Full table of application of essential and cosmetic oils for beauty and health

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Apricot Slows the aging of the skin, makes the skin of the face healthy, smoothing wrinkles, relieves inflammation and prevents their appearance. Increases immunity. Applied in cosmetology for dry, rough and sensitive skin. Effectively copes with redness and inflammation. Apricot oil is used in the care of baby skin.
Avocado Opposes aging of the skin, moisturizes and activates its renewal. Avocado oil has antiviral, antifungal and wound healing properties. Stabilizes the work of the heart, digestive and nervous system. In cosmetology they are used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases( dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, pressure sores and others).Used for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, digestive organs, with diabetes. Avocado oil is useful in cooking.
Ammi tooth Has a composition of kellin, which is antispasmodic. Helps fight against depressive conditions, relieves stress. It is used mainly in aromatherapy. Actively used for inhalation in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, a strong, persistent cough.
Angelics Helps to fight fatigue and stress, gives vivacity to the body. Removes inflammation, normalizes digestion, is effective in the treatment of infertility( male and female), removes toxins, reduces blood pressure, has analgesic effect. It is used in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory, absorbable and wound-healing remedy. Used for inhalation, and also applicable in cooking and perfumery.
Anise ordinary Thanks to the expectorant and soothing effect, oil is effective in treating cough. Normalizes the work of the digestive system, it has a beneficial effect on the urinary system, dissolving the stones. Has a sedative effect on the heart. Applied in aromatherapy and treatment of many diseases. In cosmetology apply for aging skin, blocking the fading processes. Used to repel insects due to a sharp odor.
Orange Excellent fight against cellulite, and also effective for inflammation and bleeding gums. Helps to cope with pain in muscles and joints, relieves pain in menstruation. Excellent cope with edema and fluid retention. Effective against orange peel, activates cell regeneration, fights against wrinkles. Effective for problem skin of the face and head, use for dry hair and dandruff. Apply it in the home: it will give a great flavor to your home.
Peanut Butter Effective in gastritis, digestive disorders. Normalizes and stimulates the work of the heart, raises hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure. Has bactericidal and wound healing effect. Applies to injuries and bruises. Use it for the prevention of glaucoma and cataracts. Actively used in cosmetology, thanks to the available in the "vitamins of youth."
Watermelon Stabilizes irreversible processes of the urinary system. Effective with acne and alopecia. Normalizes sleep, helps fight against neurotic conditions. Applied for the prevention of neoplasm, reduces the risk of their occurrence. It is most effective in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Actively used in cosmetology, as a means to care for problem skin and hair.
Argon Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Heals wounds, struggles with superficial wrinkles. Stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, necessary for the elasticity of the skin. Stabilizes the pressure, effectively from pain in the muscles and joints. Actively used in cosmetology for problem skin and hair. It is a preventive and curative remedy for diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, hematopoiesis.
Basilica Tones up, and also is a strong anesthetic. Normalizes digestion, helps with colic and flatulence. It alleviates the symptoms of viral and respiratory diseases. In cosmetology is used to improve the general condition of the skin, increase its elasticity. Actively used in dentistry, in cooking( mainly for meat dishes) and perfumes( as a base note).
BAY Improves metabolism, normalizes blood pressure. Has a good anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis, a strong cough. Normalizes digestion. Athletes are used to warm up muscles, increase their tone and relieve pain. In cosmetology they use to activate skin cells, promote hair growth, and fight against dandruff. In everyday life they use it to fight off unpleasant odors.
Bergamot( without bergapten) Allows to restore the general tone of the body, improve mood, strengthens libido. Relieves inflammation in diseases of the respiratory system, lowers the temperature. Has anthelmintic effect. Applied in the food industry, as well as for the treatment of respiratory diseases.
Birch tarning Effective for cough, colds, SARS and sore throats. Removes inflammation and has a healing effect. Used for diseases of the mouth. Normalizes digestion, cleanses the intestines. In dermatology apply for many skin diseases such as dermatitis, scabies, lichen, ulcers. And also in the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis. Applied in pediculosis and in the fight against other parasites.
Immortelle Effectively in the fight against obesity. Has analgesic effect. Stabilizes the work of the intestines and stomach, used in the fight against parasites. Applied for the treatment of respiratory and nasal sinuses. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and resolving agent with hematomas, bruises and redness on the skin. In cosmetology, they are used for problem skin, as well as for improving the elasticity of the skin.
