Hippies are a relatively young style. Its color is recognizable all over the world. It has only slightly changed for incomplete 60 years of its development, becoming more modern, but retaining its main attributes. The style is still light, and the images for the photo session in it are just as natural, natural and harmonious.
- Style Criteria
- Image
- Location
Style Criteria
When choosing ideas for a photo shoot within the hippy style, it is always necessary to take into account a number of important criteria. It is worth remembering that the direction, like the subculture, is not limited to the appearance of the hippie, on the contrary, it includes a deep enough and fundamental philosophy, a unique way of thinking and a unique way of life.
Hippy is quite different. This phenomenon of the 50's, which appeared as a clear protest against all wars, cruelty and violence in the world and other vices of mankind. Hippies or children-flowers, propagated good virtues, spirituality, renunciation of material wealth, self-development. However, many of them did not interfere with the "ride on an acid wave" of that time. In this article, we do not in any way connect hippies with ecstasy and other drugs. In this style, there are many more good components, so you can forgive him for one "jamb".
This direction will be realized best of all by those who, in many respects, adopt the philosophy of hippies. It is then that the result of the photo session will turn out to be the most sincere and authentic, and not stigmatized and cheap.
In order not to miscalculate with the construction of your image and the choice of a place for shooting, consider the following tips.
to the table of contents ^Image of
The image for the photoset is built up through recognizable accessories and specific clothing. From clothes suitable loose dresses of direct or asymmetric cut from natural thin fabrics: not fitted shirts, tops, long skirts, loose cut trousers, etc.
All kinds of jeans are appropriate, but not too modern. The style of the hippie is primarily associated with the products of this fabric.
The list of attributes and accessories includes: jewelry made of leather, feathers, colorful beads, bandages across the forehead, massive ethnicgipsy, Indian jewelry made of copper or silver or gold. Decorate the photo session and such attributes as a guitar, ethnic musical instruments, in particular, drums, bells, pipes and so on. Suitable for a photo shoot and many items of antiquity: old kerosene lamps, checkered and patterned bedspreads, wooden furniture and so on.
to the table of contents ^Location
Hippy style is suitable for a purely mobile photo session and is rarely implemented in the studio. For the studio, only the "fashion" or "glamor" of the direction in its framework will suit, but this can no longer be called a real display of style, rather, its modern interpretation.
It is advisable to conduct mass photo sessions, for example, to equip an impromptu camp and shoot all possible plots, the so-called "One day from the life of a hippie".If there is no such possibility, the photo session in proud solitude will also be very colorful and eventful.
An interesting idea: to hold a photo session at sunset or near a fire. It is these scenery that can best convey the true spirit of freedom that lies in this subcultural current.