Constipation can be won at home: folk remedies and tips

A lot of people have daily problems with the work of the intestine and in particular with its emptying.

And this is a very acute problem, since in the absence of proper treatment the situation can lead to complications leading to constipation.

Contents of

  • What is constipation?
  • The fight against the disease is a sacred thing
  • The aims of therapy
  • Treatment of the disease at home
    • Observance of the
    • regime Nutrition rules
    • It is possible to eat and is useful and tasty
  • Therapeutic prescriptions

What is constipation?

What is constipation and why does it appear? This disease is characterized by the absence of regular emptying of the intestine.

If a person does not have a chair for more than two days, then this is constipation, which must be eliminated until it leads to more severe consequences, hemorrhoids and anal fissures may be one of the problems.

The fact is that the food after digestion enters the intestine, which continues its movement, eventually ending up in the large intestine.

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The greatest absorption of the liquid takes place here, and therefore, when the stool remains in this compartment for a little longer than the prescribed one, they become too hard.

Because of this, a person has to push hard, which leads to an increase in blood flow to the veins of the anus. Excessively stretching walls of blood vessels lead to the formation of hemorrhoids, which later create a large number of problems and painful sensations.

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Fighting the disease - holy cause

The appearance of constipation should not go unnoticed. You can not just hope that this affliction will pass by itself, as this will not happen if the disease does not start on time to treat.

But before diagnosing this trouble yourself, you should get advice from a specialist. And only after that start to conduct medical activities.

The aggravation of an unpleasant process will certainly provoke many other problems, getting rid of them will be much more difficult.

Oncological diseases can be added to hemorrhoids and anal fissures. That is why constipation should be cured as soon as possible, and you can do it even at home, which is much preferable for many.

The aims of therapy

To obtain the necessary effect, it is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions and observe a certain diet that will speed up the treatment process. During the entire period, it is necessary to achieve certain goals, which states the elimination of constipation.

Here's what you need to achieve:

  • normalize bowel evacuation;
  • to achieve uniformity of fecal masses, by saturation of their liquid;
  • to improve intestinal tone in general and especially of the large intestine;
  • start to lead a more lively lifestyle.

Treatment of illness at home

Once the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. In this case, often everything can be reduced to a power change and a mode.

In any case, without this, getting rid of this disease does not work, and the treatment will simply give a little respite before the next aggravation of the problem.

Observing the

mode To normalize the functioning of the intestine and make it work like a good watch, you must follow the established mode.

To do this, you need to start to get up strictly at a certain time, take food in small portions and get out on the nature and sports hall. The latter is necessary to increase the tone of the whole body and increase the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

To "accustom" the body to the daily emptying of the colon, you should start after breakfast to go to the toilet.

But you do not need to go to the toilet immediately, but only an hour after the morning meal. In addition, do not forget about the morning exercises.

This will allow the body to begin more active work, which contributes to the activation of all life processes. And this directly leads to the normalization of defecation.

Breakfast and all subsequent meals should be done at the same time. This will allow the body to be ready for digestion, and at the end of the prescribed period and the removal of food, from which everything valuable and necessary was received.

Nutrition rules

Regular food intake is not a panacea for the treatment of constipation, as this is not enough to get the desired result.

The following tips should be followed:

