  • oil vitamins A and E,
  • water.

A tablespoon of chamomile, linden and nettle, pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist and carefully strain. Cool the broth mixed with egg yolk and a couple drops of vitamins. Apply the mask on the hair, after an hour wash off without using shampoo.

Recipe 3.

Yeast Mask. Ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast,
  • 2 teaspoons honey,
  • 200 grams kefir.

Yeast should be poured with warm yogurt and let them brew. Then add honey and stir well. The mask is spread over the entire length of the hair, wrapped with cellophane and a towel and left for 60 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe 4.

Beer mask. Mix:

  • 2 tablespoons of light beer,
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Apply to hair, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 5.

Mask of onions and lemon. Ingredients:

  • 2 large onions,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Cut the onions with a blender and combine with lemon juice. Apply the mask to unwashed hair. Cover the head with a food film and leave for 25-30 minutes. Then carefully wash the hair with shampoo and rinse with a concentrated solution of lemon juice( for 1 liter of warm water squeeze the juice of 1 lemon).

Recipe 6.

A coconut mask rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Composition:

  • 100 ml of coconut milk,
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Coconut milk should be combined with lemon juice and beat well with a blender. The ready-to-use mass must be placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. On its surface, a thick layer must be formed, which must be collected, applied to the hair and left until completely absorbed. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water.

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Recipe 1.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice,
  • 1 liter of warm boiled water.

Rinse hair after each wash.

Recipe 2.

For very hard hair. Mix:

  • 50 ml of apple cider vinegar,
  • 0.5 liters of warm water.

Rinse hair after each wash. Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can use a strong decoction of green tea.

Recipe 3.

Milk rinse.

  • 300 ml of warm water,
  • 2 tablespoons of milk of maximum fat content.

Rinse hair after washing your hair.

Recipe 4.

For hard hair of dark and light hues.

  • 1 tablespoon rosemary for dark hair,
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers for light hair,
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 liter of warm water.

Depending on the color of hair rosemary or chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, brew and cool. Strain broth and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Use as a last rinse after washing your head.

Recipe 5.


  • 250 ml warm milk,
  • 200 ml infusion of nettle,
  • 100 ml of warm water.

Beforehand, the nettle should be brewed, infused for two hours and filtered. Then, combine all the ingredients and rinse the hair with a solution after washing, doing a head massage.

This rinse aid requires 10 minutes to rinse again with running water. The product has a rather peculiar smell, but after rinsing with water it will disappear.

  • Jun 03, 2018
  • 16
  • 135