Sooner or later all people attending a dental clinic are in an armchair with a periodontist, a specialist whose professional duty is the health of the gums.
In addition to the procedures performed in the room and the suggested recommendations for the preparation of various rinse solutions, the doctor will certainly write out some remedy for topical application, ointment, balm, or gel, depending on the condition of the gum tissue.
- The role of local remedies in dentistry
- Gel VS ointment - what's the difference?
- Pros and cons of topical treatment
- Golden dozen
- Local treatment of gum disease
- Dangerous and unpredictable periodontal disease
- Gingivitis - what can you offer?
- oral candidiasis
- trophic ulcers and non-healing lesions
- Therapy stomatitis
- Analgesics
- Removing inflammation
- withdrawal symptoms when cutting
- teeth Help with bleeding
- Preventive and restorative means
- is believed
- Price question
role of local media in
dentistry Quite oftenDiseases of the teeth and gums are accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:
- gum bleeding;
- pain in the gums;
- is an inflammatory process;
- swelling and swelling;
- marked plaque;
- redness and itching in the mouth.
As these and other signs can indicate a disease of the gums themselves, for example, periodontitis.
For rapid removal of pain and healing of gum tissues, as well as for the treatment of periodontal diseases( periodontitis and periodontitis), local dental preparations are available, available in the form of ointments, gels and balms.
Gel VS ointment - what's the difference?
Both gels and ointments may contain the following active substances:
- antiseptic;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- pain relievers;
- healing;
- antibiotics.
Difference of the same form of release from another in the presence of a fat or water basis. Ointments have a high percentage of fat, so they "slip" from the mucous membranes, often not having time to act in full force.
Therefore, most doctors prescribe to their patients this or that dental gel, its composition is easier, due to which the active substances of the preparation fully reach the foci with inflammation or gum infection.
For prevention purposes before any dental procedures, for example, before prosthetics, periodontists prefer to use dental gels. In the same way, medicines produced in the form of gels, it is much easier and more effective to cure periodontal diseases.
However, this does not mean that ointments are an archaic remnant of the past, they can not be replaced by desiccating the mucosa, bleeding gums, and in cases of need to decontaminate the "hollow" after losing or removing the tooth.
Advantages and disadvantages of local treatment
The unconditional advantages of local dental equipment include:
- direct effect on the disease;
- fast effect;
- does not reach or insignificant penetration into the main bloodstream;
- promoting the regeneration of gum tissue.
Among the cons is worth noting:
- is not possible to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- limited in use for people suffering from serious bowel, kidney, liver and stomach ailments;
- individual intolerance of components.
Golden dozen
The following tools are recognized and sought after ointments and gels for the treatment and prevention of gum disease:
- Gel Holisal .It has a complex effect - antimicrobial effect, inflammation, teeth whitening and anesthesia on the first minute after application. Active substances are choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride.
- Mundile .In fact, the analogue of the previous means. It also has a strong cooling effect and gives a pronounced mint flavor to the breath. Do not replace the fight against putrefactive processes in the gums, causing bad breath.
Active substances - choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride, menthol extract. - Metrogil Denta .This gel contains antibiotics, is used to treat many gum diseases and is always prescribed before prosthetics. However, it has significant shortcomings, in comparison with Holisal. Longer absorbed and does not bring an analgesic effect. Active substances: metronidazole - an antibiotic, chlorhexidine - antiseptic.
- Kamistad .It is positioned as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, however, the effect is very weak. But this is a very good anesthetic gel, relieving pain not only in the gums during periodontal disease, but even in the tooth during pulpitis. The active substances are lidocaine hydrochloride and herbal extracts, namely chamomile.
- Asepta .A complex of gel and balsam, and the gel is not a medicinal product, but only complements the balm, bringing in the tissues a restorative diet, since it consists of propolis and a water base. Balm also contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, and in its essence, copies the action and composition of Metrogil Dent.
- Paradontocid .The gel has significant limitations for use, it is prescribed for complex inflammation and bleeding in tissues and mucous gums. Active substances - essential oils of medicinal herbs and phenyl salicylate, acting similarly to salicylic acid.
- Dentinox .Very often this gel is used by children's dentists to alleviate the condition of the child when teeth are teething. It has good anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Active substances - chamomile extract, polidocanol, lidocaine.
- Solcoseryl .Gel, positioned by the manufacturer, as a paste for gums of topical application. Has a very high wound healing effect and anesthetizes. Active substances - diazalite, that is, blood extract from plasma of cattle and polydocanol, blocking the sensitivity of nerve cells.
- Pansoral .This is a children's natural gel for gums, eliminating many unpleasant symptoms when teething. The product is completely natural. Active substances: extracts of herbs - althea( rhizome), sage, chamomile.