Brazil nut Effective in losing weight: helps burn fat tissue, stimulates muscle. Reduces cholesterol in the blood and the risk of cataracts. It has anti-tumor properties, strengthens immunity. In children stimulates the production of "growth hormone." Applied in cosmetology for nutrition and skin hydration. But more valuable when eaten, thanks to its unique healing properties. The oil was also used in cooking as an additive to various sauces.
Verbena lemon It has choleretic effect, it copes well with digestive disorders. Has analgesic effect, increases immunity. It restores the menstrual cycle, stimulates labor activity. In cosmetology is used as a tonic, gives elasticity to the skin, helps fight fat, refreshes the complexion. Used to relieve hangover syndrome, as well as in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Oil has found application as an aphrodisiac.
Vetiver The most effective oil for laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Applied as an effective diuretic and laxative. Applied for cleansing the body, in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to alleviate pain in the joints and muscles. In cosmetology they use to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
Grape seeds Has anti-tumor properties. It removes inflammation, tones up, dilates blood vessels, strengthens immunity. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, has a bactericidal effect. Effective for the prevention of blood clots. Used as a restorative and wound-healing agent. In cosmetology: nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has an exfoliating effect, normalizes blood circulation, giving the face skin a healthy appearance.
Virol( Candy) Has antimicrobial properties. Not having a natural smell, it has a good deodorizing effect. Has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. Applied in perfumery and cosmetology. Applied in the treatment of diseases of viral and fungal etiology. Removes redness on the skin, heals the damage to the skin, including burns.
Vitex sacred Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Affects the production of the female hormone progesterone. Stabilizes the menstrual cycle, facilitates the symptoms of menopause. Helps fight against insomnia, improves mood, eliminates anxiety. Used to treat hormonal imbalance in women associated with age-related changes. Also used for anxiety states. In cosmetology they are used as a remedy for combating acne.
Clove Has a tonic effect after physical or emotional stress. Effective in depressive and nervous states. Has antiviral effect in the treatment of intestinal infections transmitted by airborne droplets. He is referred to aphrodisiacs. It is used as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. Actively used in perfumery and cooking. Due to its sharp aroma, many insects are afraid of it.
Geranium Helps to cope with depression, anxiety and fears, soothes and relaxes. Reduces the level of sugar in the blood, eliminates spasms of blood vessels. Stabilizes the pressure, increases immunity. In cosmetology they are used mainly for dry and sensitive skin, and also they are added to the age-related cosmetics in order to slow the aging of the skin. Is a good aphrodisiac, increases sexual desire. In everyday life they use it to remove odors.
Mustard Normalizes metabolism, stabilizes weight, strengthens immunity. Improves the work of the stomach, intestinal peristalsis. Effectively in the fight against parasites. Applied in the presence of skin diseases( dermatitis, psoriasis), as well as in the fight against excess weight. In cosmetology they use to treat irritations, inflammations, redness on the face, acne. It is effective in alopecia, activating hair growth.
Grapefruit It is indicated for depressive and anxious conditions. Strengthens immunity, has a tonic effect. Normalizes the work of the stomach, gallbladder and liver. Clears the body of toxins and toxins, effective in combating obesity. In cosmetology they use for anti-cellulite massage and wraps, and also copes with bad breath. For the treatment of some diseases use it inside, with pain in the hypochondrium can be used as a compress.
Walnut Effective for immunity and general tone of the body. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It has an anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effect. Use his nursing moms to improve the quality of milk. Used in cosmetology for skin care, hair and nails. Effective for weight loss, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases of internal organs.
Grushanka Thanks to its amazing composition( trace elements, vitamins, steroids, glycosides, quinones and others), wintergreen oil can combat many diseases: bowel disorders, digestive disorders, skin diseases, cardiovascular system. It is an analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent. Applied in phytotherapy and Tibetan medicine. Apply as wound healing, antitumor, antipyretic.
Melon Cleanses the liver, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol. Efficiently cleanses the body, due to diuretic and laxative properties. Accelerates metabolism. In cosmetology, melon oil is the elixir of youth and beauty: it is effective for removing pigment spots, inflammation on the face. The composition, rich in minerals, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
Spruce needles Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Increases immunity, effectively with stagnant phenomena in the body. Excellent heals wounds, removes swelling and resolves hematomas. In cosmetology is used to give a healthy appearance of the skin, increase its elasticity and shine. They are used as a wound-healing agent. And as well as a diuretic and choleretic.
Jojoba Effective in skin diseases, inflammation, wound, abrasions and cracks. Has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, normalizing effect. It is used in cosmetology to care for skin and hair, to treat skin diseases and protect it from the negative effects of natural factors: wind, sun, frost.
