Ways of using lipoic acid, contraindications

Opportunities for the use of lipoic( tioctic) acid began to be investigated in the middle of the twentieth century. It received its name for similar chemical and physical characteristics with substances that do not dissolve in water, but do it in organic compounds - lipoids.

  • Composition and properties
  • Product form
  • Indications
  • use in
  • medicine Slimming
  • In
  • bodybuilding In cosmetology
  • Contraindications
  • Side
  • action during pregnancy
  • Children
  • Analogs

thioctic acid is synthesized as a synthetic way and innatural conditions: in humans and animals, as well as in plants. Currently, this drug is used to treat many diseases, and especially - hepatitis and other diseases associated with liver function.

In the human body, lipoic acid is produced in very small amounts, which is not sufficient to provide all tissues and cells. Therefore, it is possible to fill this deficit only in 2 ways:

  • The consumption of products rich in acid. The body can metabolize a part of the necessary substance with food, therefore it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet: broccoli, liver, beef, milk and spinach.
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  • The intake of dietary supplements or medicines, depending on the purpose of use.

Composition and properties of

Lipoic acid has antioxidant properties, which facilitates the binding of free radicals. In addition, the use of this drug helps to reduce the level of glucose in the blood cells and increase the amount of glycogen in the liver.

Other useful properties of thioctic acid:

  • Helps reduce the intensity of protein glycosylation.
  • Suppresses lipolysis processes.
  • Provides antioxidant effects on body cells.
  • Increases the resistance of cells to oxygen starvation.
  • Increases the production of proteins in blood cells.
  • Reduces the level of fatty acids in the blood plasma.
  • Has choleretic effect.
  • Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Has an antispasmodic and detoxifying effect.
Thioctic acid is able to improve liver function, has hepatoprotective, hypocholesterolemic, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects on liver cells, and also reduces the influence of unfavorable external factors and harmful substances( toxins).
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Lipoic acid is available in the form of capsules, tablets, fluid for infusion and solution for intravenous injection. The last dosage form is considered to be the most effective drug and practically does not cause side effects when used.

Capsules covered with a special coating are available in a dosage of 12 to 600 milligrams. Also, thioctic acid is found in some dietary supplements and antioxidant complexes.

Dosage is calculated on an individual basis, depending on the type and severity of the disease. The calculation is made only by the attending physician. The daily norm of an adult is 600 milligrams, most often the procedure is divided into 2 times, that is, 300 milligrams in the morning and in the evening. The same dosage is also used for intravenous administration of the drug.

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Indications for use

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In medicine

The use of lipoic acid for the treatment of various liver diseases has been conducted for a long time. The drug is used when:

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases and liver disorders.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension.
  • Intoxication and infectious poisoning of the body.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Cancerous diseases.

Thioctic acid lowers the level of ammonia in the blood cells, thereby helping to eliminate the signs of hepatic encephalopathy and cerebral signs in patients with hyperammonemia, portocaval anastomosis after 5-2 days after the start of treatment. Widely used in the treatment of viral hepatitis, especially their dangerous forms - B and C.

Lipoic acid is used for the treatment of various forms of cholecystitis. Patients with such diseases, this drug is also prescribed in pre- and postoperative periods. This several times accelerates the recovery period due to the normalization of activity in the serum of lactate dehydrogenase and maleate dehydrogenase, as well as the growth of the intensity of the contractions of the gallbladder.

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For weight loss

Lipoic acid prevents the accumulation and formation of fat cells, while contributing to the removal of all harmful substances, toxins and metals. However, one must understand that the acid does not burn fat, it hinders their formation, so it is not worth hoping that it will be enough to drink a pill and the weight will decrease. To achieve the desired results, you must combine the intake of the drug for weight loss with proper nutrition and exercise.

Physical loads in this case are an indispensable element, since thioctic acid significantly accelerates metabolic processes and promotes the build-up of muscle mass. During motor activity, the body expends more energy than it receives, and therefore compensates for its shortage of fat reserves, which helps to more effectively break down lipoic acid.

However, to achieve a rapid effect of taking one lipoic acid will not be enough. Experts recommend combining this drug with an amino acid levokarnitinom( Carnitine or L-carnitine).Levokarnitin causes the body to expend energy from its own fat cells, while thioctic acid gives energy, thanks to which the person remains vigorous throughout the day, even despite active physical activity.

The dosage of the drug for weight loss is selected individually by a nutritionist. The daily norm, which is forbidden to exceed, is 600, and the minimum norm is 200 milligrams. With a decrease in the minimum dosage, it will be very difficult to achieve the desired effect, but it is also not recommended to exceed the dose, since this can provoke the development of hypoklikemia, general malaise and health problems.

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In bodybuilding

Intense training inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals that have a destructive effect on the cellular structure, and the use of lipoic acid allows this to be avoided. The antioxidant properties of the drug are aimed at reducing the negative impact of radicals and maintaining a balance in the metabolism of fats and proteins, which helps to get more benefit from training and minimize recovery time after active physical exertion.

During bodybuilding sessions, the drug favorably affects the level of glycogen in the body, thereby increasing the flow of glucose to the muscles, feeding them in training.

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In cosmetology

, ALA( alpha lipoic acid) gives the skin a healthy appearance, making it smooth, soft and beautiful. When using cosmetics( mostly creams and masks), which includes thioctic acid, the action of vitamins A, E and C is increased, cells are renewed, metabolism is accelerated.

In addition, ALA:

  • Rapidly penetrates deep into the dermis.
  • Eliminates sources of inflammation, bacteria and other harmful substances.
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, resulting in a reduced greasy gloss.
  • Retains the necessary moisture in the cells.
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds and microcracks.

Alpha lipoic acid does not give side effects, so it can be applied to all types of facial skin. However, if you get into the eyes or put a solution on your skin in a pure form, you can get burns, so you need to be careful when using the drugs with lipoic acid.

Masks and creams with ALA are particularly recommended in the following cases:

  • Acne, post acne, acne.
  • Pigmentation, wrinkles.
  • Inflammation, sebaceous shine.
  • Extended and clogged pores.
  • Greasy shine, inflammatory process.
Pay attention to the peculiarities of the application of fat-burning drugs, what consequences can cause their reception or misuse. Http://woman-l.ru/pobochnye-effekty-zhiroszhigatelej/
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It is forbidden to take drugs with the content of thioctic acid infollowing cases:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Children under 6 years.
  • Stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  • Hyperacid gastritis.
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Allergic reaction to acid and its components.
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Side effects of

In case of an overdose or an individual drug intolerance, there may be adverse reactions in the form:

  • Allergies.
  • Nausea.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Hypoglycemia.

Intravenous injections can cause the following reactions: hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes, seizures, impaired platelet function, increased pressure.

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In pregnancy

Thioctic acid is successfully used to treat many diseases, however, during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is used with caution and only in cases where the possible benefits of taking lipoic acid for pregnant and lactating women exceed the possible risk.

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For children

Thioic acid in tablets must be taken orally immediately after meals. The recommended single dose for children who reached the age of 6 years is 0.012-1.025 grams 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 20-30 days. On the appointment of a doctor, the course can be repeated after a break of 1 month. Children younger than 6 years of the drug is contraindicated.

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The following analogs of the preparation are known from the active substance:

  • Tiogamma.
  • Neurorolipone.
  • Lipamid.
  • Berlition.
  • Octolipen.
  • Lipotyxon.
  • Thiolipone.
  • Thiolept and others.
  • Jun 04, 2018
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