Flower Summer

The summer color-type is perhaps the most common among women living in Russia. It is characterized by matte smoky colors and lack of contrast.

Usually, the representatives of the summer color type have blond hair of gray( ashy) hue with the effect of easy blurring. Gray shades prevail in the color of the eyes of the female Summer: gray-blue, gray-blue, gray, nutty, while the proteins almost do not contrast with the iris.

The skin color of the woman-Summer can be very light, with a bluish tinge, and dark( delicate walnut color), with freckles of a gray-brown color and a blush of cold pink hue.

Thanks to this color scheme, an aristocratic, mysterious and refined image of a woman-Summer is created.

ColorType Summer is divided into three subspecies:

  • cold Summer;
  • light Summer;
  • soft Summer.

  • Cold( current) Summer
  • Light summer
  • Soft Summer
  • Colorful summer wardrobe Summer
  • Make-up for color-type Summer
  • Tonal foundation, powder and blush for coloring Summer
  • instagram viewer
  • Shadows, mascara and eyeliner color-type Summer
  • Lipstick for coloring Summer

Cold( real) Summer

Cold Summer is a classic representative of summer color, it is not accidental that it is also called true( real) Summer. Its priority characteristic is a cold shade of hair, eyes and skin.

This summer colorotype is characterized as soft, cold, calm, muffled, feminine, refined.

The main rule for this summer subtype is to exclude warm colors and choose muted shades with a blue sub-tone.

The most successful colors for a cold Summer are:

  • dark blue;
  • gray;
  • all shades of blue;
  • soft pink;
  • berry shades;
  • soft fuchsia;
  • color of cocoa.

Least successful colors for cold Summers:

  • golden brown;
  • yellow-green;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • peach;
  • bronze.
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Light summer

Color-type light Summer is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Spring.

The dominant characteristics of this summer subtype are light shades of skin( pink-beige, porcelain with light gray-brown freckles and pink blush), eyes( blue, green-blue, cold gray) and hair( blond ash blond, light brown with a grayish podton).

This summer subtype is best suited for neutral colors of the spring palette.

The most successful colors for light summer are:

  • light gray;
  • powder pink;
  • milk;
  • sky blue;
  • is a light lavender;
  • navy blue.

Least successful colors for light Summer:

  • black;
  • saturated dark colors;
  • too bright colors;
  • flashy red.

If you really want to add brightness to the image, you can use bright contrasting details.

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Soft Summer

Soft summer is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Autumn. It combines warm and cold shades, and the dominant characteristics are soft shades of skin( pink, pinkish-beige, light olive), hair( medium brown and smoky brown) and eyes( gray-blue, nutty, blurred green).This summer colorotype is characterized as soft, velvety, natural, feminine.

The most important rule for women of this summer subtype is to use soft and muted tones and avoid screaming shades.

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The most successful colors for soft Summer are:

  • light gray;
  • purple;
  • is crimson;
  • milk;
  • light blue;
  • deep shade of pink.

Least successful colors for soft Summer:

  • pink electrician;
  • blue electrician;
  • bright orange;
  • coral;
  • black.
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Wardrobe color-type Summer

As you can see, the color scheme of the summer color-type does not meet our ideas about summer. Brilliant, bright, neon, flashy colors are not suitable for a woman-Summer. Her face is more muffled, soft, gentle tone. The same applies to the style of clothing. Replenishing your wardrobe, a woman of summer color should avoid screaming trendy models. It is better to pay attention to the delicate feminine outfits of the romantic style, made of thin, soft, flowing and delicate fabrics: chiffon, lace, moire, gas, Chinese crepe, veil, silk, satin, silky cambric, silk velvet, jersey.

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Well look at the women of summer color and romantic models made of fine wool, cashmere, flannel, flax, poplin, tweed. But necessarily their drawing and texture should emphasize the femininity and elegance of the woman's appearance. Help in this small pattern, vague prints, lace inserts, draperies.