Wheat germ It has regenerative and rejuvenating properties, which contributes to the health of the facial skin. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action helps to fight many diseases. Increases immunity, stabilizes the digestive system, removes toxins and toxins. It is actively used in cosmetology, cooking and for therapeutic purposes.
St. John's wort Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is an excellent antidepressant. Due to wound healing properties it helps to treat injuries, burns, cuts, bruises and bruises. Used to restore skin after injury and damage. In cosmetology is effective for problem skin.
Ziri( cumin, cumin) Normalizes digestion, facilitates easy digestion of food. Accelerates blood circulation and intestinal motility. Effective in losing weight, with kidney and liver disease, as an anti-emetic. Strengthens immunity, has antiviral effect. Used in cooking as a spice, as well as folk medicine and cosmetology.
Ylang-ylang Beneficial effect on internal organs, nervous system. The use of oil helps with migraine, relieves high blood pressure, reduces hypertonic muscle, stimulates the work of the whole body. In cosmetology is used as a means to combat age-related changes, eliminates rashes, inflammations.
Ginger This oil is considered an excellent tonic. It is a powerful aphrodisiac for men. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and has antibacterial properties. Applied in cooking, adding to dishes, especially in pastries, in folk medicine and cosmetology.
Hyssop It is effective for catarrhal diseases as an expectorant and antipyretic. Has a sedative effect. Used in cosmetology and perfumery as a perfume. Applied in cooking as a fragrant seasoning. It is used for ischemic heart disease.
Cajeput It is an excellent antiseptic, inhibits the growth of bacteria, is indicated in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Due to the ability to quickly penetrate into tissues is widely used in massage. You can also use it with radiculitis. In pharmaceuticals used as an antiseptic and expectorant. In cosmetology and perfumery it is used as a perfume. Effective for treating animals against insects.
Cocoa The most suitable for fading facial skin, struggling with facial wrinkles, restores elasticity to the skin. Effective in dealing with stretch marks on the body. Used in cooking for making chocolate and as an additive to confectionery. In cosmetology is used to nourish and moisturize the skin.
Calendulae Effective in diseases of the stomach and intestines, indigestion, is an active antidepressant, stabilizes the hormonal balance. In cosmetology it is used to treat skin rashes, dermatitis, ulcers, as an emollient for dry skin, especially in winter. In folk medicine is applicable for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases.
Cardamom Calms the nervous system, it is an antidepressant. Has analgesic effect, especially effective for headaches. It is used as an effective tool for sexual impotence in men. Particularly effective oil is in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, with digestive disorders.
Castor Effective in bowel diseases and in the fight against parasites. It is able to have a calming effect when irritating the skin. Used in the fight against calluses and warts. In cosmetology, castor oil is used for the appearance of pigment spots. In the form of compresses used for diseases of radiculitis, rheumatism.
Cedar Effective in diseases of the kidneys, intestines, digestive system. Has antiviral action, increases immunity, soothes. It is an antifungal agent. In dermatology is applicable for the treatment of skin diseases( dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne and inflammation).In cosmetology apply for hair loss and a tendency to baldness, as well as to protect the skin of hands during work.
Kiwi Perfectly fights against viruses, stimulates immunity. Brings back to normal blood pressure. Substances that are part of the kiwi, promote weight loss, the oil normalizes the work of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. Effective in the treatment of female diseases. In cosmetology it is applied in the form of face masks, narrowing the pores, to nourish and moisturize the skin, reduces inflammation.
Cypress Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal action. Stimulates the activity of the liver and gallbladder, eliminates cough and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, circulatory system and normalizes blood pressure. Effective under stress, normalizes sleep. It is actively used in cosmetology as a means for skin and hair. When spasms and varicose veins are used in the form of compresses. In everyday life it is used as an antiparasitic and deodorant for pets.
Coconut Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal action. It works the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system. Normalizes the work of the stomach, helps in the assimilation of food, prevents the development of caries and joint diseases. In cosmetology it is used as a nourishing and rejuvenating agent for the skin. Used to treat candidiasis, depriving, herpes, fungus. It improves digestion and helps in the fight against obesity.
Cinnamon Normalizes metabolic processes, improves blood circulation. Eliminates pain in muscles, has a warming effect. Visibly accelerates cellular regeneration, stimulates hair growth, strengthens them. It has a wound-healing effect, cures bruises and abrasions. It is used to neutralize poisons after insect bites and light forms of food poisoning. Applied in cosmetology, adding in many ways. In cooking they use it as an additive to dishes.