- Apident Active .It is not a medicine, but very often it is recommended by a doctor for prophylactic purposes, especially after a bacterial infection. Active substances - propolis, essential oils of fir and calendula, extracts of chamomile and sage.
Local treatment of gum disease
As a rule, the main diseases that the periodontal physicians have to deal with are as follows.
Dangerous and unpredictable periodontal disease
The most common and insidious disease that affects the gums. The incubation period can last up to 15-16 years, and all this time the disease will doze, manifesting only in the form of bad breath. The treatment lends itself heavily, and in the absence of it, it leads to staggering and loss of teeth.
Characterize illness - denudation of the neck of the teeth, decay of the gum tissue and constant bleeding.
The treatment of periodontal disease is carried out in a complex way, as a topical drug with metronidazole content, for example, gum for gum Metrogil Denta. Also prescribed Doxycycline.
Gingivitis - what can you offer?
A subsidiary type of periodontal disease. As a rule, children and teenagers get sick. The cause of the development of the disease is avitaminosis and incorrect hygiene of the oral cavity. Without treatment passes into a chronic form and develops into periodontal disease.
Distinguishing signs of gingivitis - inflammation of the mucosa, sores, bad smell from the mouth and burning in the gums. When catarrhal flow is concentrated over the roots of the teeth, it manifests itself in bright red ovals.
Treatment is carried out with the help of Holysala, the course of vitamin therapy and correction of the means used for oral hygiene. You can also treat the disease with a number of other means, but it is Holisal that will provide the fastest help, besides, it is universal, and the causes of the disease can have both a viral and fungal motivation.
Candidiasis of the oral cavity
This is a fungal infection caused by yeast fungi. It can occur as if the violation of their own microflora, due to antibiotics or any other reasons, and be introduced from the outside, for example, when using one toothbrush several people.
Candidiasis is characterized by the formation of a curdled white coating and a highly unpleasant smell of rot.
Treatment is carried out by local means with antibacterial activity, as a rule, periodontists prescribe Holisal dental gel or they are limited to rinse with chlorhexidine.
Trophic ulcers and non-healing lesions
Very painful disorders that develop, as a rule, during trauma, for example, braces or toothpicks. Treatment is complicated by the fact that due to acute pain, proper oral hygiene is impossible.
Usually dentists recommend Solcoseryl dental gel for treatment of such diseases, which forms a dense coating in damaged areas, preventing other infections from entering the wounds.
Stomatitis therapy
This is a whole group of diseases that differ in form of flow, but have the same symptoms.
Stomatitis can have a nature of viral, herpetic, bacterial, aphthous and others. Despite the various causes that led to the disease, its manifestations are common - sharp pain, high sensitivity, beet redness of the gums, plaques, small vesicle bubbles.
When treating stomatitis, the most universal remedy is selected, as a rule, Metrogil, Kholisal, Actovegin and Kamistad are used.
The most difficult, this is the correct definition of the nature of stomatitis, so for a qualitative treatment of inflammation you need not so much a medicine as a periodontist with a lot of experience.
All local remedies used in the treatment of gum disease have the following characteristics:
- has an active drug substance in its composition;
- have an additional action to suppress symptoms;
- eliminate the consequences, for example, a bad smell;
- anesthetize and cool, soothe the gums.
Pain Relief
Sometimes the first priority is the urgent need to remove pain, for example, if a person is at work, or is driving a car and in many other situations.
With toothache people are used to using tablets, for example, the same Analgin, or rinse the sore spot with all the improvised means. However, a properly selected analgesic gel will quickly give an effect and relieve the painful symptoms from the gums.
The most irreconcilable opponents of painful sensations are:
- Parodontocid;
- Solcoseryl;
- Холисал;
- Metrogyl;
- Asepta Parodontal.
In addition to anesthesia, each of these drugs has a curative effect. In order to choose a "useful" remedy, it is necessary to visit the periodontist and pay the doctor's attention to the fact that in the selection of the drug, the removal of the pain syndrome is of paramount importance.
Withdrawal of the inflammatory process of
When gingival tissue becomes inflamed, it is important to correctly determine the reason for this, so do not use self-targeting, you need to visit the specialist's office and start using exactly the remedy that he will recommend.
Among the most effective ointments and gels for the removal of inflammation in the gum area appear:
- Холисал;
- Metrogyl;
- Periodontal disease.
These drugs have activity against:
- viruses;
- of bacteria and microbes.
Possess proteolytic, analgesic and disinfecting action.
Withdrawal Symptoms for Teething Teeth
Sometimes it is very difficult for babies to tolerate the growth and eruption process, which is accompanied by negative symptoms, up to before strong swelling of the gums, acute pain and a noticeable increase in temperature.
