Application of vacuum cans for massage at home

Vacuum massage is considered one of the most effective procedures for skin care. In this case, the effect of negative pressure on the deep layers of the dermis has a pronounced healing effect on the entire body. This cosmetic and therapeutic procedure is quite popular, you can do it yourself using vacuum cans for massage at home.

  • Operating principle
  • Indications
  • Useful properties
  • Kinds of cans
  • Glass
  • Rubber
  • Silicone
  • Latex
  • With
  • pump What you need to know when buying
  • HowApply
  • Static method
  • Kinetic method
  • Disadvantages of
  • Contraindications

Principle of action

The effect of canned massage is based on reflex, vacuum, thermochemical action on the human body. The created rarefaction of air in the bank has an effect on the deep layers of tissue and starts a lot of biological processes in them.

  • increases blood flow to the treated area,
  • lymphatic drainage acceleration,
  • strengthens connective tissue and regenerates muscle fibers,
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  • improves metabolism,

  • stimulates the regeneration of the dermis,
  • increases the absorption of therapeutic agents used for massage( nutritional, moisturizing, anti-cellulite creams, oils).

The use of vacuum cans at home requires mastering the technique of the procedure and a certain skill. With experience, the effectiveness of therapy is comparable to the services of specialized institutions.

When performing anti-cellulite massage by vacuum banks, its effectiveness depends on the stage of the process. The earlier treatment is initiated, the more pronounced the effect will be.
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Vacuum massage doctors recommend to use for cellulite, excess weight, myalgia, scars, flabbiness of the skin. Also, it will be useful in metabolic disorders, back pain, especially in the lower back, if there are problems with the hair, or when you are preparing for a plastic surgery or undergoing a rehabilitation course after it.

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Useful properties

The use of medicinal cans first began in China, where the benefits of using them were proven. Regular course of vacuum massage has a beneficial effect on the body, which is due to a wide range of actions and healing qualities of the procedure:

  • Strengthening of the muscular apparatus;
  • Normalization of lymph flow, activation of blood circulation in tissues;
  • Anesthetic effect for musculoskeletal and articular pathologies( neuralgia, myalgia, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis).Restoration of decreased sensitivity when it is lost due to compression of the nerves;
  • Regeneration of regenerative abilities of cells;
  • Health-improving qualities of cosmetic massage by vacuum cans contribute to skin color improvement, give it a well-groomed appearance;
  • Activation of metabolic processes, elimination of stagnant phenomena, edema, removal of toxins and toxins from tissue cells, restoration of their respiratory function;
  • Providing corrective effect on the figure, getting rid of excess weight, including from local obesity, cellulite;
  • Rejuvenating effect of the procedure. As a result of massage, the skin acquires elasticity, smoothness, its turgor raises, wrinkles are smoothed;
  • Prevent formation of fat deposits;
  • Normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • Regenerative properties of massage contribute to the elimination of scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • Stabilizing effect on the vegetative system due to stimulation of peripheral nerve receptors and sedative effect on the nervous system;
  • Promotes the reduction of inflammatory phenomena in various infectious pathologies of the body( tracheitis, bronchitis, colds);
  • Eliminates lethargy, fatigue, promotes muscle recovery after intensive training;
  • The effect of lifting without injections;
  • General strengthening effect on the body, increasing its protective forces.

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Kinds of cans

There are a lot of varieties of cans for vacuum massage. According to the technique of action, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • Standard. The rarefaction of air in this case is created by squeezing the can's body by hand;
  • Glass with a rubber nozzle, with the pressure of which creates a vacuum;
  • With vacuum supercharger. The pressure in the can is lowered by means of a pump.
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The first 2 types are easy to use, they affect the fabric more gently. Banks with a vacuum pump require skill, if the technology of use is broken, you can get an injury to the skin.

Each type of container has advantages and disadvantages, the most common are silicone and rubber devices for massage. The first glass jars, made without rubber baits and known to many since childhood, have lost popularity in comparison with their competitors. The main reason for this is the inability to adjust the pressure due to the use of fire to produce a vacuum.

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For the production of this product, quality, dense glass, capable of withstanding significant loads, is used. Modern banks differ from their predecessors by the presence of a rubber sucker, when pressed, a vacuum is created inside.

Previously, to produce rarefied air in a glass container, fire was applied, which created the danger of getting a burn. Such banks are used now. To do this, use a pair of tweezers for cotton wool soaked in alcohol, set on fire and brought to the container, lowering the pressure inside it. Then it is applied to the skin and after the suction it is possible to perform a massage. This method is rather laborious, so it is preferable to use modern containers with rubber nozzles.