Corn Improves the endocrine system, sex glands, adrenal glands, gallbladder, pituitary gland. Increases muscle tone and increases the endurance of the body. It stimulates the restoration of the skin, improves immunity, reduces the formation of thrombi. Used to restore the body after ailments. In cosmetology is used as a means for hair, for massage.
Sesame Has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating wound healing and analgesic properties. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice and restores the structure of the liver. Normalizes heart function, stabilizes blood pressure. Used for the treatment of colds, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, constipation and many other diseases.
Turmeric Favorably affects the digestion and assimilation of food, helps with diabetes, strengthens the intestinal flora. It has an antitumor effect, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, fights against autoimmune diseases, skin diseases, tones up the body. In cosmetology is used as a remedy for problem skin, with skin diseases, as a protective agent against ultraviolet rays.
Lavandina Relieves headaches, aching muscles, increases blood pressure. It is an excellent antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. It is used for colds, for oily, dry, problematic skin.
Lavender It has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect. Effective in the fight against parasites, it is diuretic, reduces blood pressure, has anti-rheumatic effect. In folk medicine is used for gastritis, ulcers, psoriasis and eczema, with pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma. They are used in perfumery and cosmetology.
Lavender It has healing, analgesic properties, choleretic effect. Used for neuralgia, poor memory, with colds, relieves headache and muscle pain, and improves overall health and appetite. Used in cosmetology for cleaning pores, giving the skin shine, reducing the aging process.
incense Effective for insomnia, depressive and anxious conditions. It has healing, anti-inflammatory, relaxing properties. It fights well with pain and antiseptic effect. Apply for colds and as a sedative. Used for massages.
Harmony Restores the menstrual cycle, stabilizes the pressure, reduces emotional excitability, soothes the nervous system. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is effective in bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, insomnia, it is a wound-healing agent. Also helps with inflammatory reactions, removes dandruff and improves skin. Used in cosmetology, it fights well with dandruff and improves the general condition of the facial skin.
Hazelnut( hazelnut) The main property is cosmetic, it is effective for the care of dry, oily, problem skin, it increases the elasticity of the skin, tones it, provides the necessary nutrition. Applied in dermatology and cosmetology, can be used both in pure form, and for addition to the finished cosmetic product. In folk medicine used as antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and restorative.
Limetta Has the properties of an aphrodisiac and antioxidant, also helps to adapt to a person to different conditions, has strong spasmodic and antipyretic properties. It is used as an effective painkiller, removes slags and normalizes the digestive system, is used as a rejuvenating and fat burning remedy.
Lemon Has anti-stress, antibacterial properties. Accelerate the circulation of blood through the blood vessels, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and stabilizes blood pressure. Widely distributed in the syndrome of fatigue and insomnia, used also for hepatitis and other viral diseases and as an anthelmintic.
Lemon grass Skin care, regenerating property, antiseptic, acting as an aphrodisiac. It is used for increased sweating, has a beneficial effect on digestion, is used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, also to overcome depression, increases efficiency and reduces fatigue.
Lithuanian Improves the work of the stomach and intestines, normalizes appetite. Stimulates the immune system, stabilizes the pressure. Used for pain in the waist and rheumatic syndrome, cope with insomnia, effectively relieves headache and rashes on the skin. In cosmetology they use to fight with oily skin.
Flaxseed Reduces cholesterol in the blood, normalizes the metabolism of fats in the body, improves the condition of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. Used for problems with the thyroid gland, against allergies, asthma, diabetes, stomatitis, caries or other diseases of the oral cavity, wound healing drug.
Majorana Has a strong analgesic effect. It has antiseptic, expectorant, vasodilating properties. Improves the digestion, the regulator of the emotional state of a person. It is used for pains in the joints, pains in the cervical spine, with neuralgia and unstable emotional state, relieve unnecessary anxiety.
Macadamia Eliminates allergy to the sun, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, is used to quickly heal scars and scarring and as an anti-aging agent. In cosmetology is used to strengthen nails, for damaged hair, against dandruff, it is used for massage, as a cream for a smooth, beautiful tan, stimulates microcirculation of blood.
Mango bones Returns the elasticity of the skin, has regenerating properties, heals minor wounds and skin flaws, stabilizes cellular respiration, thereby preventing the skin from drying out. Add to combing facial cleansers, to fight against skin aging, to moisturize and protect it from adverse effects, as a care for baby skin.
Mandarin Normalizes the balance of microelements, increases appetite, favorably affects digestion, cleans the body of toxins, corrects liver function, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. It is used in the fight against excess weight, with problems with blood circulation and blood supply, with irritability, aggressiveness. In cosmetology is used as a tonic.
