Leuzea safflower( maral root) - perennial. It reaches a height of one and a half meters. The stems are thin, hollow, fleecy. Leaves are regular. Flowers lilac, large, resemble thistle flowers. The rhizome of the plant is dark brown in color, with a resinous smell, coarse, dense, with fragile, small roots running off to the sides. Blooms all summer, the seeds ripen in September. Propagated by roots and seeds. It grows in well-lit meadows.
- chemical composition
- Medicinal properties
- Pharmaceutical preparations
- Recipes
- If hypotension, headache
- Recipe 1
- Recipe 2
- To improve performance
- Recipe 1
- Recipe 2
- for impotence
- Recipe 1
- Recipe 2
- to improve attention
- For blood pressure normalization
- For neurasthenia
- For depression of
- For female diseases
- In severe course of climax
- For healing of wounds
- For diabetes mellitus
- With oncology
- With fractures
- With gastritis
- Contraindications
- Harvesting and storage
Chemical composition
The chemical composition has been studied relatively recently. The plants were found:
- essential oil,
- organic acids,
- inulin,
- coumarins,
- flavonoids,
- sterols,
- tannins,
- carotenoids,
- ascorbic acid,
- gum,
- resin,
- phytoecdysteroids.
The chemical composition of Leuzea determines its medicinal properties.
The healing properties of
Traditional medicine uses leuzea as a means that can excite the central nervous system. This natural medicine increases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow velocity, the number and strength of heart contractions. Among the important properties is the increase in muscle capacity. Therefore, they use the leuzea with excessive mental and physical stress, low working capacity, sexual impotence and chronic alcoholism, to treat depression, complaints of irritability, poor sleep and appetite.
to table of contents ^Pharmacy preparations
In the pharmacy leuzei preparations can be bought in tablets, as a liquid extract, in the composition of elixirs:
- From the root of leuzea, the substance is extracted ecdysthene. On its basis, the tablets "Ecdysten" are made, which are referred to the group of tonic drugs. Are shown at an intoxication, a drowsiness, restoration after a long illness, at the strengthened trainings. Tablets are not addictive.
- Liquid extract is made up of the root of leuzea and alcohol 70%( 1: 1).It is indicated for violations of the central nervous system, hypotension, overfatigue, decreased efficiency and potency. The extract is used in the army and sport under extreme conditions of survival.
- Elixir "Altai" has a complex composition of 24 kinds of medicinal raw materials, including the root of Leuzea. It is indicated in case of physical overstrain, as a remedy after a serious illness.
- Elixir "Evalar" consists of 21 types of medicinal raw materials, including root and rhizome of raponticum safflower. It is prescribed as a restorative and restorative agent, with stress and neuroses.
- Preparations for athletes: Leveton, Adapton, Biostimul, Triboxin.
Recipes of
Herbalists say that the leuzeya fills a person with strength and vigor, gives a clear mind.
to contents ^With hypotension, headache
The following recipes are suitable:
Recipe 1
Pour the dried roots with alcohol 70%( 1:10).Let it take 21 days. In a tablespoon of water, dissolve 20-40 drops of alcohol tincture, take before meals.
to contents ^Recipe 2
Prepare the herbal mixture. Mix 3 parts of the crushed root of the leuzea, 3 parts of the crushed root of aralia, 3 pieces of hawthorn( fruits), 3 parts of calendula, 2 parts of plantain( leaves), 2 parts of chokeberry, 2 parts of tripartite string, 2 parts of hips. A tablespoon of raw material is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Drink 3 times a day for 100 milliliters.
to contents ^To improve the performance of
The following recipes are suitable:
to table of contents ^Recipe 1
Dry the root of leuzea into a fine powder. Grind it with honey( 1: 9).Eat honey for 20 grams( a teaspoon) 1-2 times a day.
to the table of contents ^Recipe 2
3 tablespoons ground root brew with a liter of boiling water. Let it soar for 1 hour. Drug take 20 milliliters daily three times.
to contents ^For sexual impotence
The following recipes are suitable:
to contents ^Recipe 1
A mixture of dry crushed root and alcohol 70%( 1: 1) to stand for 14 days in the dark. Keep in the cold. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Treatment should be 2-3 weeks.
