What gifts and souvenirs can you bring from Japan

Japan is perhaps the most mysterious country in the world. But, like any puzzle, Japan can pick up a key. And then surprisingly harmonious, calm, wise and natural beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun will become available. In addition to traditional excursions and attractions, tourists, of course, are interested in souvenirs, which can be brought from Japan as a souvenir.

  • bento
  • Wagashi
  • Veer
  • Prints Ukiyo-e
  • Toys
  • Kites
  • Puzzle
  • Kendama
  • Koinobori
  • Coma
  • Sky lanterns
  • Cosmetics and perfumery
  • Dolls
  • Daruma
  • Kokeshi
  • Kumade
  • kitchen knife
  • Medications
  • Setpaper for origami
  • Set for sushi
  • National costumes
  • Yukata
  • Geta
  • Zori
  • Noreen
  • Sake
  • Sampuru
  • Samurai sword
  • The statueki and figurines
  • Maneki-neko
  • Tanuki
  • Tanugui
  • Porcelain
  • Furin
  • Tea and tea ceremony set
  • Electronics and gadgets
  • Jewelry and bijouterie
  • Do not remove


Bento - these are traditional Japanese dinners from rice, vegetables, fish ormeat, packed in a special box. These food containers are both purely utilitarian, mass produced in the factory, and made by hand. It is the second option that attracts tourists.

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Bento handmade, made of rare wood, varnished and decorated with various national patterns and beautiful drawings, will certainly become an excellent souvenir.

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Vagasi are a very exotic treat. Its composition includes rice, sweet potatoes, red beans, chestnuts, agar-agar( gelatin substitute), as well as teas and herbs. Varieties of Vagasi is quite a lot: it can be pastille, caramel, rice cakes with various fillings and even soups made from sweet beans. You can try Vagasi in any Japanese institution.

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Fan - a favorite souvenir from tourists visiting Japan. They are divided into two types: the "wedge" fan has a classic folding format, and "uciva" has a flat shape and a handle made of wood or metal. In Japan fans are given not only household, but also sacral value.

It is believed that the use of a fan in folk and ritual dances drives away evil spirits and invokes divine powers, and also brings happiness, success and prosperity. For these reasons, the Japanese often give each other these useful accessories. Fans, decorated with landscapes, paintings and poems, will be an excellent gift.

What gifts and souvenirs can you bring from South Korea http://woman-l.ru/podarki-i-suveniry-iz-korei/
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Engravings Ukiyo-e

Ukiyo-e is an ancient kind of Japanese art for engravingtree. The themes that cover these pictures are quite extensive: natural landscapes, flowers and animals coexist with theatrical actors, samurais and beautiful geisha. Despite the initial positioning of ukiyo-e as a cheap art form for the townsfolk, it has become popular in the west, and every tourist wants to take such an engraving with him.

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Despite the fact that kites were invented in China, the Japanese made fun of them. Single and compound snakes, simple and complex designs, various shapes and colors - there are a lot of options for this souvenir.

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Logical super games

Lovers of intellectual games will be able to purchase in Japan the famous puzzles of Nobu Yoshigahara. His most famous works are a modified version of the puzzle "Fold the letter T", "News", "Plate" and "Cross-Turntable".Popularity also has the "Lattice" of Josiyuki Kotani and "Cage for the bird" by Meiko Kimura and Hirokazu Iwasawa. Products made of wood and metal, will serve as an excellent reminder of a trip to a country where an inquisitive mind is one of the most valuable human characteristics.

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Kendama is a Japanese version of the French toy Bilboque. The principle of the toy is very simple - a ball is attached to the wooden product on the string, which must be thrown and strive to place it in the recess in the center of the toy. There are a lot of rules, combinations and variations for this game in Japan. It is believed that kendema makes a person more patient.

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Also known as Satsukinobori is a paper or cloth ornament with a carp image. Appearing in the samurai environment, Koinobori is now hung out in Japanese yards on Children's Day and given to boys, wishing them all the best. It is quite an interesting and original souvenir.

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Eastern toy Coma is an analogue of the western top, made of wood and hand-painted with national patterns. Coma is an indispensable attribute of the Japanese New Year. You can buy this thing in the souvenir shop.

