Food intolerance

The variety of food, not always natural, on the shelves of stores has led to the fact that today more and more people complain about food allergy. A little known fact, but there is also food intolerance, and it is important to understand what the person is suffering from, since in both cases the cause is food, but the mechanisms of the development of these diseases and the methods of treatment are completely different.

Causes and consequences of food intolerance

Food intolerance is a slow reaction of the body to certain foods that are consumed daily. Surprisingly, about 90% of the population suffers from this ailment, but far from everyone knows about it. Intolerance leads to rashes on the skin, diseases of the digestive system and excess weight.

With food allergies, the negative reaction of the body is very acute and can include dermatitis, itching, swelling of the mouth, and in especially severe cases, even anaphylactic shock. The latter is very dangerous for life, as it can manifest itself in a few moments after eating and is very difficult.

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What is more dangerous: intolerance or allergy?

It would seem, why it is necessary to be more afraid precisely of food intolerance, after all it is shown easier, than an allergy? The fact is that a person continues for years to eat foods that are not digested by his body, without even knowing about it. Inflammatory processes of internal organs become chronic and lead to various diseases: chronic fatigue, skin problems, constipation. The burden on the kidneys increases and the body does not take out the liquid badly, which is fraught with excess weight. And then the body will be less receptive even to those products that have been digested well before and, in the end, whatever a person ate, it will be bad.

Food intolerance can cause almost every product, just some of them provoke such a reaction often, many people, and others much less. The "risky" products include cereals, corn, dairy products, fish, meat, peanuts, coffee, chocolate, sugar, various food colorings, yeast, alcohol, oranges. As you can see, the list is quite impressive. Of course, this does not mean that they are all dangerous to you.

To detect food intolerance, its differentiation with true allergy, there are many methods, from skin tests and ending with a complete blood test. In this case, the doctor can determine which foods are causing the allergy. Unfortunately, no analysis can provide a 100% guarantee of reliability. The best way is by experimenting, selecting products, to establish the cause of your ailment and to exclude it.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 06, 2018
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