How to straighten curly hair without the help of ironing

How to make the hair perfectly smooth and shiny? The first option that arises is to use an ironing rectifier. However, as a daily procedure it is quite traumatic. Therefore, further consider alternative ways with which, without harm to the head of hearing, you can perform daily hair alignment.

  • Professional
  • tools Keratin straightening
  • Laminating
  • Cream
  • Masks
  • Sprays
  • Home remedies

Hair dryer

The first alternative method of hair straightening is the use of a hair dryer. In order not to injure the head of hear, it is desirable to switch it to the cold air flow regime and dry the strands in the direction from the roots to the tips using a special round comb.

Drying with a hair dryer takes a lot of time and effort than ironing, but this method is more gentle and able to protect the hair from the negative effects of high temperature and mechanical damage. Before you start straightening hair with a hair dryer, you need to use a thermal spray.

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Professional tools

A good way to straighten hair without using ironing is to use chemical agents for styling.

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Keratin straightening

Salon cosmetic procedure in which the keratin composition is applied for the alignment and restoration of hair. The essence of keratation is that the microparticles of the main component penetrate into the structure of the hair, enrich it and protect it.

To begin with, the hair is washed with a deep cleaning shampoo. The protein-keratin composition is applied abundantly on strands and dried with a hair dryer. Then they divide the hair on small strands and draw out with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the protein folds, and the scales of the hair close. As a result, you get elastic, smooth, shiny and obedient hair, which do not need daily straightening.

Keratin rectification has no age restrictions and any contraindications. If desired, it can be carried out regularly. With proper care, the result can be preserved up to 3 months.

Learn how to choose the best hair straightener
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The lamination process is that the hair is covered with a special tool that, whendrying creates a protective film on them. It not only prevents the loss of moisture and nutrients, but also saturates the curls with oxygen, beneficial bioactive additives and natural protein.

The method is an ideal option for straightening hair of normal thickness and any length. Thin problem hair after the procedure will temporarily look better, but when the protective layer is washed off, they will become even weaker. Therefore, immediately before lamination it is necessary to carry out treatment and restoration of damaged strands.

This color helps to preserve the color longer. For transparent lamination, it is enough to hold a special mask on your hair for about 30 minutes and then wash it off. Also for the lamination, color means are produced, with which you can give the desired color to the hair.

Depending on further care, the effect after such a straightening lasts from 3 to 6 weeks.

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Smoothing cream impregnates hair, making it heavy and thus straightening. They are able to protect curls from the effects of ultraviolet and high temperature, and also feed them with useful substances.

However, the oily components of some creams contribute to the rapid contamination of hair, and to avoid this effect, the cream can be used as an air conditioner.

It's worth remembering that such tools practically do not give any results on hair stained with chemical paints.

In the fight against disobedient curls and waves, the most positive reviews received such indelible styling creams:

  • Tony Moly Make HD Hair Straight Cream;
  • NOUVELLE Play It Straight Extra;
  • Creme for style from Oribe;
  • Enrich from Wella Professionals;
  • Hair Straight Creme S from C: EHKO;
  • ProSeries Frizz Control from Wella;
  • Satin Polish from System Professional;
  • Smooth Infusion from Aveda;
  • Smooth & Sleek from Oriflame;
  • Sunsilk.
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Professional indelible masks smooth the hair, nourishing and moisturizing them. They make the curls more docile, shiny and smooth. The cuticles of dry and broken strands are closed, and the hair becomes a whole healthy canvas.

The product has a weighting and thickening effect, while the tips tend to go down, which leads to straightening of light waves. It is worth considering that this method of straightening hair can lead to a loss of radical volume and is unlikely to give the desired result on hard, elastic curls.

Professionals recommend using the following masks to make hair smooth:

  • Style link from Matrix;
  • CocoChoco Professional Keratin Mask;
  • Uni System Smoothing Mask from Lisap;
  • Kerasys Salon Care;
  • Smoothing from Paul Mitchell;
  • Indola Innova Keratin Straight Treatment;
  • Smooth Collection from Moroccanoil.
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Sprays for leveling are perhaps the simplest and easiest to use tools. They can be applied equally on wet, and on dry hair. A significant disadvantage of all such means is the content of silicone and various additives, which, seeping, accumulate in the structure of the hair and destroy it.

The most effective sprays that give smoothness to the hair are the products of well-known cosmetic brands, such as:

  • Syoss "4 days of smoothness";
  • Gliss Kur from Schwarzkopf;
  • Schauma from Schwarzkopf;
  • Concept Smoothing control spray.
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Home remedies

Home remedies for hair straightening are not only the safest, but also have a curative effect. Rinsers, masks and balms, prepared independently from the simplest ingredients, are not inferior in effectiveness to leveling agents purchased in stores.

Recipe 1.
Curly hair can be straightened with the help of oils rich in vitamins of group B.

For the preparation of a useful mixture it is necessary to combine in the same volumes of oil of burdock, olive and castor oil. Preheated on a water bath, the composition should be rubbed into the hair, while the root zone should not be treated. Put the shower cap on for one hour. Then wash your hair with a shampoo.

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You can achieve the desired result by applying this tool twice a week.

Recipe 2.
For the purpose of straightening hair, you can use a home rinse aid. It does not require flushing, but it can be used after each procedure of washing the head. To make it, you will need:

  • 500 ml of mineral water;
  • 15 ml of lemon juice;
  • 10 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 10 ml of apple juice;
  • 5 ml of alcohol.

Mix all the ingredients and rinse the ringlets after washing.

Recipe 3.
Brunettes make hair flowing and even without additional styling will help the home balsam. In equal parts, you should combine cognac and a strained chamomile broth. Impregnated in the solution with cotton wool to wipe the hair. After 30 minutes, the remnants of the product should be thoroughly rinsed. Hair will acquire a beautiful chestnut shade.

Recipe 4.
Promotes the taming of fluffy and curly hair with a homemade mask with oil and vinegar.


  • 15 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 15 ml of mineral water;
  • 7 ml of almond oil.

Blend the hair along the entire length. After 40 minutes, wash the head with a small amount of shampoo.

Recipe 5.
Straighten and strengthen the hair will help the next mask.

  • 0,5 glasses of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of colorless henna;
  • for 3 ml of grape seed oil and orange.

Henna pour hot water and leave to swell for 50 minutes. Then add the oil and mix well. The prepared mixture should be left on the curls for about half an hour and rinse thoroughly with running water.

Recipe 6.
Sweet tea is suitable for straightening normal and dry hair. Just need to add a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of hot freshly brewed tea. Stir until the sugar dissolves and apply to damp curls. The product will help to smooth the curls and does not require additional flushing.

Recipe 7.
Beer has a fixative, so it is suitable for fixing the result of straightening. On clean and towel-dried hair, you should apply the beer with a sponge along the entire length. Next, you need to comb your hair to full alignment.

Recipe 8.
Align and moisten the curls with the following mask recipe.

  • 30 grams of honey;
  • 2 grams of starch;
  • 30 grams of sour cream;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The products are combined and mixed well. Warm the mixture a couple before thickening. Overheat the mixture is not worth it, otherwise honey and yolk may lose their useful properties. The mask should look like a thick shampoo. Evenly distribute the mixture over the hair, put on a polyethylene cap and leave for 40 minutes. Then wash off.

  • Jun 04, 2018
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