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Celestial flashlights

Although these flying luminous structures were invented by Chinese craftsmen, however, they have gained great popularity in Japan. Consisting of a bamboo frame, a burner and rice paper soaked in non-flammable liquids, these flashlights are an indispensable attribute of holidays in Japanese families.

Unfortunately, in Russia, the launch of celestial flashlights is prohibited by fire safety measures, but nothing prevents them from acquiring them as a pleasant souvenir.

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Cosmetics and perfumery

The most popular Japanese cosmetic brand is "Shiseido".Slightly more expensive, but not less popular is the brand "SK-II".Mascara of this firm is worth to bring from Japan. Cleansing lotions and oils, caring creams and much more - all these funds can be bought in official stores of cosmetic companies.

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What kind of perfume to bring from Japan? The brands "Masaki Matsushima", "Yohji Yamamoto" and "Issei Miyaaki" fully satisfy the taste of even the most demanding women.

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Bodhidharma in Japanese mythology is a deity that brings happiness and luck. It is him that Daruma personifies, a wooden doll-tumbler. By tradition, it is painted in red, although there are other options with a green or yellow color.

The doll is beautifully and qualitatively drawn, except for the eyes. It is believed that they need to draw themselves on New Year's Eve: the first eye - when making a wish, the second - in a year, if this desire is fulfilled. If not, then the doll expects a ritual fire in the temple. Then they also buy a new darum.

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Another traditional Japanese wooden doll without arms and legs, depicting a girl. Some of these dolls have a turning head, which produces a characteristic "crying" sound. Color kokeshi usually manually, in natural and national motifs. These dolls are divided into traditional and author's. The design of the latter depends only on the imagination of the manufacturer.

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So in Japan the bamboo rake is used, which is used for harvesting fallen leaves. Since ancient times, the Japanese have decorated kumade with various talismans and amulets, believing that, thus, the rake helps rake happiness and wealth.

These ritual and household items can be bought in souvenir shops, and if you visit Japan in November, you can get to the Tori No Iti festival, and not only join the Japanese culture, but also choose the suitable Kumade for sale.

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Kitchen knife

Japanese kitchen knives will be an excellent gift for cooks. Knives of the "Khoniyaki" type are made exclusively of forged steel, and "Kasumi" is made of several alloys. However, the quality of these kitchen appliances is no different from traditional samurai swords.

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Many medicines in Japan have an exceptional healing effect. What medicines to bring from Japan? Eye drops "Sante Beauty", warming ointments and antipyretic drugs firm "Kobayashi", painkillers from the companies "Shiroyusagi" and "Hisamitsu."

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Origami paper set

The biggest distribution in Japan was Kami, a special paper for creating origami, sold in the form of squares of different sizes. This paper has both classic white color and many other colors and patterns. Also used "Vasi" - a more rigid and durable paper, created from wood fibers.

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Sushi kit

Many sushi sets sold in souvenir shops can be considered decorative products, but nobody prevents them from being used for food. Sets consist of special pialas and wooden sticks of different sizes and purposes - for men, women and children. As a rule, bowls and sticks are decorated with traditional Japanese patterns.

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National clothing

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The Yukata is a traditional kimono made of linen or cotton worn outdoors in the summer and whenever at home. This kimono is used both as casual clothing and as a holiday dress. Try Yukata tourists can in Japanese hotels - ryokanah, and clothing stores.

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To the kimono, and select the appropriate shoes. Geta is a wooden sandal with a strap. To them are often added tabi - cloth socks of white color. Despite all the Japanese traditions, tourists are not always comfortable to wear the Geta. However, they can serve as a good souvenir.

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But zzory is a much more acceptable variant of the national Japanese footwear. These are the same sandals, but made of leather or synthetics. It is the zori in combination with the yukata that will become the perfect holiday costume for the tourist in the Japanese style.

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Noren is a traditional Japanese curtain, an oriental analogue of western curtains. To once again not move the curtain to the passage, it has special cuts. In Japan, nore is used in restaurants, shops and at the entrances to public baths. It is also common to use noren and at home.

