Goldenrod is a medicinal plant from the Astropean class. The people call a flower a flea, a hare down, a guesser and a scrofulter. Goldenrod is unpretentious, blooms for several years. Outwardly it can be recognized by a yellowish-red stalk with a multitude of branches, reaching a height of half a meter. Leaves are elongated, with a serrated margin and pointed toward the tip. The flowers are distributed at the top of the stem and are distinguished by a bright yellow color. Reproduction occurs at the expense of fruit seeds.
- Chemical Composition
Useful Properties- Usage
- Infusions
- With infectious diseases of the bladder
- With kidney stone
- With wounds and abrasions
- With sore throat
- With eczema
- With tendon
- Decoctions
- For removing toxins and improving digestion
- With prostatitis
- With urethritis
- With inflammation of the kidneys
- Honey from the goldenrod
- Contraindications
- Procurement and storage
Chemical composition
Chemical formula of the goldenrod not racesifrovana completely.
But science already knows most of the elements that includes the goldenrod:
- several types of resins;
- flavonoids( quartzetin, rutin, quercetin, astragaline, kappeferol, narcissine, kaempferol);
- ether of coffee and stereoisomeric cinchic acids;
- essential oils;
- sucrose;
- coumarins( eskulein and eskulin);
- saponin;
- oxycinnamic acids;
- chlorophyll;Tanning and lipophilic elements;
- alkaloid substances.
Useful properties
Goldenrod is universally applied in medical practices. Due to its "active" chemical composition, it effectively fights illnesses both "solo" and in combination with other medicinal ingredients.
The main properties of the plant:
- choleretic;
- is a diuretic;
- is antimicrobial;
- anti-inflammatory.
All possible variants of exposure of the goldenrod to the body:
- heals scratches and dries purulent wounds;
- stimulates the regeneration of skin;
- blocks inflammation;
- is relevant for severe lesions of the skin: furunculosis and purulent ulcers;
- is good, as a preventive and as a remedy for inflammation of the kidneys;
- helps with advanced forms of pyelonephritis and colds of the lumbar region, cystitis, urethritis and thrush;
- restores liver function;
- removes toxins from the body;
- is an excellent tool for restoring libido and eliminating the symptoms of prostatitis;
- decoctions and infusions of the flea help in the treatment of the respiratory apparatus( in the case of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis in the initial stage, angina and allergic cough);
- normalizes the level of sugar in the blood, the healing herb will cope with both diarrhea and stomach pain and scurvy;
- helps in the treatment and prevention of rheumatism and joint diseases.
Application of
The most popular recipes of folk medicine with goldenrod:
to contents ^Infusions
Infusions are directed not only to treatment of diseases of internal organs, but also diseases of the skin.
to the table of contents ^For infectious diseases of the bladder
Pour 4 grams of dried goldenrod and 3 dried hawthorn fruit onto a glass of boiling water( 300 ml).To insist for at least half an hour, and then gently strain the infusion through gauze. Drink a glass after eating two or three times a day.
In the case of the stone
Pour 10 grams of goldenrod into a glass of boiled warm water. Leave the infusion "reach" for 4-6 hours. Eat ¼ of the finished product before each meal.
to table of contents ^For wounds and abrasions
Two tablespoons of dried raw goldenroot fuse in a glass of boiling water. Cover the cup with a thick waffle towel( to keep the heat) and leave to reach for the night. Use as an antibacterial agent, applying a compress to the wounds and cuts.
to the table of contents ^With angina
To boil a boiling water, boil two tablespoons of goldenrod. Infuse for 30 minutes, then gargle.
TIP: for best effect, add a teaspoon of salt to the table of contents ^With eczema
Dispense a cup( 300 ml) of dried color and leaves of goldenrod into 5 liters of water. Leave for a day, then take a bath with infusion.
to contents ^With tendon
The color of the golden collar is mixed with the devil in a one-to-one ratio. A teaspoon of medicinal herbs soak in boiling water for 15 minutes. Take infusion two times a day for half a glass.
Read also about the application of cowberry leaf in folk medicine ..
The bulk of the decoctions is aimed at treating inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.
to the table of contents ^To remove toxins and improve the digestive tract
Two tablespoons( with a slide) should be filled into deep iron utensils and filled with 500 milliliters of water. Bring on low heat for at least 7 minutes, then remove the broth from the tiles and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Take 100 ml every four hours.
to the table of contents ^With prostatitis
1,5 spoons of goldenrod color to heat for 200 milliliters of boiling water. Bring to the boil at minimum temperature. Take 15 grams several times a day( period from 25 to 30 days).
to table of contents ^With urethritis
Handful of dried leaves of goldenrod in warm water( 1 liter) and boil for 4 minutes. Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes. Take a few sips during the day.
to the table of contents ^When inflammation of the kidneys
3 tablespoons of flowering goldenrod baskets bring to a boil in 600 milliliters of water. Infuse 4-6 hours. Take a teaspoon before eating twice a day.
to table of contents ^goldenrod hone The most popular recipe is tea from pyelonephritis. A teaspoon of goldenrod honey is bred in a warm elder broth. Take this medicine no more than twice a day for three days.
to table of contents ^Contraindications
Phytotherapy with golden eye is contraindicated, since the plant is classified as slightly poisonous. When should I stop using the goldenrod:
- age is 14 years;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- glomerulonephritis;
- is an allergy to slightly toxic substances.
While taking tinctures and decoctions, keep track of your condition. At the first signs of poisoning, phyto-treatment should be canceled.back to contents ^Procurement and storage of
loading. ..
Collecting goldenrod is carried out during the flowering period( end of August to the end of September).The most valuable parts of the plant are flowers and leaves. But the stems can also go for cooking broths.
After collection the medicinal flower should be washed and dried, tied in bundles and hung under the ceiling. It is not recommended to harvest goldenrod in pallets and trays. The stem and leaves of the plant are very juicy, and this can provoke the appearance of mold. Provide the bundles of raw materials with fresh air and protect them from sunlight.
If you want to use the plant raw, the goldenrod can be stored in a refrigerator. But the shelf life of fresh color and leaves is only 3 weeks.
Store already dried goldenrod best in rag bags or cardboard boxes. Raw materials should be in a dark but well-ventilated place, with a temperature regime not exceeding + 35 ° C.