It is possible to carry out massage of the stomach, back, legs, hands, buttocks with glass vacuum banks. However, they are not suitable for use in the face area. Disadvantages of using cans of glass are the pronounced painfulness of the procedure, the fragility of the material - the formation of the slightest chips makes the container unusable. Their advantages include easy washing, absence of cosmetic effects( odor absorption, staining), adjustment of the pressure in the already fixed state with the aid of a nozzle.

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Made of high quality medical rubber, presented in the form of kits. A set of rubber vacuum cans for massage consists of 4 pieces, differing in body diameters: 22, 35, 50, 65 millimeters, which allows them to be used for various areas of the body. A larger size is used when acting on the buttocks, back, abdomen, minimal - on the face area.

Before using cans, they are placed in hot water for 10 minutes to warm up and give compliance, then applied to the skin. Vacuum is created by pressing the container body. The merits of using cans of rubber include painlessness of the procedure, its safety. The drawbacks - the absorption of massage aids after long-term use, short life, in comparison with products made from other materials, for example, glass.

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The most common because of the ease of use, hygiene( easy to clean), strength, safety. The advantage of the product is that it does not require reheating before use. The vacuum is obtained by lightly compressing the body. If the suction is excessive, it is possible to loosen the pressure by removing the jar and attaching it again with less pressure.

Their disadvantage is the inability to keep a permanent shape( in comparison with products made of glass or plastic), which requires skill in carrying out anti-cellulite massage. With sufficient experience, it is possible to carry out the procedure simultaneously with two containers, placing them in both hands. It is not difficult to carry out massage of the face, legs, back, belly of the house with such vacuum banks, and they also work well on the hips and buttocks. On sale are presented in sets of 4 pieces of different sizes or from 2 pieces of medium diameter.

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Have characteristics similar to silicone cans, however, have a longer service life. At the same time, their cost is higher. Sold in a set of 2 pieces, differing in shape. The first bank has a circular opening, designed to affect large areas of the body, the second - oval, facilitates access to hard-to-reach areas.

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pump Vacuum in such cans is created by means of a pump, which reduces the pressure in it to 0.06 MPa. The products are presented in sets of 6, 12, 24 pieces in diameter in the range from 2 to 8 centimeters, which allows to carry out the procedure for different parts of the body.

The advantages of cans with a pump are the ability to adjust the intensity of exposure, reliable fixation on the surface of the skin, the effectiveness of the procedure. The disadvantages include the risk of injury to tissues with excessive suction, for this reason, to carry out the massage yourself with this type of cans, not having sufficient experience, is not recommended.

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What you need to know when buying

You can buy vacuum cans in the pharmacy chain or specialized stores. Thus it is necessary to pay attention to the dimensions of the product( from 1 to 8 centimeters).

The selection is made, depending on the area to be affected. For massage of the thighs and buttocks, it is better to purchase a set of a pair of medium-sized silicone containers.

  • For the back area, the diameter of the cans is 6-8 centimeters of any kind;
  • To influence the abdominal region, it is preferable to choose a size up to 4-5 centimeters;
  • Massage with vacuum banks neck and face requires their application with the smallest hole diameter.

It is more preferable to have a set of containers with different sizes for carrying out the procedure on any problem areas.

Use and contraindications for the use of a circular shower
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How to use

Before using the massage jars, they must be washed in soapy water and dried,hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

Preparation during vacuum massage is of great importance. She prepares the tissues for intensive treatment and helps reduce the soreness of the procedure. To do this, it is recommended to take a shower or a bath, while you can treat the body with a scrub. After water procedures, you need to hold a manual warm-up massage for 5-15 minutes.

In this case, classical massage techniques are used: stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading. Then on the skin you need to apply massage aids( oil, cream).To increase the effectiveness of using special anti-cellulite drugs. Also allowed the use of vegetable oil, baby cream.

Lubricant should be present in a larger amount than with other types of massage, as it facilitates the movement of the can, reduces soreness. After that you can go directly to the procedure.

There are 2 methods of vacuum massage, depending on the method of application of cans:

  • static( local);
  • kinetic.
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Static method

The cans are set without moving them afterwards. Capacities in the amount of 10-16 pieces( based on the surface area) are installed locally, on a specific area of ​​the body. The distance between them is 3-5 centimeters. Banks are fixed on flat parts of the body, usually using glass, often with the use of fire to dilute the air. Also, with this method, the success of a container with a pump is used.

