Diet with gastritis

Today, gastritis is a common common stomach disease caused by poor diet, abuse of alcohol, smoking, monotonous and harmful foods. There are a lot of reasons, and many people get gastritis now, regardless of age and sex.

Gastritis can be of three types - when the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, lowered and normal. Signs of gastritis - pain at the top of the abdomen, heaviness in the pit of stomach, nausea, bad taste. This is an acute course of the disease, and when it passes into a chronic form, the symptoms are bloating and heaviness after eating.

Acute gastritis is manifested when irritating the stomach mucosa, when taking medicine, swallowing chemicals, and consuming poor-quality food. Not cured in time acute gastritis often turns into a chronic form, so timely and qualified treatment of this disease is necessary. It is extremely important in the treatment of gastritis to adhere strictly to proper nutrition, to follow a diet that is individually selected by a gastroenterologist.

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Individual diet for gastritis with high acidity is based on the treatment table number 1, and with gastritis with normal and low acidity - based on the treatment table number 2.

First of all, with gastritis you need to remove from the table those foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. It is alcohol, spicy spices, salted and sour dishes, strong tea and coffee, coarse fiber, that is, mushrooms, radish, cabbage, radish, cucumbers, kvass, rye bread, pickles and smoked products. Categorically you can not anything fried.

The diet with gastritis should be abundant with vitamins and protein products. Lenten meat, chicken, turkey, boiled fish are shown. To restore the walls of the stomach is important vitamin E. The storage of vitamin E can be called milk, oatmeal and buckwheat, sunflower and soybean oil. It is also necessary to eat regularly fish, soft-boiled eggs, vegetables, berries, fruits. An exception should be currants, grapes, gooseberries, as well as millet, barley and pearl barley. Cottage cheese, whole milk, curdled milk and other dairy products are very useful in gastritis, they envelop the walls of the stomach and do not allow harmful substances to penetrate inside.

Those products that are prohibited for gastritis with an acidity increased, can be consumed by those who suffer from gastritis with low acidity, for example, rye bread, meat and fish broth. When gastritis is extremely important to eat properly, you need to pay attention to a long and thorough chewing food, do not make long pauses between meals, give up too hot and too cold dishes.

With respect to the norms of proper nutrition with gastritis can be managed, but after recovery it is important to continue to follow a diet.

Therapeutic diets
  • Mar 06, 2018
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