Pumpkin: properties, benefits and harm

Pumpkin is a delicious, fragrant and healthy vegetable. For a bright yellow color and impressive size, the pumpkin is often called the "queen of the garden."

  • Varieties and varieties
  • Composition
  • Caloric value
  • Nutritional value
  • Useful compounds
  • How to prepare
  • Useful properties and applications
  • Usage in traditional medicine
  • Benefits for pregnant women
  • The healing properties of pumpkin seeds
  • How to choose andstore
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Interesting Facts
  • History of discovery

    The most ancient vegetable of Central America is the pumpkin. Archaeologists say that this vegetable was the first to grow Indians in Peru. From the pulp pulp they cooked a lot of nutritious dishes, pumpkin seeds were used to treat diseases and prepare medicinal oil, and from the pumpkin peel they made strong dishes.

    In Europe, the seeds of pumpkins were brought by Spanish merchants in the 15th century. In Russia, this vegetable began to grow in large quantities peasants in the 16th century.

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    Today the pumpkin is grown on an industrial scale in the countries of Asia, Africa, the USA and the CIS.

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    Varieties and varieties of

    Today, there are many types and varieties of pumpkin, which differ among themselves:

    • form;
    • the size of the fetus;
    • coloring;

    • rate of maturation;
    • thick crust;
    • content of sugar in the pulp;
    • with the taste of pulp.

    The most common in Russia are the following types and varieties of pumpkin:

    1. Solid. This kind of pumpkin is characterized by a delicate taste, high yield and medium size. Type of pumpkin hard-root has about 30 varieties. The most popular among gardeners are truckers: "Akorn" "Smile", "Harlequin", "Spaghetti".
    2. Large-fruited. This kind of pumpkin is characterized by high cold resistance, has a thin skin and juicy pulp. The weight of the fruit can reach 100 kg or more. Breeders offer consumers more than 50 varieties of large-fruited pumpkin. The most popular brands are: "Little Baby", "Titan", "Ordinary", "Centner".
    3. Muscat. The fruits of this kind of pumpkin are characterized by high nutritional value, excellent taste characteristics, long period of storage. Most often on private plots grow varieties: "Divo", "Plav-kadu", "Gilea", "Batternat."
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    This vegetable culture is a natural source of substances beneficial for human health. A lot of fiber, enzymes, pectins, minerals and vitamins are concentrated in the pulp pulp.

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    Caloric value

    Pumpkin is a low-calorie product. In 100 grams - 22 calories. This vegetable is recommended to include in the menu people who seek to reduce excess body weight.

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    Nutritional value of

    90% of the pulp pulp consists of water. This product contains few carbohydrates and fats.

    Substance Weight( g)
    Proteins 1
    Fats 0.1
    Carbohydrates 4.4
    Dietary fibers 2
    Organic acids 0.1
    Water 91.8
    Mono and disaccharides 4.2
    Starch 0, 2
    Ash 0,6
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    Useful connections

    Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins B, vitamin A, E and C. Orange pumpkin varieties are saturated with beta-carotene, the amount of which is three times more than in carrots.

    Substance Weight( mg / μg)
    Beta-carotene 1,5
    A 250
    B1( thiamine) 0,05
    B2( riboflavin) 0,06
    B5( pantothenic acid) 0,4
    B6( pyridoxine) 0.1
    B9( folic acid) 14
    C 8
    E 0,4
    PP 0,7

    The pumpkin contains many valuable minerals. This vegetable culture is recognized as the record holder for the content of iron, zinc, fluorine, cobalt and calcium in its pulp.

    Substance Weight( mg / g)
    Calcium Magnesium 14
    Sodium Phosphorus Potassium 204
    Chloro 19
    Iron Sulfur 0,4
    Zinc 0,24
    Iodine 1
    Copper Manganese 0,04
    Fluoro 86
    Cobalt 1
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    Ways of preparation

    This vegetable culture can:

    • bake;
    • cooking;
    • to extinguish;
    • fry;
    • to dry;
    • soar;
    • to marinate.
    • loading. ..

    After the heat treatment, the useful properties of the pumpkin do not decrease. Dietitians advise in dishes with pumpkin to add vegetable fats, so that carotenes are better absorbed by the body. Thermally processed pumpkin is especially useful to people who suffer from diseases of the organs of the excretory and circulatory system, as well as the liver. Cooked and baked pumpkin is recommended for older people.

    On the basis of pumpkin, you can prepare healthy dishes. This dietary vegetable is perfectly combined with:

    • with wheat;
    • rice;
    • with lentil;
    • chicken;
    • beef;
    • raisins;
    • apple;
    • prune;
    • with walnuts;
    • greens;
    • carrots;
    • cinnamon;
    • with nutmeg;
    • potatoes;
    • garlic.

    Pumpkin can be eaten raw. To do this, peel it and cut it into slices. If you eat 300 grams of chopped pumpkin for a month, you can get rid of chronic constipation and improve your eyesight.

