Therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of eucalyptus

At home in Australia, the eucalyptus, or literally "well covered," grows in the relic forests, its other names are the Kamedian or the Divine Tree. The leaves of eucalyptus are flavored by Australian koalas, and the aborigines have long made healing preparations from all parts of it. The giants disinfect the air and at the speed of the pump drain the swamps. In medicine, several types of eucalyptus with medicinal properties - rod-shaped, blue, globular and silver - have found application.

  • chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Indications
  • Preparations
  • Oil
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • powder
  • Broth
  • Water extract
  • alcohol tincture
  • Tea
  • Ointment
  • collection
  • Recipes application
  • When problems
  • gynecology in febrile
  • condition In diabetes
  • Whenprostatitis
  • With stomatitis and sore throat
  • With periodontal disease
  • With herpes
  • From joint pain
  • From fungus
  • From itching and dry skin
  • With oily toAuger and microcracks
  • instagram viewer
  • With colds, cystitis and back problems
  • With chronic cough
  • From insects
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Procurement and storage

Chemical composition

Most of all in eucalyptus essential oil is valued, the content of which varies in different types of tree from several partsalmost to 5%.

Silver eucalyptus is especially valuable for healing properties, where the oils are almost twice as high as in other types. They are completely preserved in dry leaves. Not much lower the medicinal properties of the rod-shaped eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus oil more than 3/4 consists of cineol and tocopherol - vitamin E. It has almost 10% tannins, there are flavonoids, phytoncides, bitterness, vitamins, microelements and other active substances( and there are about 40).

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Useful properties

Eucalyptus is an excellent remedy for many severe pathologies and infections. It has a vast field of application, and there are not too many contraindications. From the "Wonderful Tree" medicines with antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, immunomodulating and other important properties are produced.

  • Destroys pathogenic bacteria and microbes - staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, intestinal infections.
  • Disinfects the air. Without exaggeration, eucalyptus can be called a healer, who cares about healthy and easy breathing. This is the best air purifier.
  • Has analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and normalizes temperature. The most ancient remedy for fever.
  • A pleasant smell helps to relieve stress, improve mood, helps concentration of attention.
  • Beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating it, heals wounds. Eucalyptus oil is an excellent tool for women's beauty, as it is rich in vitamin E, which actively rejuvenates and cares for the skin.
  • Improves breathing, has an expectorant effect.
  • Repels pests and kills parasites( lice, ticks, fleas, malarial mosquitoes).
Therapeutic properties, contraindications and prescriptions for the application of artichoke
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The healing properties of eucalyptus leaves are indispensable in such cases:

  • When disinfection of premises during epidemics.
  • For the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system: inhalations, rinses, rinsing of the nose and other procedures.
  • For prolonging extensive wounds, treating skin infections, especially with burns, frostbite and difficult healing ulcers.
  • For pain of rheumatic, neuralgic nature, headache and muscle pain.
  • To reduce painful sensations, spasms and feelings of heaviness in the stomach and other pathologies of the digestive system.
  • With purulent infections and other gynecological and urological problems.
  • As a remedy for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis.
  • For colds and for the prevention of influenza.
  • For improvement in diabetes.
  • To eliminate unhealthy odor from the mouth.
  • To increase potency in men.

The healing properties of eucalyptus for children are undeniable, but fearlessly apply it since 3 years.

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Preparations of

Recipes of some preparations made from this curative plant have survived centuries, but have not lost their popularity. All of them are sold in pharmacies and are used according to the recommendations of a doctor or according to the attached instructions.

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The healing properties of eucalyptus essential oil are used in many fields of medicine as a means of combating fungal, viral, bacteriological infections. When rinsing, this concentrated preparation is usually diluted with water.

Oil applied:

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  • for foot baths;
  • for inhalations for colds;
  • in aromatherapy with neuroses, to relieve fatigue;
  • for getting rid of some eye infections;
  • for various joint pains, the muscle is applied to the skin;
  • for getting rid of herpes;
  • for the healing of burns and wounds;
  • for the removal of pruritus and other painful sensations with insect bites, with pediculosis;
  • in gynecology for colpitis and erosion apply tampons with healing oil. This drug has powerful therapeutic properties for women, although there are also contraindications - allergic reactions to it, manifested with a significant number of such procedures.
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This is a 1% alcoholic or 2% oily solution of the extraction of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves. The drug is aimed at fighting staphylococcal infections that do not respond to antibiotics. Before using the drug, a hypoallergenicity test is done, while you need to drink 25 drops dissolved in water and wait for a possible reaction to it for up to 8 hours.

Heals wounds, helps restore skin, for this, compresses are made. And in the form of tampons and syringing it is used in gynecology( 1 spoonful of a drug per liter of water).With intestinal problems, the drug is drunk and enemas are made with it. And with pneumonia it is administered intravenously.

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It consists of 1 part of eucalyptus oil with the addition of 2 parts of talc and 13 parts of starch. The purpose of the drug is the distraction of insects. This is due to their intolerance to the smell of eucalyptus oil. Powder is rubbed into unprotected areas of the body.