Manuka Powerful antiseptic, has antihistaminic, antimicrobial properties, has a whitening effect, an anesthetic for headaches and pain in the muscles. Applied with infectious diseases of the skin, with eczema and psoriasis, with allergic reactions, with burns and bites.
Melissa officinalis Has anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, antiviral and anti-allergenic properties. Well suited for the treatment of colds, coughs, shingles. Stimulates the secretion of bile, reduces blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation. Removes edema, cramps and weakness. Favorably affects the psyche. It is used in cosmetology to combat problem skin and hair. In everyday life it is used for the aromatization of premises and air disinfection. When colic is effective in the form of compresses.
Almond Regulates acidity of gastric juice, reduces cholesterol. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing and soothing properties. It activates the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Has a warming effect. Has a mild laxative effect. Applied in medical, pharmaceutical, as well as culinary activities. In cosmetology it is used for skin of face, body and hair. With ear diseases, the oil is buried in the ear. Effective for burns and herpes.
Mirokarpusa( cabbage) Has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and also deodorant effect, reduces the activity of sweat glands. Has a sedative effect, normalizes the emotional background of a person, relieves anxiety and stress. Used for skin care, prone to dryness and cracking, removes pain in muscles and joints, promotes resorption of scars and scars. Reduces hair loss.
Mirra It has a disinfecting, healing, astringent and expectorant action. Has a restorative effect. Beneficial effect on immunity, nervous system, helps improve blood circulation. In cosmetology is used as a means for rejuvenating the face and body, is a part of cosmetic products. In aromatherapy it is effective for sleep normalization, depressive states and with nervous exhaustion. In medicine - for the treatment of digestive organs.
Myrtle red Is a natural antibiotic, has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Stabilizes the emotional background, has a tonic effect. Clears and heals the air. Used for the treatment of chest cough, chronic cold, bronchial infections and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. Used for food poisoning, as well as for sessions of massage and aromatization of premises. In cosmetology they are used to treat acne, psoriasis.
of Juniper It has antiseptic, tonic, diaphoretic, wound healing and diuretic action, which contributes to elimination of toxins. Adjusts the digestive and urinary system. Normalizes sleep, promotes wound healing and normalization of pressure. Effective for the treatment of vascular diseases, as well as the heart, with cystitis and urolithiasis, for relief of toothache. In cosmetology is used as a means for massage. Used for dermatological problems( wet eczema, acne, peptic ulcer and scabies).
of Juniper Berries Has antibacterial, analgesic, cleansing, stimulating and restorative action. Stimulates the digestive tract, stabilizes the menstrual cycle, cleanses the blood and removes toxins. It has an excellent anti-cellulite effect, removes mucus from the intestine, effectively with hemorrhoids. In cosmetology is used as a means for skin care, anti-dandruff, for massage. Baths with this oil are used to combat swelling.
Monads of the fist It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, stimulating and fortifying properties. Stimulates digestion, removes toxins and radicals. Positively affects the psyche, relieves stress, and in small doses protects the body from radiation. In medicine it is used to treat radiation sickness, asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, otitis, burns and eczema. It is used to fight worms, effectively with cuts, burns and fungal skin lesions. In cosmetology is used to care for problem skin and nails.
Carrot Seeds Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, diuretic effect. Prevents the formation of gases in the stomach and intestines. Cleanses the liver and digestive tract from dangerous toxins, relieves irritation, rashes, reduces wrinkles. It restores the psychological balance and helps reduce stress. Promotes the purification of blood and lymph. Applied in aromatherapy with diseases of the ENT organs. Works effectively in the treatment of arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It has recommended itself as a means for the normalization of digestive processes, accompanied by dyspepsia. In cosmetology are used to care for dry and flaky skin, as well as for hair care.
Nutmeg Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiemetic and wound-healing properties. It alleviates pain and eliminates puffiness, helps stop uterine bleeding and normalize the work of the bronchi. It is an active stimulator of cardiac activity and the work of the digestive system. finds application in ENT practice as an aromatherapy agent. In cosmetology is used to care for problem skin and prevent hair loss. In cooking - as an exquisite seasoning.
Mint Soothes, relieves muscle tone. Has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antipyretic properties. Effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Normalizes the work of the brain, improves blood circulation. Relieves spasm of blood vessels. Used in medicine as a soothing, anti-inflammatory. Applied for the treatment of colds. In cosmetology is used to improve blood circulation, helps to get rid of such problems as vascular drawings.