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The most famous alcoholic drink sake is neither Japanese wine nor Japanese vodka. Sake is so original product that it is almost impossible to classify it. That it is more valuable for tourists. The best sake in Japan is produced in the districts of Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima and Kyoto, and the most famous brands of this drink are Hakutsuru, Savanocuru and Nisinomiya Shuju.

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Sampur is the creation of the Japanese genius, who invented replacing the food displayed in the windows with their artificial copies. These imitations of silicone and vinyl are made so carefully and skillfully that you can distinguish them from real dishes only by taste. These amusing products, including in the form of magnets and key rings, can be purchased by anyone in souvenir shops.

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Samurai sword

One of the most recognizable symbols of Japanese culture is by right the samurai sword. Alas, tourists will not be able to get it, as this weapon, which is a part of art, is not allowed to be exported from Japan. But there is an alternative - replicas of samurai swords: katana, tato, wakizashi and so on. On sale there are not only full-size copies, but also miniatures. They can be bought in souvenir shops at affordable prices.

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Figurines and figures

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Inviting cat, he is also maneki-neko - another popular Japanese talisman, bringing good luck. The appearance of maneki-neko causes only tenderness and joy. In Japan, the figures of this cat are everywhere and everywhere, so that no tourist will forget to buy such a wonderful souvenir. The most sacred places of purchase are temples of Senso Dzi and Gotoku Dzi.

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Tanuki - folklore raccoon dogs are considered the keepers of prosperity and distributors of happiness in Japan. Numerous figurines represent them as thick and loving creatures adorning stores, bars and houses.

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A versatile cotton fabric that can be used both in the home in the form of a towel, as a decoration for a table or wall, and as a gift wrapping. The dimensions of the tanugui are quite impressive - 30 centimeters in width and almost a meter in length, almost always on it is depicted some drawing or ornament. Tanugui is one of the most popular products in souvenir shops, largely due to its multifunctional format and low price.

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Ceramic case in Japan was a rapid development, the result of which - about 20 styles developed. Starting with the observance of ancient traditions and ending with modern design, tea sets and cutlery of Japanese production are considered a role model. The most famous brands of porcelain products are Nikko, Takito and Narumi. You can buy them in the shops and shopping centers in Tokyo.

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This bell is made of different materials: metal, glass, ceramics or bamboo, and can have a classical bell shape or take the form of sticks or animals. By furin traditionally attached a piece of paper with beautiful poems. This entertaining product can be found in all souvenir shops, as well as at the fair in the Sanso Dzi temple.

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Tea and tea ceremony set

Tea ceremony in Japan is a real ritual, the origins of which lie in Zen Buddhism. Harmony, respect, silence and peace - the basic principles of Japanese tea ceremonies. To carry out this action, you must have a wooden box for tea, a copper or iron pot for boiling water, a large ceramic bowl for brewing and separate bowls for each guest, as well as a spoon and a bamboo mixer.

There are more than a dozen kinds of Japanese tea, and there are no black varieties among them. The most popular green tea in Japan is the "Santya".But it is the sort of "Matthia" that is most often used in the traditional tea ceremony. Also the varieties "Tamarokutia" with its berry-citrus aroma, famous for the absence of bitterness "Kamairitya", and "Gyokuro" - one of the most expensive varieties of Japanese tea with high caffeine content are in demand.

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Electronics and gadgets

It's for achievements in the field of consumer electronics that the Japanese adore the whole world. Japanese brands have long become household names, hitting users with excellent quality. No tourist will give up the opportunity to purchase the original car radio "Kenwood", the game console "Sony PlayStation", the camera "Panasonic", the smartphone or tablet "Sony Xperia" and much more. Japanese electronics is quality and style, proven by time.

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Jewelry and bijouterie

Women in Japan will also find something to please themselves. Pearl products from Tasaki and Mikimoto, handmade jewelry from Akaya Nishi, pure gold from Ginza Tanaka, works of Inori from jewelry steel, natural gems, ceramics and other materials can all be bought inboutiques and shopping centers in Tokyo.

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Do not export

Items of historical and cultural value, for example, original samurai swords.

  • Jun 05, 2018
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