Combined preparation Kosopt

The preparation Kosopt is an antiglaucoma preparation. It allows to lower the critical values ​​of the level of intraocular pressure in pseudoexfoliative and open-angle glaucoma.

This effect is due to a decrease in the secretion of secretion of the intraocular fluid. The effect of the drug, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients.

Eye drops Kosopt are a combined drug.

Its effectiveness is due to the joint functioning of the two active substances. Drops are produced by a French company called Merck Sharp &Dohme. "

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects and contraindications
    • 3. Storage
    • 4. Average price
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Video

Instruction for use

Form release and composition

Kosopt is available in the form of ophthalmic drops, which are a slightly viscous transparent liquid, which has no color. This liquid is packaged in 5 milliliters in bottles of the type "Okumeter Plus" made of plastic and sold in boxes of cardboard. In one milliliter of the drug there is:

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  • 22.26 mg of dorzolamide hydrochloride, i.e. 20 mg of dorsolamide of the base;
  • 6.83 mg timolol maleate, which equals 5 mg timolol base;
  • 0.075 mg of benzalkonium chloride;
  • 2.94 mg of sodium citrate;
  • 16 mg mannitol;
  • 4.75 mg of hyethelose or hydroxyethylcellulose;
  • solution of sodium hydroxide;
  • water for injection.

Effective effect of

The expressed effect is provided by a combination of the active components of the dorzolamide hydrochloride and timolol of the maleate , which contribute to the instantaneous and effective outflow of the intraocular fluid and the reduction of its secretion.

Active components of the drug penetrate into the bloodstream and accumulate there. The period of excretion of the drug from the body is 4 months. The effectiveness is noticeable 30 minutes after application and reaches its peak after 2 hours. The active effect of the drug lasts about a day.

Indications for use

Ophthalmologists prescribe a prescription for this drug with the following diseases:

  • open-angle glaucoma;
  • pseudoexfoliation glaucoma;


If there is no other recommendation of the doctor, the medicine is instilled in the eye one drop a few times a day.

The entire first month of the drug should be measured with intraocular pressure and monitor the situation. According to the result of the study, an ophthalmologist may prescribe an additional therapy.

Note - eye drops Aktipol. Detailed description of the preparation.

In the news( link) reviews about Betoptik.

Instructions for an artificial tear!

Interaction in other

medications Concurrent use of the above-described eye drops with catecholamine-depleting drugs, systemic calcium channel blockers, digitalis glycosides, beta-blockers, arrhythmia drugs, inhibitorsMAO, parasympatomimetics and opioid analgesics can provoke an increase in the hypotensive mechanism and an obvious bradycardia.

Combination of Cosopt with inhibitors of CYP2D6 can lead to systemic blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors, which is expressed in depressive manifestations and a decrease in heart rate.
Simultaneous use of the described drug with adrenaline can provoke the development of mydriasis.

The use of Kosopt is not allowed to be combined with the use of systemic action inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase, as this may aggravate unpleasant side reactions.

In the case of prescribing the drug as a substitute for another remedy, during the treatment of glaucoma, it is recommended to take a break during the day between changing the medication. In the case of complex therapy and the appointment of another, an additional drug in the treatment process, drugs are used in the interval of at least 15 minutes.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients. Side effects on the drug itself are not fixed, but there may be the emergence of known reactions to individual components of the drug.

Contraindications to the use of

Kosopt is prohibited to be used in the following circumstances:

  • bronchial asthma, including in the past, since cases of such patients have been reported in the case of bronchospasm;
  • is a serious stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • heart failure, with the first symptoms of which the medication should be discontinued;
  • AV-blockade of the second and third degree;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • shock of cardiogenic nature;
  • the course of dystrophy processes in the corneal area of ​​
  • is a problem with kidney function when creatinine clearance is less than 30 milliliters per minute;
  • is under the age of eighteen, since the safety of the drug for this group of patients is not yet fully understood;
  • waiting period for the baby and breastfeeding;
  • Excessive susceptibility to the constituent substances of the drug

Persons of advanced age Kosopt must be administered cautiously, as they can be very sensitive to this drug. If the patient has symptoms of heart failure or serious ailments of the heart in an anamnesis, during the treatment with Kosoptom, he should stay under medical supervision.

It is also advisable to use caution when using the aforementioned remedy for people who suffer from liver failure, diabetes, urolithiasis and gland failure.

With a planned surgery under general anesthesia, the drug is canceled 48 hours before the start.

During the period of treatment with this drug it is recommended to refuse driving the car.


If you accidentally get an excess amount of Kosotte in the eyes, rinse them with warm water. In case of need, consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation

Do not use drops during pregnancy or lactation.

Read more - Eye drops Vigamox. Reviews, analogues, instructions.

In the article( tyts) analogs of eye drops Atropine.

Instructions for use Vitalux Plus!http: // vitalyuks-plyus.html


Drops Kosopt should be stored at room temperature in a dark place for two years from the date of manufacture. After the first opening of the bottle, the drops should be used within one month.

Average price of

In various pharmacies of Ukraine the Kosopt product is offered at price from 600 to 1493.62 hryvnia .In various pharmacies in Russia, Kosotte is sold at a price ranging from 751 to 1020.37 rubles .


  • Dorzopt Plus.
  • Dorzolamide * + Timolol *( Dorzolamide * + Timolol *).
  • Xalatan.
  • Travatane.
  • Betoptik.
  • Timolol.
  • Pilocarpine.
  • Azopt.
  • Fotil.
  • Trusopt.
  • Okumed.
  • Arutimol.
  • of Azarga.


In the network, you can find a lot of opinions about the drops of Kosopt, and they are very controversial. Some people claim that the use of this drug really helped them to reduce intraocular pressure and alleviate the symptoms of glaucoma. The advantages of Kosopt drops are also called usability and affordable cost.

Another category of patients responds negatively to Kosot's drops. According to their testimonies, treatment with this drug adversely affected their condition and resulted in a huge number of undesirable side effects.
In order to benefit the eye drops of Kosopt, the patient should consult a doctor before using it. Like any antiglaucoma preparation, Kosopt should be used only under strict medical supervision.

Examples of

# 1. "A few months ago, I was discharged with eye drops Kosopt, because I was diagnosed with increased pressure in the eyes. Since that time I use this medicine, and the unpleasant sensation in eyes became much less.

The anti-glaucoma Kosopt can be purchased free of charge in the pharmacies of the capital and the Moscow region, so I do not have any difficulties in buying. I can recommend these drops for the eyes, they help me a lot. I feel great. "

# 2. "Kosopt" drops for eyes prescribed for me, diagnosing glaucoma. Having started treatment, she began to apply, strictly adhering to the scheme, which the doctor appointed, several times a day. The time of the first course of treatment ran unnoticed, as everything was convenient and comfortable, complications or unpleasant moments were absent completely.

Then she underwent another examination of the eyes. According to the doctor, the changes are better for the better. I feel much better now, but I still continue treatment. Because it's terrible to go blind at my age. The doctor said that now everything will be fine. The main thing is to follow the recommended treatment regimen. I want to leave here your feedback and the best mood. I am glad that there is such an amazing drug that brings people back to life. "


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