Beautiful examples of female tattoos for different zones of the foot

The leg is too large a part of the body to treat it as a single zone for the female tattoo, because for each part of it, its themes and directions of the tattoo stand out. Applying the same tattoo on the whole leg is not so important now. Below are the most popular and popular topics.

  • Fingers
  • Fingers
  • Feet
  • Knees
  • Hips


The picture can be placed as soon as all fingers or one or two fingers and on the foot, passing on as a continuation of a tattoo or other tattoo. Popular themes are rings, small images: insects, animals, birds, fish, month, stars, small flowers, various ethnic symbols, small inscriptions, dates, numbers, letters and so on.

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Scallop This zone is one of the most popular in the application of vertical tattoo, oblong tattoo, and circular tattoo. Popular themes are symbols, ethnic motifs, lizards, scorpions, feathers, birds, scatter of stars, garlands of flowers, imitation of bracelets on the leg, bandages, threads, anchors and so on.

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Feet of the

At the moment, pair symmetrical tattoos on both legs are quite in demand that would create a single ornament or motif when compared. For this zone, tattoos are popular in Indian and other ethnic styles. Also often stuffed feathers, flowers, inscriptions, garlands of flowers and leaves.

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The kneecap is ideal for a circular design around it, but it is also best suited to a pattern that a joint bend would impart to dynamics when walking. Therefore, in this zone, often muzzle the beasts, various real and mythical creatures. In addition to this theme are also popular themes of flowers, in particular, roses and lilies.

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In turn, the hips are best suited for volumetric tattoos. For this zone, large colored tattoos are popular, which often go down the legs or up the trunk, but are also often located locally, for example, just in front of the hip or from the side. Popular flower ideas, Japanese style, ideas with animals, geometric style.

  • Jun 04, 2018
  • 30
  • 814