There is nothing more beautiful than healthy well-groomed curly locks, shining in the sun and attracting the admiring glances of others. Unfortunately, sometimes owners of curly hair mistakenly consider curls their punishment, especially if the length of the head of hear does not reach the shoulders. The decision of this problem can be properly chosen stylish haircut.
- Recommendations of stylists
- Short hair
- Average length
- Long locks
Recommendations of stylists
To styling curly hair did not cause problems and was as simple as possible, it is necessary to select the right haircut in the most careful way.
When choosing a haircut, it is very important to take into account the direction of hair growth, because "retrain" curls is impossible. The most correct option - to use all the features of this type of hair with maximum benefit. Do not forget about the shape of the face. The correct haircut should visually bring its shape closer to the ideal one.
It is not recommended to choose ragged haircuts, since curly hair is already prone to dryness and delamination of the tips.
Shampoo can affect the condition of the hair and, accordingly, the appearance of the haircut, so curly hair is best washed with soft means.
Balms and conditioners, due to weighting components, will help to remove excessive volume and disobedience of curly ringlets. It is undesirable for this type of hair to apply 2 in 1, since the overdrying effect may appear.
It is necessary to look for special cosmetics and styling products for curly hair, they will give moisturizing and softness.
To suppress disobedient short hair, you can use an iron with a ceramic coating, while overheating it.
Picking up a haircut for curly hair, do not forget about the bang. Curls and bangs are two completely compatible things. In fact, if you have stowage, then bangs require minimum attention.
For each length of curls, there are recommendations in the selection of haircuts.
to the table of contents ^Short hair
Often, women with curly hair are afraid of short haircuts, due to the fact that they will be difficult to cope with.
Selecting the optimal haircut for short curly hair, you need to build on some of the essential criteria for your appearance. Grooming must necessarily match the shape of the face, height, build and style.
To the owners of the oval and elongated face shape, stylists advise to pay attention to the boyish haircut "Garzon".
The haircut is rather short, which will make the image more youthful, stylish and fresh. If desired and if the shape of the curls allows, you can complement this haircut with a thin bang.
Owners of large hard curls should seriously think about the option of the shortest haircut, this will give the image more softness and femininity and significantly revitalize the image.
For fine hair with light curls, it is better to choose a haircut in the style of modern quads. It can be a bright asymmetry, alternation of short and long strands, a short neck and an increase in length to the cheekbones.
The owners of small curls will be delighted with the fussy afro haircut, which can be supplemented with various rims, diadems, bandages.
For dense curly hair with slight curls, a short cascade or a ladder will do. Hair will take shape and will look more well-groomed. Such a haircut is perfectly complemented by a thick bangs on one side.
It should be remembered that multi-level haircuts on curly hair greatly simplify the daily styling process.
Average length
According to stylists, the average length is an ideal option for owners of curly hair.
The most advantageous on curly hair will look elongated square.
On the basis of this universal haircut, you can make an asymmetry, essentially or only slightly extending the strands on one side or removing a little hair from the occiput, and you can do a grading on the occipital or temporal part.
A beautiful option - a shortened neck and flowing curly locks, gently framing the face.
There are no less variants of haircuts and classical bean.
As for the bangs, often on curly hair they try not to do it or leave a long oblique and lay it on one side. Alternatively, the bangs can be straightened, thereby emphasizing the beauty of curly hair. By the way, with the help of bangs you can effectively adjust the shape of the face, bringing it closer to the ideal.
As a styling before going out to the street, the hair can be moistened with water or gel, combed with a comb with frequent teeth and get a kind of wave in a retro style.
Long curls
Undoubtedly, a beautiful and successful option for curly hair will be a haircut for long hair. It is on this length of hair that the whole natural beauty of curls opens, their natural luxury and chic.
What not to do with a long haircut of curly hair? First of all, experienced masters do not recommend straight haircuts.
The fact that curly hair can grow unevenly due to its bends, and then the haircut will look sloppy: a part of the curls will be longer, part shorter. It is better to make a graded haircut, which will hide this deficiency and help to give the hair the necessary form.
To emphasize the volume and splendor of curly hair, it is better to trim them with deep and frequent steps. A scaffold, cascade - excellent options for long curly hair.
By the way, long haircuts provide a huge field for fantasies in creating different hairstyles - high styling with flowing curls, feminine weaves and bulk beams.