Instruction for inhalation with Kromohexal solution

In recent years, the allergy and similar conditions have become widespread. This is facilitated by the ecological situation on the planet, the uncontrolled use of various chemicals, including in the manufacture of various food products, mass independent and improper use of medicines, which can also trigger an allergic reaction. To eliminate the symptoms of allergy, patients are often prescribed Cromogexal, including inhalation.

  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • How to perform
  • Side effects of
  • For children
  • For pregnancy and lactation
  • Analogues

Cromohexal is an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic agent based on cromoglycic acid. This substance inhibits the allergic reaction both at an early and late stage, due to the obstruction of the degranulation of the so-called mast cells, and also by isolating inflammation mediators such as histamine, bradykinin, etc. from them. Cromogexal reduces the severity of the symptoms of allergic inflammation inorgans of the respiratory system.

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As a result, the drug prevents the occurrence of bronchospasm after exposure to an allergen or certain bronchospasm-provoking factors( eg, cold air, stress, or physical stress).In addition, the use of this drug helps reduce the intake of other drugs and anti-asthmatic drugs.

The drug is most effective for those patients who have not had time to develop as a result of allergic reactions irreversible pathological changes in the tissues of the lungs.


  • Prophylaxis and treatment of bronchial asthma, including allergic component, "asthma of physical effort", as well as endogenous forms caused by emotional or stressful overload, infectious agents.
  • Treatment and prevention of chronic and allergic rhinitis( the drug is available as a nasal spray).
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  • Intolerance to cromoglycic acid.
  • Not applicable for relief of asthma attacks.
  • Age under 2 years( general contraindication for inhalations).
  • Pregnancy( first trimester) and lactation - with caution.
  • Under the supervision of the doctor for violations of the liver and kidneys.
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How to perform

Dosage and courseCromohexal is prescribed only by the attending physician. According to the instructions to the solution, it is 4 inhalations per day of 2 ml( 20 mg) of the drug at regular intervals. The recommended dosages individually can be increased 2 times, and the maximum daily dosage - up to 6 inhalations, that is 240 mg of the drug.

For the procedure, an inhaler or nebulizer is used. It is not recommended to dilute the drug with saline or other medications to avoid changing the concentration of the substance and lowering the effectiveness of its work.

After reaching the therapeutic result, inhalations are carried out as needed. It should be remembered that with the regular use of the drug the development of asthmatic attacks is prevented, but with an acute attack does not bring relief.

Beginning with Kromohexal treatment, it is necessary to take into account that it will be long, as its action develops gradually. Only 4-6 weeks after starting the application, the patient can feel a real decrease in the frequency and strength of asthma attacks. At the same time, a sharp rejection of the drug before the onset of signs of relief can provoke the resumption of seizures. Therefore, a decrease in its dose is recommended to be carried out gradually throughout the week.
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Side effects of

With regular inhalations of Cromohexal, the patient may develop:

  • upper respiratory tract irritation;Hoarseness
  • ;
  • intrusive reflex cough;
  • is rare - anaphylaxis, nausea, headaches and dizziness, rash on the skin.

If short-term bronchospasm acts as a reaction, the patient is prescribed inhalation with another bronchodilator before applying Cromohexal.

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For children

According to the instructions, Kromogeksal can be used to treat children from 5 years old.

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When pregnant and lactating

If the benefit expected from the use of Cromohexal exceeds the possible risk to the infant or developing fetus, the doctor may authorize the use of the drug.
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Similar to Kromoeksal according to the effects on the patient's body medications or containing one or more of the same active ingredients of the medication:

  • Allergen-Chest;
  • Vividrin;
  • Intal;
  • Cromogen;
  • Cromolyn; Cropoz;
  • Lecrolin;
  • ; Stadaglycine;
  • Taleum.
  • Jun 04, 2018
  • 75
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