  1. The very food should be of high quality , contain the necessary substances and not lead to stagnation in the intestine.
  2. The ration necessarily includes products that have the laxative effect of , which in case of problems with the stool will be very helpful. What foods contribute to more frequent bowel emptying? This is practically all vegetables, rye bread, fruits, including dried ones, as well as some sour-milk products.
  3. To normalize the movement of food through the intestines, products should contain plant fibers and fiber , which will "clean" the tract, not allowing food to linger in it and gradually poison the body.
  4. Every day you should start with porridge. In this case, it should contain the maximum amount of fiber, so necessary for the intestine and its normal operation. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge are most often used in making menus for constipation. But from the semolina and especially the rice, should be discarded, since they have a fixing effect.
  5. Also is required to include in its diet more fresh fruits and vegetables .Salads from carrots, beets, cabbage seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil will have a positive effect on the intestines and will facilitate easier emptying. And this is exactly what is required for a person struggling with constipation.
  6. Do not forget about the onion , which can be eaten as an independent dish, and as a component of vegetable salad. In addition to the large number of vitamins contained in this product, the body will receive the necessary laxative effect, which will make it easier to go to the toilet when there is a urge from the intestine.
  7. Since during treatment for constipation at home it is required to increase the intake of fluid, it will not be superfluous to include first dishes in the menu. Products for them can be all the same cabbage, beets, carrots and onions, with a small addition of potatoes. But the latter should not be carried away, otherwise the effect will not be achieved. The liquid can enter the body and with drinks. It is very useful to take fruit juices, fruit drinks and compote from dried fruits. For example, carrot juice has a pronounced laxative effect and will fill the body with various substances and vitamins, which in plenty are contained in this vegetable. In addition to these drinks should not forget about the usual clean water. It most qualitatively replenishes the body's water balance, which contributes to the formation of a quality stool that loosens outward with the next defecation.
  8. The ration should include prune, dried apricots and nuts .In this case, dried fruits must be taken on an empty stomach so that the effect is as strong as possible. But nuts can be used as an intermediate meal. They are good for promoting food through the intestines, which is necessary to get rid of the disease.

You can eat and it is useful and tasty.

Here are a few recipes for delicious dishes when you follow a diet for constipation:

  1. For one serving you need at least 50 grams of prunes and the same amount of dried apricots .Also, prepare several grams of Senna herbs and raisins. All this is required to grind and pour a mixture of vegetable oil and honey. Then mix and let it brew. Take this dessert should be at night for one spoon, washed down with boiled water.
  2. It is also recommended to use special candies , which can be made at home. This will require prunes and figs. These ingredients should be grinded as needed and then add a little coriander. The resulting mixture must be divided into equal parts and shaped. The daily norm of such a delicacy should not exceed five pieces. But this is enough to drink tea a couple of times a day.
If constipation does not require fresh food, so treatment will be quite pleasant, since most dishes are even more delicious than ordinary ones.

Therapeutic prescriptions

Folk remedies that are suitable for the treatment of constipation in both adults and children:

  1. To obtain a laxative effect, it is recommended to take tincture of buckthorn bark .Prepare the house it will not make any effort, and the tool itself is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. For each glass of liquid will need about two tablespoons of ground material. This amount is scalded with boiling water and left for an hour. The glass should be covered with a lid, so that the future tincture can not quickly cool down. Take this laxative is required at night, not more than half a glass.
  2. There is also one more way of preparation of necessary means .It will require 25 grams of buckthorn bark and 35 grams of peppermint. All this should be properly mixed, and then pour water and boil for 5-7 minutes. For every two tablespoons, one glass of liquid is required. Once the broth is ready, it is filtered and taken at night, drinking one glass.
  3. To get the laxative, which will not only allow you to freely go to the toilet, but also give the body a vitamin charge , you should prepare this mixture: 100 grams of dried apricots, figs and prunes are mixed in one tablespoon of castor oil. Take this drug every morning on an empty stomach one spoonful. After the reception, be sure to drink a glass of water.

Following the recommendations and accurately performing all the actions, constipation can be cured at home. This disease is not a verdict and in most cases it takes a few weeks.

But getting rid of this ailment can not stop the started diet, because you can get a new aggravation with the appearance of past problems.

Walking, regular meals and the predominance of vegetable cooking should become a habit of the person.

With the right approach to all these requirements, there will not be other problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And this means that a person will not only feel healthy, but will always be on the rise, which will make it possible to achieve any victories in everyday life.

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  • Mar 06, 2018
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