How to make a coffee tree with your own hands

Would you like to decorate the house in an original way? Unique charm and comfort will give to the premise a topiary - an ornamental small tree in the form of a ball, often it is also called a tree of happiness. Such trees are made of different materials - from paper, thread, satin and polymer roses, but we'll tell you today how to make a coffee tree with your own hands.

  • Materials
  • Manufacturing process


For the manufacture of such decorative wood, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • coffee beans;
  • glue gun;
  • flower pot;
  • stick for the trunk( you can use a skewer or a regular branch);
  • polystyrene ball;
  • twine thread;
  • cotton wool;
  • thick gold cardboard;
  • is an aerosol paint of gold color;
  • elements for decorating wood.

to the table of contents ^

Manufacturing process

First we prepare the bead and tree trunk. For this we need to paint them in gold color. To not paint together with the elements of the table, lay an unnecessary cloth or napkin. Put a stick on the napkin and paint it abundantly with aerosol.

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Do the same with the ball, which will serve as the crown for the topiary. To make it more convenient to paint, the ball can be put on a suitable stand.

After the elements have dried, you can proceed to the most responsible and interesting stage - the gluing of grains. From how you glue them, and will depend on the appearance of the tree. Grain can be glued in a chaotic manner or by sticking to a specific scheme. The topiary looks original, on which the coffee beans are glued diagonally or in the form of a heart. There are lots of options, just connect fantasy and create.

That's the way, slowly pasting the whole ball.

Read also how to sew a quilt with your own hands

Please note that the grain should be glued both on the inside and outside, so the treewill look more spectacular. Now we take a flower pot, into which we are our tree of happiness and "plant".

In order for the article to stand well in the pot, it needs to be filled with cotton. If the tree still does not hold well, then for rigidity to the bottom you can put pebbles or broken bricks, then lay the rest of the space with cotton and then close the pot with gold cardboard.

Next we decorate our wood from coffee beans with decorative elements. We just made a bow of twine, fixed it with a butterfly brooch and glued the element to the foot of the topiary. Another butterfly was attached to the crown, but you can decorate your tree of happiness, as you wish. Such elements give an oddity of originality and exclusivity, so this moment should not be missed.

That's it, a beautiful coffee tree is "grown" with your own hands. It remains only to find a suitable place in the house where it can please you and your guests.

  • Jun 03, 2018
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