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It is prepared as follows: 2 spoons of eucalyptus leaves are added to a glass of boiling water. Withstands the substance on a steam bath for 20 minutes. The filtered solution is added to the volume of the beaker. The received preparation is taken orally on a tablespoon three times a day.

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The steam inhalation is an undiluted substance. If it is necessary to wash the wounds, then the amount of the substance is adjusted to a liter, and with douching and tamponing, 2 tablespoons of the product must be diluted with a liter of liquid.

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Water infusion

Prepared from dry pharmacy leaves of eucalyptus. The purpose of the drug is the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. In this case, a large spoonful of leaves is needed, which is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insists on a couple of hours. All portion should be consumed per day, evenly divided by several times.

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Alcohol tincture

This drug is used as follows:

  • For rinsing, 20 drops are diluted in a glass of warm water.
  • For inhalations it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the tincture by 5 drops.
  • For the treatment of purulent skin infection and in sprays for various pains, the preparation does not dissolve with water.
  • To make lotions or compresses, it is necessary to dilute some preparation in half a glass of liquid.
  • For syringing tincture dissolve in a glass of water.
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Eucalyptus tea, used for bronchitis and seasonal relapses of bronchial asthma, is prepared according to the following recipe: in steep boiling water, a spoon of dried leaves is insisted for 15 minutes. The medicine is drunk a few sips a day.

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There are various ointments with eucalyptus in pharmacies, one of which is Dr. Taiss's popular ointment. It is necessary for the treatment of cough. This remedy includes: eucalyptus and pine needles, camphor and beeswax. The drug is applied to the skin and used for inhalation. It promotes liquefaction and sputum discharge.

For skin application ointment massage back and chest. And to breathe in a spoon, the ointments are dissolved in hot water, poured into the inhaler and the procedures are carried out for several minutes.

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Pharmacy, which is used to get rid of cough with bronchitis and asthma. It consists of the same parts of eucalyptus, thyme, mother-and-stepmother. Use this collection similarly to eucalyptus tea.

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Recipes for the application of

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For gynecological problems

Prescription 1.

For syringing, it is necessary to insist 2 spoonfuls of leaves for half an hour in a liter of boiling water.

Recipe 2.

Mix a couple of drops of butter with a teaspoon of olive oil. Put the mixture on a tampon and put it on all night. Do this 3 weeks.

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When feverish

Several drops of eucalyptus oil dissolve in ¼ cup of water and grind the body.

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With diabetes

One drop of eucalyptus and geranium oils in a spoonful of milk and moisten the crumb of bread, then eat. Repeat this twice a day for several weeks.

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With prostatitis

In the evening for 3 weeks, dissolve a couple of drops of oil in a spoonful of milk and make such a solution of microclysters.

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For stomatitis and sore throat

Dissolve a couple of drops of oil in a glass of liquid and rinse the throat.

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With periodontal disease

Add a drop of eucalyptus oil to the toothpaste directly onto the brush and brush your teeth.

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With herpes

Kaplyu oil mixed with juices of geranium and eucalyptus( 5 drops each).A mixture of treating the affected skin area.

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From pains in joints

Tablespoon of powdered leaves to mash with 100 grams of heated goose fat and hold for 3 days. Lubricate problem areas a couple of times a day.

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From the fungus

With a mixture of equal volumes of hot water and eucalyptus oil, moisten the cloth, put it on the problem site, cover it with a dry cloth. Doing such compresses before going to bed several times.

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From itching and dry skin

Add a couple of drops of olive and eucalyptus oil to the body cream. Before going to bed, lubricate them with disturbing parts of the body.

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For oily skin and microcracks

Add 7 drops of oil for every 5 milliliters of cream or face lotion.

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For colds, cystitis and problems with the spine

Take a bath with the addition of a dozen drops of eucalyptus oil, diluted in a glass of milk.

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For chronic cough

To heavy smokers procedures are recommended in a steam room with a broom from eucalyptus branches.

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From insects

In the room put a glass of water with 10 drops of oil diluted in it. The same tool can be put in the closet.

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It is necessary to refuse treatment with eucalyptus preparations if:

  • has severe liver pathologies;
  • it concerns babies who have not turned a year old;
  • had atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and during pertussis;
  • has an allergic reaction to them;
  • relapses of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and asthma.
With regard to the use of eucalyptus for children, it is better to begin to experience its medicinal properties, starting from 3 years, but for some drugs there are contraindications and up to 12 years of age.

It is better for pregnant women to consult with a doctor. And do not combine these drugs with other natural oils.

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Side effects of

Long-term courses of treatment with eucalyptus may experience allergic reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, redness of the skin and local edema. Fortunately, these manifestations are infrequent and, when discontinuing procedures, soon fade.

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Procurement and storage of

Valuable medicinal raw materials are harvested from late autumn to early spring. Then, the healing oil is gaining strength. In this case, the branches are neatly trimmed.

Dry the grass in a ventilated room, and then in the drying chambers at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees, otherwise there will be large losses of essential oil during evaporation. The received raw materials are stored in dark and closed containers no more than 3 years.

  • Jun 03, 2018
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