How to make a simple handmade from vegetables and fruits

Vegetables are irreplaceable in our kitchen. We eat them every day, fry, stew, cook and do not even suspect how many more positive qualities they carry in themselves apart from the well-known ones. But from such natural materials it is possible to create dozens of crafts of a different character, beginning from simple children's creativity and ending with full-fledged creativity.

  • Technics carving
  • Making a basket with mushrooms

Technique carving

Carving is an artistic carving for vegetables and fruits. With its help, such hand-made articles turn into real table decoration, and any dish becomes original.

There are also differences in the use of tools for creating such masterpieces from vegetables. In China, more often stencil knives are used, in Japan and Indonesia - knives for cutting fish, in Europe and America - specially designed knives and stencils for carving. They can be purchased in almost any specialized store. This is the best choice if you intend to continue to engage in such creativity.

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In some cases, for example, when forming a rose, the thread runs in a circle. Cut a thin ribbon, from which the flower is made. It is necessary to ensure that the knives are always sharp as a razor, otherwise you will not be able to make thin and jewelery cuts. When it comes to leaflets and other colors, you must first cut out the plane for further processing, and then already on it to add details.

From the carved items, compositions are composed: beautiful bouquets, decorations for dishes and so on. Original flowers look like vegetables from top of salads and as decorations for meat and fish dishes. But also alone, as a separate dish, they are also magnificent.

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We make a basket with mushrooms

Moreover, the handmade carving made in the technique can be an excellent exhibit for the school harvest festival or autumn fair. For example, collecting, from the seemingly incompatible components, a basket with mushrooms, you will receive aesthetic pleasure, and your child - the first life skills in this technique of needlework and, of course, the praise of the teacher and a good evaluation.

Read also about what crafts can be made from a salted dough

So, what can you need to create such a stylized mushroom basket? First, melon, pumpkin or a small watermelon, they will become the basis of the composition. Secondly, potatoes, she will fulfill the role of mushrooms. And finally an armful of yellow leaves for decoration. Well, and a knife, of course.

For an example, let's take a melon. It should be cut in the form of a basket with a small handle, the seeds should be cleaned, the flesh can be eaten, and the remaining peel can be dried with a napkin.

Wash 4-5 small potatoes, but do not peel off the peel and cut out the elements resembling mushrooms.

To do this, on one side of each potato, a shallow incision should be made, thereby marking the bonnet, and neatly shaping the rest of the lower part of the leg. The main thing is that the cap should remain dark and the leg light.

And that such potato mushrooms are not blackened, then it is better to soak them in the night with citric acid.

Then put all the mushrooms in the basket and decorate with yellow autumn leaves. The whole thing is ready! Do not doubt this original basket will take its due place at the school fair.

  • Jun 04, 2018
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