In this situation, you do not need to leave your baby alone with yourself, because pharmaceutics offers a fairly large range of dental products that can facilitate the appearance of teeth.
Among the recommended gels and ointments for teething teeth, the most popular for both doctors and moms are:
- Calgel - a balm for gums that contains lidocaine and chloride of zepilperidinia, quickly relieves pain and has antiseptic qualities;
- Doctor Babi - in the composition of methyl cellulose and extracts of chamomile and plantain, will anesthetize and heal all microcracks;
- Traumeel With is an ointment that contains exclusively herbal extracts and a fatty base, is completely safe, regenerates, cools and soothes gums, but requires frequent application;
- Kamistad - contains lidocaine and vegetable extracts, effectively and quickly relieves pain and heals inflammation in the tissues of the gums.
All the tools designed to facilitate the appearance of children's teeth, meet the following requirements:
- remove pain;
- relieves swelling or swelling;
- eliminates itching;
- disinfect the oral cavity;
- heals lesions and wounds in the gums.
However, these drugs are not recommended for use in infants with congenital ailments:
- bradycardia;
- renal or heart failure;
- heart, atrial and ventricular defects.
Aid for bleeding
With bleeding gums, which is caused not by any disease of the oral cavity, but only weak and susceptible to mechanical damage to tissue, it is usually recommended healing and firming gum tissue gel, less often ointment:
- Denthol;
- Metrogil Denta;
- Solcoseryl.
These agents quickly regenerate tissues, eliminate the friability of the gums. In passing, the inflammation will be eliminated, even if it is in the embryonic state and decontaminate the oral cavity.
Prophylactic and strengthening agents
Any of the dental ointments, balms or gels can be used as tonic, firming gums and exerting preventive effect, of course, after consulting with the doctor in advance.
However, as a rule, for the prevention of preferring to use funds with a natural composition.
Among the means based on natural components, the most frequently recommended doctors are:
- Apident Active .It is very effective after treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis as a prophylaxis of a possible relapse. This remedy combines an extract from bee venom, propolis and plant extracts. The only drawback is the ban on use for allergy sufferers.
- Wood balm .A very good balanced composition of plant extracts is represented - oak bark, chamomile, sage, nettle, yarrow and celandine. A very good addition to regular oral hygiene, strengthens the gum tissue and does not cause local dysbiosis. Has no contra-indications and limitations.
There is opinion of
Reviews about the action of various local remedies for the treatment and prevention of gum disease.
The easiest way to install the pins is to transfer patients who have received gum treatment with Metrogil, and to work with gum tissue after this drug is more convenient than after the others. Zhuiko Stanislav Dmitrievich, 43, prosthetic dentist, "Center for Prosthetics", Moscow
I highly recommend before going into independent use of every possible means for the oral cavity, especially homeopathic, to undergo examination and get recommendations from doctors.
After the unauthorized use of ointments and gels, chronic forms of illness often occur. Which are treated hard and long.
Usually, in such clinical pictures, we use Holisal, as the most versatile and powerful tool.
Svetaeva Elena Nikolaevna, 34 years old, deputy head, periodontist, Dental Clinic No.1, Yekaterinburg
I did not dare to install prostheses for a long time, although I really wanted to. The cause was often inflamed gums, amid terrible pain.
Has coped with this problem with the help of Kamistad medication, it is very convenient to use, the effect is good, pain and redness and swelling are quickly removed.
Savinko Alla, 57, pensioner, St. Petersburg
According to the statistics of the Association of Dentists, the best means for eliminating health problems of gums are:
- Holisal;
- Metrogil Denta;
- Dental;
- Solcoseryl;
- Mundizal.
It is to the help of these drugs that specialists most often resort, which is not surprising, because all gels from the TOP-list have a wide range of actions and solve a whole complex of gum problems.
Price issue
When choosing a drug, its cost is important, but to save on one's own health and replace with a doctor-recommended analog is impossible.
Average cost for popular drugs in pharmacy chains is as follows( for 10g):
- Asepta - from 150 to 180 rubles;
- Metrogil Denta - from 195 to 220 rubles;
- Kamistad - from 200 to 250 rubles;
- Kholisal - from 270 to 300 rubles;
- Solcoseryl - from 340 to 370 rubles.
It is important to remember that the main "provokers" of gum ailments are poor oral hygiene, malnutrition, leading to vitamin deficiency, hormonal disruptions and disparaging attitude to one's own health.
It is necessary to exclude these moments from everyday life and, of course, regularly visit the dentist - then the gums will be healthy and beautiful, and will not bring any trouble.