Perfectly complement the refined image of a woman of summer color, old ornaments from silver, platinum and white gold jewelry using white and pink pearls, precious and semiprecious stones of cool shades( sapphire, aquamarine, sky lazurite, green emerald).

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Make-up for the color-type Summer

Without the make-up, the face of the woman-Leta with her smoky, gentle shades of eyes of the skin and hair and low contrast between them looks rather dim and faded. However, this is the most refined and aristocratic diamond, which, with the right cut, i.е.skillful make-up, can really dazzle your beauty. It is important to choose the right colors for it.

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Tonal foundation, powder and rouge for color-type Summer

Woman-Summer refers to a cold color, which means that it is better to use cold tones with a grayish pod for tonal basis and powder, avoiding warm brown and golden hues. It is not recommended for women of summer color and use and self-tanning, which can give the skin an unhealthy yellow tint. To mask local problems on the skin( redness, pimples, close-lying capillaries), it is recommended to use a corrector of light green hue.

Blush for the woman-Let is best suited for cold pink and greyish-beige shades, but the rouge of terracotta, brick, coral and peach flowers is best not to use.

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Shadows, carcasses and eyeliner pencils of color-type. Summer

The main principle in choosing the color of pencils and eyeliner for a woman-Summer is the rejection of too dark shades. It is better to use pencils for the eyes of anthracite or dark gray, but not black. By the way, a woman of summer color is better not to use podvodkami, namely pencils for the eyes, tk.they create a lighter and softer line that emphasizes the eyes without making the look heavier.

The most successful color of pencils for summer color:

  • gray;
  • blue;
  • gray-brown;
  • black-and-gray;
  • lilac;
  • purple.

Naturally, the color of eye pencils should be in harmony with the color of the eyebrow pencil.

The color of mascara for women of summer color is recommended:

  • black;
  • gray;
  • purple.

Not recommended:

  • turquoise;
  • bright blue;
  • is emerald green.

Regarding the color of the shadows, the most expressive of all the eyes of the woman-Summer look surrounded by gentle pastel shades:

  • gray;
  • silver;
  • pink;
  • of lilac;
  • blue;
  • smoky blue;
  • brownish-gray;
  • silver-beige;
  • white and blue;
  • gray-violet;
  • gray-green;
  • of lime color.

It is recommended to avoid the use of shadows:

  • marsh green;
  • copper;
  • red-violet;
  • poisonous and neon shades.
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Lipstick for color-type Summer

The most suitable lipstick color for summer color:

  • pale pink with mother of pearl;
  • saturated pink matt;
  • smoky purple;
  • is a gentle-cherry;
  • wine;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • berry.

Least-fitting lipstick color for summer color:

  • coral;
  • brown;
  • orange;
  • bright red.

Thank you, interesting article, I will use the recommendations for myself and better understand the scale.


Oh, thank you! I was very helpful about makeup.


Thanks, very useful information, everything could not decide on the color in clothes and make-up, looked at your wardrobe, it turned out that unconsciously on the right path, though with deviations, I will correct!


Thank you! For several years I could not figure out spring or summer. Your test is just super!


Thanks, very helpful article!


The articles are interesting and full, but!as I could not figure out the spring or summer, I could not. It's a pity.


It was interesting to read, but if before I doubted whether I'm spring or summer, now I doubt whether it's summer or autumn) I did not understand why if a soft summer includes soft cold and soft warm hues, then recommendationson clothes and make-up exclusively in cold colors?. . I frankly cold tones do not go at all. However, like the frankly warm.


Thank you, very helped article, I will change my wardrobe and makeup.


Very interesting and informative article. I did not understand the color in my clothes( it seems like summer, but it seems to me that almost all colors suit me), but with make-up at all to the point, I use all these shades))))))))


Very useful article! !!Thank you!!!Following your advice, I'll look even more interesting! !!Finally, I know exactly the color of lipstick, which must be selected, for its color-type! !

  • Jun 03, 2018
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