Nayoli Stimulates the work of all body systems, improves blood circulation, which contributes to the renewal of tissues. Has antiseptic, analgesic and soothing properties. Applied in aromatherapy for the treatment of cough and with congestion in the bronchi. Actively used in cosmetology for the treatment of redness, inflammation, pustules on the skin.
Narda Has a sedative effect, is a natural antioxidant. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, a good venotonic. Relieves spasms and inflammation. Applied in cosmetology for sensitive skin, prone to dryness and peeling. Helps to fight dandruff. Used to stabilize the nervous system. Has found application at meditations.
Neroli Efficiently fights against viruses, strengthens the immune system and the body as a whole. Is an antiseptic. Used for cramps and spasms. Activates the regeneration of cells, is a good antidepressant. It is used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, for the prevention and treatment of heart, liver and kidney diseases. Used in aromatherapy for the treatment of neuroses, depression and other mental states. Can be used for massage and grinding.
Sea buckthorn Strengthens and tones up the body. It has bactericidal and wound healing properties. Excellent removes inflammation and activates tissue repair. Used in slimming as a mild laxative, it normalizes metabolism. Effective in the care of newborn skin. They are used to prevent the development of cancer. You can do inhalations and compresses with sea buckthorn oil.
Borage Borage One of the most powerful means for restoring the body after severe illnesses. Increases immunity, improves mood and general condition. Due to wound healing effect is effective for skin diseases. Used in cosmetology for depleted skin. Returns the elasticity, restores the water-fat balance. Women are used to relieve menstrual pain and normalize the hormonal background.
Olive Adjusts the work of the stomach, improves intestinal motility, stabilizes the work of the heart. Heals wounds well, relieves inflammation, effectively with skin burns. Apply it to the hair, providing moisture to the split ends, gives shine and strength to the hair. Effective with skin care, reduces wrinkles, is a good prevention against stretch marks.
Palmarozy Normalizes digestion, restoring intestinal microflora, improves appetite. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Excellent cope with diseases of the genitourinary system. It is used to relieve acute symptoms for colds. In cosmetology they use for deep moistening, removal of inflammation on the problem skin.
Palm( red) Lowers cholesterol in the blood, is a good tool for the prevention of thrombosis and heart attacks. It stops the aging of the body. Used in the food industry as a preservative.
Patchouli It has a wound healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. Restores skin cells. Richly soothing properties, therefore actively used for nervous disorders. Applied in folk medicine and aromatherapy. Inhalation of oil vapors soothes, reduces anxiety, helps to withstand stress. The use in cosmetology allows tonic fading skin, and also is applicable as an agent for the treatment of pustular and inflammatory rashes.
Peach bones Has a beneficial effect on the skin: relieves inflammation, redness, moisturizes and tones. Has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect. Effective in burns, in the fight against cellulite. Applied in cosmetology for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Used to care for baby skin. Suitable for hair care, adding it to balms and masks.
Peruvian balsam It is known as an antimicrobial and wound-healing remedy. Promotes tissue regeneration. Has a deodorizing effect. Excellent helps to fight against parasites. Perfect for removing acne and purulent rash. Used to treat fungal infections of the skin of hands and feet. Promotes skin regeneration and healing. It is used in creams to soften dry areas of the skin.
Pepper black It has a relaxing and soothing effect. It is common as a regenerating and immunity-stimulating remedy. The warming property of the oil helps with overcooling. It is actively used during medical and sports massage. It is used to fight cellulite. Desicciates herpes and acne. Used for hair care.
Petitgrain Effective in the treatment of depression and insomnia. Has a regenerating and restoring effect. Optimizes blood circulation. Has a deodorizing effect. It is used for skin care, perfectly adjusts its fat balance, strengthens hair, gives it vitality, stimulates growth. In everyday life they use it to eliminate unpleasant odors.
Parsley leaves It has antiseptic, diuretic, anti-cellulite properties. Affects the female reproductive system. Effective as a remedy for controlling rheumatism. Also known as repellent. For cystitis, it is used for massage and bathing. It is used for bruises, reduces joint and muscle pain. It is common for repelling mosquitoes.
Fir It is known for its antiviral and bactericidal properties. Perfectly heals wounds. With bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis has a strong expectorant effect. Great for disinfection of premises. It is used to relieve the symptoms of colds. Used as an anesthetic for rheumatism.
Sunflower Has a choleretic and laxative effect. Effective in the treatment of skin diseases, has an emollient and moisturizing effect. Applied mainly in the food industry. They are used in folk medicine, and for some cosmetic procedures.