Recipe 2
One tablespoon of Leuzea root, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. On a very small fire, let it stand for 15 minutes. Give the broth half an hour to brew, drain. Top up to a volume of 250 milliliters of boiled water. Use it for 70-80 milliliters before meals three times a day.
to table of contents ^To improve the attention of
1 tablespoon of crushed dry root, pour a glass of alcohol. Let it take 3 weeks in a dark place. The mixture must be shaken daily. Take 3 times a day for 30 drops before meals.
to table of contents ^To normalize the blood pressure
To 1 part of the crushed leuzea root add 1 part of the dry leaves of black currant, 1 part of the leaves of the spray and 1 part of the leaves of the blueberry. Mix. A tablespoon of raw material pour boiling water( 250 milliliters), steal 40 minutes. Take infusion of 100 milliliters three times a day.
to the table of contents ^For neurasthenia
The root of leuzea( 2 parts) is mixed with 2 parts of Manchu root, 2 parts of rose hips, 2 parts of calendula, 1 part of tripartite sequence, 1 part of rowan fruit. A tablespoon of herbs pour boiling water( 250 milliliters), steal 40 minutes. Drink 80 milliliters three times during the day.
to contents ^For depression of
To treat depression, you can make such a tincture: 1 part of the dried and chopped root, pour 5 parts of alcohol( 75%), in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 30 drops per day. The recommended course of treatment is 30 days.
to table of contents ^For women's diseases
Drugstore alcohol tincture of the root of leuzea to drink 2 times a day a day for 20 drops after a meal for a month. For 2 months, interrupt treatment, and then again drink a month.
to the table of contents ^If the climax
is severe, add 0.5 tablespoons of boiling water to the tablespoon of the ground root. Let it soar for 3 hours. Filtered medical infusion use 20 ml each 3 times a day before meals.
to table of contents ^For healing wounds
For quick healing of a fresh wound and for an old wound( even inflamed), make bandages with fresh leaves of leuzea. Cut a few fresh leaves of the plant into small gruel, apply it on the wound, top with a gauze cloth. Put a piece of tape on the napkin and bandage it. Hold for 3 hours, then change the bandage. The wound is prolonged on eyes.
With diabetes mellitus
Take a tablespoon of crushed leuzea root, fill it with 250 ml of water. We boil for 3 minutes. Let the broth stand for 2 hours. Dried broth to drink 20 milliliters 3 times a day.
to contents ^With oncology
The immunity of the cancer patient is in critical condition. Recently, for such patients, plant adaptogenes, for example, maral root, have been used to stimulate immunity. Liquid extract is drunk 25 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. Under the cover of the adaptogen, it became possible to carry out more prolonged chemotherapy.
to the table of contents ^For fractures of
To make the bones coalesce faster, alcoholic tincture is used.100 grams of the crushed root is poured with 500 milliliters of good vodka( 40 degrees) and let's brew. After 15 days filter. Drink 40 drops three times a day. Treatment is recommended for courses of 30 days. For 2 months, take a break, then repeat the treatment.
to table of contents ^For gastritis
1 tablespoon of pounded root is poured with boiling water( 250 ml) and kept on a tiny fire for 30 minutes. They are allowed to infuse, filter. Adjust the volume to a full glass. Drink 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day.
to contents ^Contraindications
Leuzea is contraindicated in the following conditions:
- With epilepsy and schizophrenia.
- At high pressure.
- With arrhythmia.
- During pregnancy and during lactation.
- For children under 12 years.
Harvesting and storage of
Only old and large roots of four-year-old plants are suitable for harvesting. Digging out the maral root is needed in early October, when its growth is coming to an end. From the roots are removed the ground and quickly washed under running water so that useful substances are not washed away. The stems are discarded. Large-scale roots are cut into several parts. You can dry in the sun, in a draft. Usually it takes weeks. Then the roots are dried in the shade. You can use the dryer, but the temperature should not be more than 50 degrees. If the rhizomes are dried correctly, they will have a dark brown color.
Store dry material in paper bags, in a dry room at room temperature. Shelf life - 2 years. That is how much time the plant retains its strength.