By time, the procedure lasts 5-25 minutes, based on age, tissue density. Children exposure time - 5-10 minutes.
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Kinetic method

It is considered the basic technique of vacuum massage. After setting the cans, they are moved around the perimeter of the massaged area. With this massage, 1-2 containers are used. They are in constant motion, which are performed smoothly, neatly. It is necessary to avoid sharpness, speed of reception.

In the areas of the groin, armpits, inner thighs, under the knees, this procedure can not be performed. To avoid tissue trauma, follow the instructions on how to massage with vacuum cans.

Capacity is required to be installed on the skin surface, gently squeeze, pressing the neck to the body, then release. Pressure depends on the pressure inside the can. In this case, you can see how the skin is drawn into the jar, this level should not be more than 1.5 centimeters. Otherwise, there will be difficulties with moving the container.

Movements are made only by certain rules, chaotic movement can lead to the lack of the required effect and tissue trauma.

  • In the area of ​​the buttocks, the effect is performed in a circle for 8-10 minutes, then for 3 more minutes by short vertical lines.
  • The stomach massage is performed for 5-7 minutes in a circular motion in the direction of the clockwise movement. Then, for 2 minutes, the lateral surfaces are massaged along the line from the navel to the back on each side.
  • When exposed to the leg zone, movements are made from the knee upwards. Duration of massage of both limbs is 45 minutes.
  • Hands are massaged by straight lines, from bottom to top for 7 minutes each.
  • Back massage is performed from the bottom up, from sides to the spine, from its middle to the shoulder joint, from the shoulders to the center of the neck. At the same time, straight, spiraling, circular movements are made, with a snake for 20 minutes.
  • For facial and neck massage, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme: exposure to the zone of subclavian lymph nodes, then to the lower part of the neck, then to its middle and upper parts, then to the lower third of the face, chin, jaw, and then to the middle face area. The session ends with movements towards the ears, then - to the eyes and stimulation of the forehead zone( from the center to the temples).The duration of the procedure should not exceed 7 minutes.

At sensations of the expressed morbidity during massage carrying out it is necessary to lower a vacuum in bank, to reduce speed of its moving, to add a lubricant.

At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the jars from the skin surface. To do this, it is required to move the jar slightly to one side with one hand, and press the second one at its base. Then on the processed sites it is necessary to put the cosmetic means( humidifying, anti-cellulite) and to carry out short-term light massage.

It is desirable that the duration of vacuum massage sessions start from the minimum time( 5-10 minutes), gradually the duration can be increased to 15-20 minutes. The break between the procedures is 2 days. The duration of the course is 10-15 sessions, it can be repeated after 2 weeks.
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Disadvantages of

Despite the effectiveness of vacuum massage, this procedure has drawbacks:

  • Soreness. In some cases, the sensations are quite pronounced, which makes it necessary to abandon this type of massage in favor of others( classical, vibrational);
  • Skin defects after the procedure. The presence of bruises, bruises, redness is a side effect of such a massage. They can last up to 2 weeks, which creates certain aesthetic difficulties, especially in the summer, when many parts of the body are exposed;
  • In the presence of "vascular asterisks" on the skin, vacuum massage can promote their growth, as well as the development of varicose veins with a tendency to it;
  • Acquiring skill. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation and the use of cans, so the first sessions may not work.
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Vacuum massage is characterized by a rather intensive influence on the tissues of the human body. There are the following contraindications for its conduct:

  • varicose veins and a tendency to it;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases( eczema, dermatitis, fungal lesions);
  • couperose, even to a minor extent;
  • mechanical damage to the skin( wounds, abrasions, cuts);
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage, accompanied by a significant rise in temperature;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • heart failure in the acute stage, with caution in hypotension and hypertension;
  • pustular formations;
  • reduced hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • moles in the area of ​​exposure;
  • stress, increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • diabetes in severe form;
  • rheumatism in developmental stage;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • "fragility" of blood vessels;
  • increased pressure or inclination to it;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy period.

When performing a massage, do not use the cans in the projection of the kidneys and heart for a long time. You can not perform the procedure on the spine( except for the sacrum, sacro-lumbar, sacrococcygeal joint and the seventh cervical vertebra), in the areas of lymph nodes accumulation( under the knee, in the armpit, the inner surface of the thigh).The optimal course for treatment is about 15 procedures performed with a break in 1 day. After a massage, it is best to wrap or grease the area with a cream to lose weight. Means that contain irritating components should be avoided.

  • Jun 04, 2018
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