Evening primrose Normalizes the hormonal background, facilitates discomfort during menstruation and menopause. Regulates the cardiovascular system, heals wounds, accelerates the regeneration of cells. In folk medicine used to treat eczema, allergies, stabilization of the heart. In cosmetology is used as a remedy to remove redness. Prevents dryness and peeling.
Ravensary fragrant Boosts immunity, fights against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Has antiseptic and decongestant effect. Eliminates pain, fatigue, anxiety, calms and tones. Applied in the fight against cellulite, to reduce pain in the muscles and joints. In cosmetology it is effective in combating acne eruptions.
Milk thistle Cleanses the liver, removes toxins and toxins after long-term medication treatment. Effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Has antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Applied in dermatology for the treatment of inflammatory, infectious and allergic skin rashes.
Burdock The minerals contained in the composition give the body energy and strength. Cleanses the body, normalizes digestion. Protein in the body nourishes and strengthens muscles. Wide application in cosmetology. Strengthens hair, stimulates their growth, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face, removing inflammation, giving it a healthy appearance.
Rosemary Relieves pain and spasms without creating a sedative effect. Used to stimulate the nervous system. Normalizes the work of the digestive system, has a decongestant effect. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves cerebral circulation. In folk medicine used to improve the performance of many organs and systems, as a remedy to relieve symptoms in acute respiratory infections. Used in cosmetology for problem skin, prone to rashes and irritations.
Rosewood Strengthens the immune system, activates the work of all body systems. Effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, improves cerebral circulation, is an easy analgesic. In cosmetology is used as a soothing and restoring remedy. Applied in aromalamps for inhalations in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including chronic cough.
Roses Stabilizes blood pressure, digestive system and endocrine system. Normalizes the menstrual cycle. Effective in the treatment of skin diseases and injuries. Used to treat and prevent diseases of the female reproductive system. In cosmetology is used due to its astringent and tonic effect. Copes well with wrinkles.
Chamomile Relieves irritation and inflammation on the skin. Increases appetite, blocks the development of infectious processes of the genitourinary system. It improves blood circulation, relieves muscle and joint pain. Removes excess fluid from the body. It is used as a preventive and medicinal product for many diseases of the skin and internal organs. In cosmetology they use to nourish the skin, stimulate its recovery. Effective in caring for baby skin. In everyday life it is used to repel insects.
Sandal Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Applied as spasmolytic, relaxes blood vessels, relieves tension in muscles. Normalizes the work of the intestine, effective for tonsillitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. Used for sexual disorders, high blood pressure, premenstrual and climacteric syndrome. Used in cosmetology to strengthen hair, nourish the skin of the face. Add to masks, balms, shampoos.
Saro Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a good expectorant, helps to drain mucus in the rhinitis and sinusitis. Effectively fights against viruses and fungi. It is used for inhalation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. You can rinse your throat and mouth with infections and inflammations. When pain in the muscles and joints are used as rubbing.
Soybean Is an excellent preventive agent of heart disease and the formation of malignant tumors. Improves the work of the liver, brain, lowers cholesterol in the blood, increases immunity, stabilizes the digestive tract. Applied in the food industry. Add in the production of soap, detergent. Used in cooking for salad dressings. In cosmetology has found application due to its softening, moisturizing, rejuvenating properties.
Pine needles Most effective in acute respiratory infections, as well as in the treatment of inflammation and infections of the upper respiratory tract. It has antipyretic properties, tones up, supports the body during illness. Used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. You can use it for massage with muscular, articular, rheumatic pains. In cosmetology, its effect is to moisturize and tonify the skin. In everyday life it is used to purify the air.
Thyme white Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. Increases immunity, is a good antiseptic for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Improves blood circulation, is effective in diseases of the genitourinary system. In dermatology is used to treat fungus and skin diseases. In cosmetology they are used as a remedy for dandruff and for fighting acne. In small quantities can be used in perfumery.
Pumpkin Improves the performance of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Thanks to anti-inflammatory actions, it is effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Is wound healing and antiseptic. In folk medicine used to raise immunity, enhance kidney function, improve vision and cleanse the body as a whole. In dermatology apply for the treatment of skin diseases in the form of applications with pumpkin oil.
Yarrow Has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Normalizes digestion and metabolic processes in the body. Effective in bleeding of different etymologies, as well as with kidney stones. In folk medicine used for abrasions, cuts, injuries, to stop bleeding. They are used in gynecology and cystitis. In cosmetology apply for problem skin.
Dill Increases appetite, improves digestion. Effective in intestinal colic, bloating and flatulence. Has a diuretic effect, removes toxins and toxins. Normalizes the pressure. Nursing mothers are used to increase lactation. Effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as in menstrual disorders. Apply in cosmetology for sensitive and dry skin. Removes inflammation and promotes early healing of wounds.
