Juicy fruit with a sweet aroma, bright taste - that's what a melon, which is more correctly called a berry from the family of pumpkin. Even one slice will raise the mood, improve well-being, give a charge of vivacity due to beneficial properties. However, with the gift of nature, one must be more careful. If you like a melon - the benefits and harm of the product you need to be aware of.
Benefits of melon for health
Fragrant melon is not only a treat, but a well of medicinal substances necessary for human health, a large set of vitamins, microelements:
- There are folic acid in the product - very useful for women, and ascorbic acid.
- Phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, sodium strengthen the body, update cells, establish metabolism.
- Iron, chlorine, iodine activate brain activity, help to work the thyroid gland.
- Calcium protects bones from fractures, potassium and magnesium - saviors of the cardiovascular system, zinc - a natural immunostimulant.
The benefits of melons for the body are great. B group vitamins support the nervous system, improve memory, repair damaged tissue. Vitamin A regulates the reproductive function of the body, beneficially affects the musculoskeletal system, improves eyesight. Berry enhances the curative effect of antibiotics while reducing their toxicity. It should be noted that this delicious product can manifest itself and as a sparing laxative. In a word, there is a melon-based delicacy, but there are contraindications to its use.
Is a melon useful for pregnancy
Pregnant women love juicy fruits, their flesh helps to produce a "hormone of joy."Is the melon useful in pregnancy? Yes, because it is non-nutritive, raises hemoglobin in the blood, effectively relieves swelling, improves intestinal peristalsis, regulates stool, removes the problem of hemorrhoids. However, its pulp is very sweet, the sugar in its composition is easily digestible, harmful when the norm is exceeded. Melon - its benefits and harm - is strictly taken into account during breastfeeding, since even one juicy slice eaten by the mother can cause indigestion in the baby.
Harmful melon in pancreatitis
The answer to the question whether the melon is harmful in pancreatitis, will tell the state of the body. The properties of melons are such that the ban on it is superimposed in the acute phase of the disease, and during the period of remission it can be fed, but not on an empty stomach and not after a hearty meal. With pancreatic diseases this berry is not eaten in unlimited quantities. A large percentage of fiber, sugar can provoke flatulence, exacerbate the disease. Choose a ripe, sweet fruit to protect yourself from hydrochloric acid, which is produced under the influence of melon juice.
Melon is harmful in diabetes mellitus
Sweet temptation seduces even diabetic patients and is quite acceptable in this disease - provided that a person will eat a little, monitor blood glucose levels, take prescribed medications. It is necessary to listen to advice:
- It is necessary to choose not so ripe fruit, in it fructose is less.
- It is better to eat the product separately, not earlier than an hour after another meal. Connecting with other food, it causes strong fermentation in the intestine.
- Melon in diabetes during the season is consumed this way: the patient should give up other foods with a lot of carbohydrates.
Dried melon - benefit and harm
Delicious, delicious product - dried fruit. What is useful dried melon? The same as fresh culture. Useful properties of fruit during heat treatment are perfectly preserved, therefore it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and nervous diseases, diseases of the genitourinary sphere, jaundice. Women need to pamper themselves with this wonderful dried fruit: it contains a lot of folic acid, which has a curative effect:
- is responsible for the hormonal sphere;
- struggles with depression;
- improves immunity;
- rejuvenates the body.
The harm of a dried melon, or, more correctly, its side effects, is manifested in the fact that it does not combine with some foods, and this threatens digestion disorders. Alcohol, milk and dairy products, as well as honey should not meet with it in the stomach. Refuse it should be diabetics and obese: dried melon has a high caloric value, in addition, it has a lot of natural sugar. One should think about the fact that the dried product bought in the store or on the market could be treated with chemicals. This melon should be washed before use.
Melon Seeds - Benefit and Harm
Good melon seeds, the benefits and harm of which are obvious. Oil from them normalizes the work of the intestines and liver, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, facilitates coughing, helps reduce sugar levels. Recommended melon seeds for men with problems with the prostate gland, with impotence, prostatitis. To that the content in the seeds of zinc makes them a powerful aphrodisiac. Harmful properties have no unusual product, but the fat content in it is great. To be fond of eating sunflower seeds is not necessary, so as not to overload the spleen.