Indications and contraindications to the use of thyme( thyme)

Thyme( other names - thyme, mother, lemon douche, incense, Bogorodskaya grass) - fragrant plant of the family of the clearing, growing in the form of a half-shrub creeping on the ground with small pink, purple or white flowers. It has a number of useful properties and is widely used as a medicine, having a beneficial effect on a person's physical and psychological state, but also has a number of serious contraindications to the use.

  • Composition and useful properties
  • Types
  • Preparations
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • From alcoholism
  • Smoking
  • In cosmetology
  • In cooking
  • In pregnancy and lactation
  • For children

The time of collection of thyme comes in the period of full flowering - from the end of Juneto the end of July. For harvesting gently cut the upper leafy parts of shoots along with peduncles, dried outdoors in the shade, laying on paper or cloth and often turning over. Dry raw materials save useful properties for 2 years.

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Composition and useful properties of

The main components of thyme are:

  • Bitter and tannic( astringent) substances.

  • Resins.
  • Gum.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Terpenes.
  • Acids - oleic, ursolic, apple, thymic.
  • Vitamins of group B and C.
  • Micro- and macroelements - iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Essential oils - thymol, carvacrol, cymol.
  • Organic Pigments.

Due to this composition, thyme has the following effects:

  • Expectorant - dilutes sputum, activates ciliate epithelium, stimulates breathing and cough reflex.
  • Warming and analgesic.
  • Disinfecting and disinfecting - prevents the propagation of pathogens, purifies the air.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Sedative - has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothes, helps normalize sleep.
  • Toning - stimulates physical activity and mental activity.
  • Lactogenic - promotes the production of mother's milk.
  • Antiparasitic - helps to remove worms from the body.
  • Heals wounds, relieves swelling.
  • Improves appetite and helps digestion.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
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Types of

There are many varieties of thyme, the most popular are:

  • Creeping.
  • Ordinary - this species includes cultivated varieties Alba, Splendens, dwarf variety Elfin.
  • Lemon.
  • Marshall.
  • Flea market.
  • Rainbow.
  • Cretaceous.
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As a raw material for the production of thyme preparations:

  • Grass .It consists of leaves and flowers with an admixture of thin branches that are cut during the flowering period and dried. Apply in the form of teas, broths, it makes syrup, make lotions and applications.
  • Seeds .Are part of some medicines. They are also added to tea for flavoring the beverage and giving it a specific taste.

Thyme medicines:

  • Decoction of .Is a universal and easy to prepare means: 1 tablespoon dry herbs pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, allow to cool and drain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. The broth can also be added to the bath, wipe the skin with it, used as a hair conditioner.
  • Tea .It is necessary to brew from fresh or dried stems and leaves of a plant. It is a good thermoregulator - depending on the season, it can warm or refresh, preserving all the useful properties.
  • Tincture of .The alcoholic tincture of thyme is on sale in the pharmacy. For self-preparation, you can use the following recipe: 30 grams of dry herbs pour 100 milliliters of vodka( or diluted alcohol), let it brew for 14-30 days and drain. Take 10-20 drops orally 3 times a day. Also tincture can be used for compresses and rubbing the waist, joints.
  • Syrup .It is considered one of the most effective natural cough remedies. At home, it is prepared by prolonged cooking of the herb in a closed saucepan until the water boils out halfway. At 20 grams of raw material, about 200 milliliters of water is needed.
  • Essential oil .It is obtained by steam distillation of flowers. The product is sold ready-made and used in aromatherapy - for the treatment of respiratory diseases, relaxation of the body, enhancing immunity, as an aphrodisiac for enhancing sexual activity.
  • oil. Produced by prolonged infusion of herb thyme in hot vegetable oil( most often olive or burdock).It is used mainly externally - for the healing of the skin. Also it is added to ointments and creams in order to obtain a cosmetic effect. As a laxative and for getting rid of parasites, the drug is consumed inside.
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Other ways to use thyme:

  • Inhalations .They are effective in the treatment of colds - warm up the nasopharynx and the entire breathing apparatus, help to sputum, restore the cough damaged mucosa of the larynx. For the procedure, prepare the broth of thyme and inhale its vapors - directly above the container or using inhalers.
  • Bathtub .The decoction of the plant, added to the bath, has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. The released phytoncides relax and soothe the nervous system, give vitality to the body.
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The use of thyme drugs is effective in the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system - colds, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis.
  • Skin lesions - furuncles, eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, wounds, burns.
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract - violation of intestinal microflora, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of appetite.
  • Helminthiasis( worms).
  • Hypotension( low blood pressure).
  • Anemia.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Joint damage - rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
  • Diseases of the eyes - cataract.
  • Dental diseases - toothache, stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  • Gynecological diseases of women - vulvitis, bartholinitis, colpitis, endometritis.
  • Problems of the genitourinary system in men - early ejaculation, sexual weakness, prostatitis, decreased potency.
  • The defeat of the nervous system - insomnia, neurosis, neuralgia.
  • Dependence on alcohol( alcoholism).
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Read also about indications and contraindications, features of application of medicinal herbs, ivan-tea or kiprej
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You should not take thyme whenfollowing diseases:

  • Atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis, vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Pre- and postinfarction status.
  • The lowered function of the thyroid gland.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers, gastritis in acute form.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Exceeding the norm of the thymol test( determined by a blood test).
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Side effects of

In some cases, the use of thyme can adversely affect the state of the body, causing the following conditions:

  • Hypothyroidism( decreased activity of the thyroid gland).
  • Hypertension( high blood pressure).
  • Increased pulse.
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain.
  • Sweating.
  • Complications of bronchopulmonary diseases - asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions.
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From alcoholism

Thymus is used in conditioned reflex therapy - a method that inculcates a strong aversion to alcohol. The drug can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased pressure in a person who drinks alcohol. Apply it in the initial stages of alcoholism.

The method is to drink 50-70 milliliters of thyme broth in small portions of a hot drink( for example, 25 milliliters of vodka), after which vomiting occurs after 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be repeated up to 10 times a day. Instead of drinking alcohol, you can rinse it with a mouth cavity.

It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage in the preparation and use of thyme - too concentrated can cause poisoning and even lead to death.

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Thyme supports the body of smokers, and also helps to overcome with nicotine addiction:

  • Tea from the plant cleans the respiratory tract and coughs with the smoker's cough.
  • Replacing conventional cigarettes on cigarettes filled with dry grass thyme, it helps easier to abandon a bad habit.
  • Taking 1 drop of essential oil of thyme relieves an acute desire to smoke.
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In the cosmetology of

Thyme is widely used for the elimination of cosmetic defects:

  • The steam bath( inhalation) with decoction helps to open the pores, after which they are easily cleaned by special means. Contraindications to the procedure - closely located to the surface of the skin capillaries, acne.
  • Face packs made from thyme broth, relieve inflammation and swelling of the skin, eliminate flabbiness and friability, narrow pores, fight acne and acne.
  • Baths with the addition of decoction of the plant restore the metabolism, make the skin of the body elastic and elastic, contribute to the elimination of cellulite.
  • Rinsing hair with a decoction of thyme, rubbing the plant oil in the roots helps to get rid of dandruff and excessive fat content, strengthens the hair, improves their growth, gives shine.
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In cooking

Thymus leaves are used as a seasoning, they have a specific strong odor, as well as sharp, spicy, bitter taste. Preference is given to fresh raw materials, with 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs equating to 1 teaspoon of dry.

Spice is added to pastries( for example, rye bread), meat and fish dishes are prepared, put to vegetables, used for preserving and in the distillery industry.

Appreciate thyme for the following properties:

  • Improves the taste of dishes, adds bitterness, tells the fragrance.
  • Promotes the digestion of fatty foods.
  • Enhances the aromatic properties of other spices( such as peppers).
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In pregnancy and lactation

In the absence of contraindications to thyme, in 1 trimester of pregnancy you can drink loose tea from the plant - it protects the body from infections, enriches it with vitamins and nutrients, is a natural remedy for catarrhal diseases.

The use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is undesirable because of its ability to influence uterine contraction, which can provoke premature birth. At this time it is recommended to use the product for external use - for cosmetic purposes, for rinsing. Directly in labor, thyme will help if the waters are gone, and labor activity( fights) has not occurred.

Also, the plant can benefit from breastfeeding - it has the property of increasing the production of milk. In any case, the use of thyme requires obligatory coordination with the doctor.

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For children

You can take thyme in the following forms:

  • Baths are a preventive remedy for sweating and diaper rash in newborns, as well as for rickets, rheumatism, restless sleep.
  • Decoction for mouth and throat rinsing - with stomatitis, sore throats.
  • In the composition of cough syrups( Pertussin, Bronhicum) - since the age of two.
  • Jun 04, 2018
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