Fennel Effective in edema and stagnation in the body, due to diuretic action. It improves digestion, helps digest food. Displays toxins for poisoning, including alcohol. Removes nervous tension and inflammatory processes in the body. It is used to stabilize the work of the organs of the female reproductive system. Applied in the fight against cellulite, increases elasticity, tightens the skin.
Pistachios Tones up, removes inflammation and dryness of the skin. Will help get rid of problems such as freckles and age spots. Apply in cosmetology, adding to creams, masks, scrubs and shampoos. Strengthens nails and hair. Actively used for massages to restore coarse skin.
Fragonia Has antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunostimulating action. Relieves pain in muscles and joints with arthritis. It alleviates menstrual pain, struggles with depression, fatigue and insomnia. It is used in the form of inhalations during infectious diseases of the respiratory system. In cosmetology it is used as a means for caring for problem and oily skin. Can be used for herpes zoster and other skin diseases.
Ho tree Is a natural antispasmodic, analgesic and aphrodisiac. Helps with depressions, relieves excitement, and also repels flies and other insects. In the ENT-practice is used in the form of inhalations. In cosmetology it is used for oily and aging skin, and is also widely used in perfumery.
Citronella It is a good antiseptic, it stimulates human immunity, accelerating the process of digestion of food and contributes to the development of digestive enzymes, removes toxins from the body and reduces appetite. Relieves dizziness, weakness, lethargy, eliminates darkening in the eyes and nausea. It is used in the perfumery and food industry, it is a part of various medicines. In everyday life it is used to repel insects and dishwashing.
Thyme It has antiseptic, soothing, wound healing, analgesic, expectorant and decongestant properties. Increases immunity, it is effective in alopecia. Effective in the treatment of arthritis, neuritis and dermatitis. In cosmetology they are used to restore problem hair and care for oily skin.
Tea tree Has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and immunostimulating properties. Has a healing, soothing and disinfecting effect, relieves the symptoms of food poisoning, positively affects the diseases of the urinary tract. Applied in aromatherapy for the treatment of colds. Used in the treatment of injuries, burns and fungal diseases of the skin. In medicine it is also used for massage and as inhalations. Applicable for teeth whitening.
Salt of medicinal Possesses anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, wound-healing, fortifying and immunomodulating action. Stimulates the digestive tract, improves appetite, eliminates colic and gas formation. Promotes sputum discharge, useful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Applied in dentistry for the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease, stomatitis and removal of calculus. In cosmetology it is used for washing, masks, baths for problem skin and during manual therapy. It is an effective aromatherapy agent for diseases of the ENT organs.
Muscatine sage It has bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and restorative properties. It increases immunity and positively affects the cardiovascular system. Normalizes the emotional background, improves the digestive tract, fights with burns, non-healing ulcers, normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is widely used in ENT practice as a means for aromatherapy in diseases of the respiratory system. In cosmetology they are used as a means for skin and hair care.
Shea( curry) Shows nutritional, moisturizing and softening properties, so it is effective for rough skin areas. It has regenerative, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action. Stimulates capillary exchange, is able to protect the skin from sunlight, wind and cold. It is widely used in diseases of joints and muscle injuries. Effective in many skin diseases, it is used to heal cuts, wounds, skin cracks.
Rosehip Has a strong choleretic effect, lowers cholesterol, positively affects the circulatory system, has a general strengthening effect on the body and increases the resistance to various kinds of infections. Nourishes, protects and promotes skin regeneration. Effective for gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis. Apply oil for the treatment of respiratory diseases, gastritis, pneumonia and nervous disorders. Used for weight loss.
Eucalyptus It has an antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal and expectorant action. Increases immunity, anesthetizes trauma, fights headache, relieves inflammation of the urinary system. Used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract of an infectious nature, as part of many cough drops, effective for healing wounds and abrasions. Used in the form of inhalation, massage and rubbing. It is used in cooking, as well as in cosmetology for skin care of hands, nails and hair.
Name Properties Application

In pursuit of the preservation of beauty and youth, all means are suitable, but not necessarily at the same time bear significant money costs, since natural resources are no less good than artificially created, and in some cases they are even better able to cope with the tasks. It's about ethereal and cosmetic oils - deposits of useful properties from nature. To properly apply oils, you need to know about their properties. The table below includes a complete list of the applications of cosmetic and essential oils.

See also table of essential oils for hair http://woman-l.ru/efirnye-masla-dly-volos/
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