Rapid treatment of corns on the soles of the feet at home

Hemorrhages are the horny skin of the feet. A fairly common disease and it is best to eliminate this trouble at home. Most often, the problem of the appearance of corns is encountered by representatives of the weaker sex. But, fortunately, the burrs can be easily removed and get rid of the pain, burning and discomfort when walking.

  • Causes of
  • Treatment
  • Treatment of
  • Folk recipes
  • Compression of celandine
  • Compression of aloe
  • Compression of onion
  • Compress of vegetable oil
  • Compression of prunes
  • Compression of lard and garlic
  • Ivy mask
  • Salt bath for feet
  • Soap-sod bath
  • Tray from sour milk
  • Tray from strong decoction of coniferous buds
  • Trays from the bark of willow white
  • Application from decoction of oak bark
  • Application from potatoand flax seeds
  • Bath with peroxide
  • Ointment with glycerin and vinegar
  • Ointment
  • Medication
  • Cream "Super Antimosol"
  • Ointment "Mosolin"
  • Cream "Doctor"
  • instagram viewer
  • Foot cream "5 days"
  • Cream "Green planet"
  • "Neutrogena"
  • Cream "Namozol-911"
  • "Salipod"
  • Adhesive plaster "Masonry"
  • Silicone plaster "Kompid"
  • Prevention

Causes of the appearance of

The main reasons for the appearance of corns on the soles are: uncomfortable, narrow shoes;

  • high heel;
  • long standing on the legs;
  • load on the legs due to excessive weight;
  • disturbed blood circulation and sweating of the legs;
  • flat feet;
  • foot deformities in arthritis and arthrosis;
  • diseases affecting the gait;
  • profession related to the load on the feet( athletes-runners, ballerinas).
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    Treatment of

    There are quite a lot of different ways to treat corns. The most popular folk and medicamentous are given below.

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    Popular recipes

    This category of treatment methods includes various kinds of baths, compresses, ointments and lotions prepared independently at home.

    Very rarely, these drugs have a negative and allergic reaction to the skin. In these rare cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
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    Compress from celandine

    Fresh stems of celandine scroll through a meat grinder or smash in a blender, apply to damaged areas of the foot, wrap the legs with a pack and put on warm socks. Leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse your feet with warm water and treat the feet with pumice.

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    Compress from aloe

    Fresh aloe leaves to wash, cut lengthwise into two parts, attach to the damaged areas of the skin. Top with a plastic wrap and put on socks. Leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse your feet thoroughly and apply pumice.

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    Compress from onion

    Because of the phyto acids and essential oils present in it, the onion is an excellent exfoliating property. Finely chop the onion, attach it to the damaged areas of the foot, place a plastic bag on top, fix it with a bandage or put on a warm sock. It is best to do at night. In the morning, remove the compress, wash your feet with warm water and pumice or a brush to remove the burrs. Sprinkle with talcum powder or baby powder. Suitable for the treatment of corns on the stem.

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    Compress of vegetable oil

    For 3-4 hours to put on socks, soaked in any vegetable oil. Top with a plastic bag and warm socks. After washing your feet in warm water and work your feet with a pumice stone or brush.

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    Prune Compression

    Prunes cook in milk and hot to attach to damaged foot areas.

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    Pork Lard and Garlic Compress

    Salo and garlic to pass through a meat grinder and attach to the burrs. Quickly removes the corns with the stem.

    Read also how to choose compression stockings http://woman-l.ru/kak-vybrat-kompressionnye-chulki/

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    Mask from ivy

    Ivy leaves boil for 10 minutes. Apply hot to the oil on for 20 minutes.

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    Salt foot bath

    For two liters of hot water, two tablespoons of salt. Lower the feet in the bath for half an hour, then wash the feet and pumice.

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    Soap and soda bath

    In two liters of water, dissolve in a spoon of ammonia, grinded laundry soap and baking soda. Legs soar for half an hour, after rinsing your feet and rubbing with pumice stone.

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    Baton from sour milk

    In warmed milk, lower your legs for half an hour. After washing the feet in warm water and apply on the feet ointment from glycerin and castor oil( ratio 1: 1).Carry out the procedure at night for a week.

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    Tray from strong decoction of coniferous buds

    Such a bath will help to get rid quickly of corns. Prepare the broth and soar your feet for as long as possible, after rinsing your feet and peeling with pumice stone. After 3-4 procedures the stomatitis will come down.

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    Trays from the bark of willow white

    Make the broth, add 3 tablespoons per gallon of water to the bath. After rinsing the feet and brushing with a pumice stone or brush.

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    Applique from broth of oak bark

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    Boil the decoction from the oak bark, add the cotton material in two layers and moisten in a broth, put on your feet, put on a plastic bag and woolen socks.

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    Application from potatoes and flax seeds

    Half a cup of clean potato peelings and flax seeds to boil until the formation of gruel. Kashitsu put in the pelvis and put your feet for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply cream.

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    Bath with peroxide

    Add hydrogen peroxide( 50 milliliters per liter of water) and soak the feet for an hour.

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    Ointment with glycerin and vinegar

    Mix 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 70% vinegar and 2 teaspoons of alcohol. Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to carry out a softening foot bath.

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    Egg ointment

    Mix egg, vinegar 70% with vegetable oil( 1 tablespoon).Put in the refrigerator for the night. Before going to sleep, steam up the legs, moisten a piece of tissue in the ointment and attach to the feet. Wrap up with polyethylene and put on warm socks. In the morning, rinse your feet. After 5-6 procedures, the stomatitis disappears.

    Here you can find a list of inexpensive and effective drugs for the treatment of foot fungi http://woman-l.ru/preparati-ot-gribka-stopy/
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    Medical treatment

    There are a number of medications that can be used in the treatmentatopyps in the home.

    Some drugs can cause a negative skin reaction( itching, burning, redness), in this case it is worth to visit a dermatologist.
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    Cream "Super Antimosol"

    Based on lactic acid and carbamide. It softens the skin of the feet and paws easily removed with a spatula. Eliminates the unpleasant odor.

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    Ointment "Mozolin"

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    Based on benzoic and salicylic acid.

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    Cream "Doctor"

    The composition includes urea, oak bark extract, celandine and ebony oil.

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    Foot Paste "5 Days"

    Antifreeze agent for the treatment and prevention of corns.

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    Cream "Green planet"

    A preparation based on lactic acid and natural oils.

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    An expensive Norwegian drug based on urea.

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    Cream "Namozol-911"

    Contains an extract of ebony, which has a healing effect.

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    Effective baking patch from corns and corns.

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    Adhesive plaster "Masonry"

    Special plaster for softening and removal of corns.

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    Silicone plaster "Compide"

    Excellent softens the rough skin on the feet and toes.

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    Prevention of

    To prevent the appearance of burrs it is necessary: ​​

    • to wear comfortable and soft shoes with a large toe;
    • can not walk long on high heels;
    • prevent excessive sweating of the feet;
    • use special insoles;
    • do regular massages, compresses, baths;
    • use a foot scrub.
    In the warm season, when you can wear open shoes, in particular flip-flops, it is worth choosing them, solely, with a soft sole.
    • Jun 05, 2018
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