Pregnancy is the happiest and most troubling period in the life of every woman. She is looking forward to hugging her little miracle. But at this time her body is subjected to a variety of tests, because the defenses are weakened, which means that any virus or bacterium can safely affect her body. And as it is known during the gestation of a child, any drugs can not be used.

What to do in this situation? The main thing is not to panic. First of all, you need to inform the attending physician about everything. There is a drug like Tonzillon. It is very often prescribed during pregnancy in the treatment of various infectious processes of the respiratory tract. The main feature of the drug in its natural plant composition.


  • 1 When to use
  • 2 Application
  • 3 Reviews

When to appoint

tonsillitis in pregnancy

Viruses and hover around a pregnant woman, because during this period, her body must be responsible for two. Consequently, immunity is lowered and can no longer give a worthy rebuff to the incoming pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, during pregnancy, viral diseases are most often diagnosed. They must be treated as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to hit the fetus. Otherwise, it can result in miscarriage or premature birth.

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Doctors in the treatment of such patients today prescribe the drug Tonsilgon. It is completely made from vegetable components. Each of them has its therapeutic effect. With the help of this drug it is possible to have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antimicrobial effect.

All plants that are included in the preparation do not have a detrimental effect on the health of mother and child. But there is an auxiliary component, such as ethyl alcohol, which is strictly forbidden during pregnancy. It leads to the development of severe nervous disorders in a child at small gestational age. So apply Tonzilgon is allowed only in the second or third trimetre.

nasal spray during pregnancy What kind of spray from the common cold in pregnancy is worth using, and what is their name, is described in this article.

And whether it is possible for pregnant Mukaltin of a cough, and how it should be taken, is described in this article.

How to use an asterisk from the common cold in pregnancy and how effective it is is described in great detail in this article: http: // lechenie-n / lechim-nasmork-pri-beremennosti-narodnye-sredstva.html

Here's how to use the pastilles Dr. Momduring pregnancy, and how effective they are, is described in great detail in this article.

Medication is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, including sinusitis, rhinitis. Also, the drug showed its high effectiveness in the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

In addition to treatment, Tonzylgon can be used as a prophylaxis. But the decision on the appropriateness of using it during pregnancy can only be taken by a doctor.

Application of

As mentioned earlier, the drug can not be used in the early stages of pregnancy. If the doctor has prescribed a pill, then in the second and third trimester, the intake is 2 pieces 3 times a day. In this case, they need to be washed down with a small amount of water. The total duration of therapy is 7 days. toncelone in tablets

But Tonzilgon is also available in the form of drops. They are used to perform inhalations with a nebulizer. Pregnant women can perform such procedures 2-3 times a day. Before use, the drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 3.It is necessary to conduct the procedure within 5-7 days.

Designs a similar therapy regimen for treating any inflammatory disease. And it does not matter if Tonsilgon is taken alone or in combination with other drugs. If a chronic disease is treated, then its duration will be 2 weeks.

Tonzilgon is also used as a prophylactic in the period of exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Dosage is preserved, but here the frequency of administration is reduced to 3 times a day for 14 days.

And that's why there is an allergic rhinitis in pregnancy, and how dangerous it is for the fetus is described in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn how to use Mukaltin from a cough during pregnancy.

How is treatment of purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy, and what treatment is the most effective, will help to understand this information.

But what is the best treatment for angina during pregnancy and what are the best means, is described in this article.

You may also be interested in learning how to treat acute pharyngitis during pregnancy.


  • Svetlana, 27 years old: "During pregnancy, I fell ill with a cold. The fact is that when I went to another appointment to the doctor, it was an eerie rain. I also thought, at least not to get sick, but apparently it was not possible to avoid this trouble. I know that you can not take anything from the pharmacy to pregnant women. Then I signed up for an appointment with my doctor. She assigned me a throat rinse with chamomile broth, children's drops Vibrocil, but apply them only in case of severe nasal congestion. And I was allowed to take Tonzillon. I was six months pregnant, but the doctor said that it can not be used only in the first months. I accepted everything, as the doctor told me. Somewhere in 2 days my condition became better, the pain disappeared, the sore throat, thanks to which I was able to fully eat. "
  • Inna, 32 years old: "When I was pregnant the second time, we started the flu epidemic. I tried in every possible way to protect myself from it, but my attempts were in vain. Although the flu I did not get sick, but the cold caught me all the same. My throat got very sick right away, and water literally flowed from my nose. I called my doctor, she told me that to cope with unpleasant symptoms under the power of such a drug as Tonzilgon. I was prescribed a dosage for the baby. I led the reception for 5 days, although improvement was already in 3 days. Pain and perspiration receded, the general condition improved, chills and goose bumps went over the body. No side effects arose, and I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy child. Thanks to Tonzilgon, I managed to quickly stop the inflammation and prevent it from spreading further, without any harm to the fetus. "
  • Anna, 24: "My sister used to take a drug during her cold during a pregnancy. She was already on the 9th month and managed to get sick in the summer. The doctor gave her several recommendations and appointed a drug Tonzilgon. This drug is completely safe, as it contains only plant components. But only her doctor advised to use no dragees, namely drops for the nebulizer. Treatment the nurse spent 3 times a day for 6 days. The very next day she felt relieved, as the temperature fell, the pain in her throat went away and the stuffiness fell a little. It is thanks to the drug in question that she did not have to use vasoconstrictive drops, which during pregnancy are undesirable. "

Tonzylgon is an effective and safe drug that is in great demand today in the treatment of viral and bacterial pathologies of the respiratory system. He is completely safe during pregnancy, but only the doctor can appoint him. Taking into account the period of pregnancy, its course and the course of the disease, the form of the drug, its dosage and duration of administration is prescribed.