There are many people in Georgia who have crossed a hundred-year boundary. And this is largely due to their traditional cuisine. Georgian traditions require the daily presence on the table of a variety of greenery and fruits that fill the blood with all the microelements and minerals necessary to maintain excellent health. The fact that most people who have lived here until old age have excellent eyesight, clear memory and have a good posture that has not been damaged by radiculitis and osteochondrosis is a confirmation of the beneficial effect on people of similar gastronomic predilections.
Features of national Georgian cuisine
But fruits and greens are not the basis of Georgian cuisine, but only modest, but obligatory for most dishes. Because the fertile land allows residents living here to enjoy unlimited quantities of milk, poultry meat and cattle meat,a variety of vegetables grown on local, fertile soil. Having such a number of useful components in your hands, you could not particularly philosophize and completely dispense with the simplest recipes to eat well. However, the Georgian soul demands that all the products at hand be intertwined with each other in the prepared dish and create the taste of a new dish that is capable of awakening from the deep sleep the hard-sleeping volcanoes of the Caucasian mountains.
Such abundance has led to the fact that it is difficult to single out some main dishes or products in the Georgian national cuisine. However, the characteristic feature is still there: all the first and second dishes are abundantly flavored with spices and herbs. But the seasonings do not hamper their taste, but only emphasize, make each time sound a little differently, add juiciness and a long aftertaste. Many recipes for preparing local food have been tested for centuries, which means they keep the secrets of the ancient sages who cared about the harmony of man with everything that surrounds him and ate only to live, and not vice versa.
Famous dishes of Georgian cuisine
Poultry chakhokhbili, prepared according to Georgian recipes, will be remembered for a long time, as it is not often necessary to try how much the taste of meat improves from the use of the cilantro chef and small pinch of the chaiber. The latter seasoning is very specific and inefficient use can greatly spoil the taste of the dish. Many housewives simply do not risk applying it in practice. Therefore, be sure to try the Chahokhbili in its historical homeland to feel how this herb should sound in the dish when properly applied.
Georgian bread is interesting and unusual for Slavs living in the western region of the post-Soviet space. It does not look like Russian loaves, and the oven in which it is baked is very different in form from Russian stoves. It is more like a large pipe, vertically mounted in the ground, and the baked dough is placed not on the bottom of the oven, but is placed on its walls in staggered order. In form, local bread resembles a large cake. The huge, thin pancakes, called lavash, sold in our stores, are one of the varieties of Georgian bakery products. In some cases, the Georgian housewives, instead of the usual bread in our understanding, put the gomi on the table, replacing bread and more like a warm porridge lined with a hill. Gomi is made from cornmeal and chumize seeds, and the seeds of the plant are first cooked, to which corn flour is added at the end of the cooking.
The pride of Georgians - lean suluguni cheese and famous sauces: satsivi, satsibeli or tkemali, which are unique thanks to the fruits of tkemali and ombalo, a special wine vinegar.