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    Useful properties and application of

    The benefits of pumpkin lies in its general strengthening, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, cleansing and wound-healing properties. This vegetable culture:

    • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
    • improves biochemical processes in the liver;
    • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
    • improves vision;
    • inhibits the aging process of the body;
    • calms the nervous system;
    • relieves edema;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • eliminates insomnia and migraines;
    • cleanses the body of heavy metal salts;
    • improves blood clotting;
    • reduces the risk of developing diseases of the urinary system;
    • helps to lose weight;
    • increases immunity;
    • reduces elevated body temperature;
    • heals wounds, eczema and burns;
    • inhibits the propagation of the Koch's rod;
    • prevents the development of caries.
    • loading. ..

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    Application in folk medicine

    Useful properties of pumpkins are used to treat:

    • gout;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • anemia;
    • obesity;
    • of kidney and liver diseases;
    • of hemorrhoids;
    • skin diseases;
    • of nervous disorders;
    • of colds;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the circulatory system.

    For the treatment of colitis during a month, drink 100 ml of pumpkin juice daily for the night. To get rid of insomnia, take before bed 50 ml of pumpkin broth with the addition of 5 ml of honey.

    For the treatment of rashes, burns or ulcers, apply a pulp of fresh pumpkin pulp to the affected area.

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    Benefits for pregnant women

    Systematic consumption of pumpkin will help future mothers:

    • improve digestion;
    • get rid of toxemia;
    • remove excess fluid from the body;
    • to cope with stress;
    • intensify the work of the intestine;
    • improve overall skin condition.
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    The healing properties of pumpkin seeds

    The composition of pumpkin seeds includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential oils, organic acids. Dietitians advise eating pumpkin seeds in a dried or raw form. This product is characterized by the following unique properties:

    • choleretic;
    • is anti-inflammatory;
    • diuretic;
    • antisclerotic;
    • cleansing;
    • immunomodulating;
    • is wound-healing.

    Pumpkin seeds are also characterized by anthelmintic properties. Anthelmintic effect is achieved due to the presence in the pumpkin seeds of the amino acid cucurbitin.

    To get rid of parasites, consume 14 consecutive days of 50 grams of pumpkin seeds with milk or low-fat cottage cheese. After the treatment course, take any laxative.

    Pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the functions of the reproductive system of women and men:

    • activate the production of sex hormones;
    • increase motility of spermatozoa;
    • improve the quality of female sex cells;
    • increase sexual activity;
    • protect against the development of cervical cancer and inflammation of the prostate.
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    Use in cosmetology

    The raw and boiled pulp of pumpkin can be used in home cosmetology for:

    • preparation of toning masks and compresses;
    • smoothing of fine wrinkles;
    • skin cleansing from acne;
    • lightening of pigmented spots;
    • improving the complexion;
    • increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

    To prepare an effective mask?combine 50 grams of crushed raw pumpkin with 10 grams of honey. The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face. Remove after 20 minutes the remains of the mask. Duration of the course is 8 procedures.

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    How to choose and store

    To choose a quality pumpkin fruit, pay attention to their appearance. It is best to buy a pumpkin that has:

    • matt skin;
    • smooth surface;
    • round form;
    • average size.

    The "tail" of the ripe pumpkin is dry and painted in a dark color. The pulp of a quality pumpkin should have a dense structure and a bright orange color.

    Do not buy pumpkin fruits on the surface of which there are spots, cracks or mold marks. The optimal weight of a delicious pumpkin is 3-5 kg. The flesh of a large pumpkin can be fibrous and dry.

    For this product to retain all the useful properties, it needs to be stored in a dark cool room. Optimum temperature regime: from +15 to -2 degrees.

    If the pumpkin is in the cleared state, then it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days.

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    Contraindications and harm

    The use and harm of pumpkin is its unique composition. This product is forbidden for people who suffer from severe alkalizing effects:

    • gastritis;
    • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • is a severe form of diabetes.
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    Interesting facts

    The largest pumpkin in the world was grown by American Chris Stevens from New Richmond. The weight of the pumpkin was about 821 kg.

    This vegetable culture is the main symbol of the popular in the US holiday - Halloween. On this day, prepare delicious pumpkin pies, and also carve from the pumpkin original figures, inside which are set burning candles.


    Pumpkin is one of the most useful products, in my opinion. I sat down somehow on a diet, while I started to drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice to maintain the tone of the body. And I noticed a lot of positive things. The structure of nails and hair has improved. The mood was constantly upbeat. I was afraid that I would break, because I love sweet, but he did not want at all. On a diet, I do not sit anymore, but I drink pumpkin juice daily. Which helps me not to gain weight.


    Pumpkin is well absorbed by the body, so it is recommended to use it for children and diet food. Pumpkin lovers have a good complexion and cheerful mood because of the high content of iron in it. By the way, with a burn, you can apply a pulp flesh to the damaged area, which will help to remove the pain.

    • Jun 03, 2018
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