Variants of beautiful female tattoos on the wrist

A tattoo can emphasize individuality or be a simple fashion trend. Unordinary personalities most often prefer to stand out among the crowd due to the tattoo. For some, the tattoo becomes a symbol of the whole life, the definition of the goal and the desire to achieve it, and sometimes the choice of a vital position. One of the best places for drawing a picture for girls is the wrist.

  • For one wrist
  • For both wrists
  • Paired tattoos

For one wrist

The most common among female tattoos on the wrist are: asterisks, birds, flowers, italic inscriptions in foreign languages, symbols, signs, crowns, bracelets, bows,feathers, scorpions, bats, dolphins, cats, notes, violin keys, infinity signs and stuff. We offer you information on the most common variations of wrist tattoos:

  1. Initiates - it is about words or entire phrases directly related to another person( names, affection for someone, love, friendship or even hatred).
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Inscriptions of religious direction - words or phrases carrying a spiritual meaning( words taken from the Bible, names of gods and stuff).
  4. Memorable - important dates, events or names.
  5. Semantic - inscriptions executed in different languages ​​and carrying a different meaning( aphorisms, words of great writers, philosophical utterances and stuff).
  6. Personal inscriptions - invented by the person himself and having for him a very deep meaning and the most important value.

That carries the crown tattoo .This sign of power and power used as a tattoo on the wrist for its owner is unusual and unique. The crown represents significance, greatness and leadership qualities. This sign can be considered a sign of inspiration and prestige for yourself and it will be a reminder to show your leadership qualities to others.

See also examples of tattoos for girls on the neck

What the tattoo of a bird carries. Small signs of birds on the wrist are designed for calm, romantic and balanced natures. For people who are used to getting great inspiration for doing great things. The most common and light are considered to be flying birds, they can be either one or several. Such light birds to any image of the girl will give charm and femininity. Eagles, crows or vultures are considered thematically very heavy tattoos for women and carry a different semantic overtones.

Tattoo Bracelets .Such a tattoo can serve its owner as a full-fledged adornment. It is known that the sign of the circle has a deep meaning and it is very powerful. Closed bracelet on the wrist can be considered a magic sign of protection of its owner. Also, a tattoo bracelet can be supplemented with some decorative element, bearing its own special meaning( bows, feathers, pendants, crosses).

What are the tattoos of a star. There are a lot of star varieties. Diverse stars have their own meaning. Stars on the wrist will suit the girls, confident in themselves, in their surroundings and in the future. The five-pointed star symbolizes confidence, the six-pointed star - Judaism, the seven-pointed star - the sign of integration, the eight-pointed star - the sign of prosperity.

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On both wrists

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Symbols and signs of tattoos on the wrist can be represented both on one hand and on two. It is very unusual to look at the wrist of an image that requires continuing it on the second wrist. By folding two hands together, you will get an unusual interpretation of the tattoo. Very beautiful look on both wrists of the bird, which on one hand sit, and on the other fly away or fly towards them. Unusual will be an image of a flowering branch, requiring continuation, or a phrase divided into parts and written on both wrists. A lot of variations of tattoos on both wrists, the main thing is to choose the ideal variant that is perfectly suitable for your own and has a secret meaning.

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Paired Tattoos

This version of tattoos is very common among couples in love, close friends, twins and twins, just relatives and loved ones. Such signs show that even at a distance people remember, love and wait. Paired tattoos usually begin on the wrist of one person, and end on the wrist of the second. Only being together, such people become one. The most common paired tattoos are divided phrases, flying birds, hearts, names, dates. For a guy and a girl, you can make a heart tattoo, a love or meaningful phrase for them, each other's names and memorable dates. For girlfriends the options with stars, birds, flowers, names will suit. Such symbols bear a special meaning known only to two and of great importance in their life.

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