Application of grass half-fallen in folk medicine

Science knows a huge amount of medicinal herbs that can heal from many diseases or restore the human body. One of them is the woolen Erva, which was popularly called grass half-fallen and since time immemorial used by healers for the treatment of urolithiasis.

Composition and therapeutic properties
  • Application in medicine
  • Contraindications
  • Pregnancy
  • The eruvium grows mainly in countries with a hot climate: Africa, India, Indonesia, New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, so many consider it a treasure that is difficult to find on the territoryEurope. Indeed, it practically does not occur in the wild, but has been cultivated since the middle of the last century in the humid subtropics of Georgia and completely covers the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

    Composition and healing properties of

    The chemical composition of the erva wool is quite diverse. It contains indole alkaloids of ergine, methyl-ergine, ervozide, ervolanin, feruloylamides, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. The most famous of them are: acylglycosides tylirizide, coumaroyl-tylirizide, ervitrin, narcissine, triterpenoid, pectin substances, lupeol and oleanoic acid derivatives.

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    This allows the use of a half-pala as a powerful hypoazotemic and diuretic for diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, gout, spondylosis. Since the plant contains a large amount of potassium nitrate, this makes the ergu an indispensable potassium-sparing diuretic.

    Many doctors are confident that the grass is half-fallen - just an indispensable tool for people who live in cities with high levels of radiation and gas contamination. Erva wool is able to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, cleanse the respiratory tract from toxic elements and mucus, copes well with colds: acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, tracheitis, bronchitis.

    Half-fall can "boast" a diuretic and antibacterial action, therefore it is included in the complex of therapy for some infectious diseases, gastritis, problems with the digestive system, diseases of the genital organs.

    In addition, the half-pallet can be used for arthritis, pain in the spine, for cosmetic purposes to treat the skin. It restores a normal complexion, clears from acne, boils, allergic and other rashes. Upon ingestion of the human body, half-fallen releases it from salt deposits, residual nitrogen, ammonia, improves the functioning of the internal organs, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, reduces blood clotting, and prevents blood clots in the blood vessels.

    This plant is known as a potent diuretic, but, unlike other drugs, it does not dehydrate the body. Erva wool is used for stones and sand in the kidneys to excrete urea, uric acid, chlorides, which are also formed with cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, urethritis. The plant is able to restore the salt balance, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of gout, spondylosis, arthritis, psoriasis.

    Medicinal herbs, similar in effect and considered to be analogues of the half-pala: medinitsa, repeshok, wheatgrass, stellate, elephant, gryzhnik.

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    Application in medicine

    Half-pala has a very pleasant taste and, in addition to its medicinal properties, it is recommended to use grass as tea as a preventative against many diseases, for example, to normalize pressure and strengthen immunity, treat prostatitis and impotence, hemorrhoidsand constipation, etc.

    • From the kidney stones a recipe is recommended: 1 tablespoon of dry raw material is poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. The broth should be allowed to cool, drain, take in a warm form for ½ cup for half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment a month, then you should take a break 5-6 months, after which the course is repeated.
    • When osteochondrosis , half-fallen is recommended as a means regulating metabolic processes, water-salt balance of the organism, and, consequently, restoring nutrition and properties of cartilaginous tissues. In doing so, it can be used as a stand-alone preparation for the above recipe, or add in small portions( 1 teaspoon) to green tea or other herbal preparations and drink instead of tea, adding a little honey.
    • With pancreatitis 1 tablespoon of dry raw material Ervah woolly covered in a thermos, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water and insist 3-4 hours. The broth is filtered and taken in a warm form for 50-100 milliliters 15 minutes before meals 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-30 days, after which a half-year break takes place.
    • For slimming , the wooly erva is used as a strong diuretic that removes edema and removes excess fluid from soft tissues, and the normalization of metabolic reactions in the body and the corresponding diet continue to run the processes.
    • To prevent heart attacks, strokes, joints and vessels , you can prepare a decoction of 1 teaspoon of grass and a glass of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, boiled for 10 minutes, then covered with a lid, allowed to cool and filtered. The resulting volume is adjusted with purified water to 200 milliliters and consumed 3 times a day for 1/4 cup half an hour before a meal. It is desirable to carefully shake the infusion before use and combine the period of treatment with the diet. To this end, the daily diet excludes fried, salty and spicy food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
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    It should be remembered that half-fallen destroys the enamel of the teeth( washing out calcium from it) and its drugs are better to drink through the tube. If this is not possible, then after drinking it, doctors recommend thoroughly brushing your teeth or rinsing them with water.

    Read also about other herbs and their collections, effective in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary system
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    It is not recommended to use grass to persons withhypersensitivity to the drug( individual intolerance, allergic reactions).

    In addition, despite all its merits, half-fallen with long-term use washes calcium out of the body, which is unacceptable for rickets, osteopathy, osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy, caries and other diseases associated with calcium deficiency.

    Other contraindications:

    • hypertension;
    • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney;
    • too large stones, which when released can block the urinary tract and provoke an acute condition;
    • age is up to 12 years.
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    When pregnant

    Pregnant and lactating women should drink tea from the half-pala with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor.

    • Jun 05, 2018
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